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Alexina Should be merged with Nao as well.

Mabinogi Rep: 1,495
Posts: 28
edited May 9, 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions
Hello, I've been playing Mabinogi for years, and for years I have always wanted a server merge so that I may play with my friends on different servers. Even over on Alexina, it feels as if amount of active players compared to afkers and bots aren't adequate enough to keep the server in a healthy state. I am happy to hear the other servers are being merged in one, but I really, really think it's a mistake that Alexina is being left out on this.

A lot of people have already mentioned their dislike for not being included over on the community discord, and I think they're very valid.

I'm not the best candidate for organizing all this into a list, but I think that Nexon is making a huge mistake leaving us out on the server merge, and for the health of the longevity of the game it might be better to just merge everyone together, that way our server is not being left out. We want to be included too!
HiigiriMidgardZoddsuAizennAnnanaeEnziioMeikiMierinSuperKimxDZeoand 1 other.
  1. Should Alexina be merged too?38 votes
    1. Yes
       79% (30 votes)
    2. No
       21% (8 votes)


  • AriastarAriastar
    Mabinogi Rep: 540
    Posts: 2
    edited May 9, 2019

    I usually don't post on the forums but the recent announcement has brought me to voice my opinions.

    I've been a long-time Mabinogi player; I started playing in middle school and now I'm in college. I've played on numerous servers, even before Alexina even existed. My home base is currently Alexina, and I definitely agree that a server merge is necessary for the lesser populated servers. I'm glad that it's finally happening, and I want to see Mabinogi thrive as I love this game. However, I'm disappointed that Alexina is not included in this merge.

    I understand that the argument for Alexina not being included is that the new server would have a size similar to Alexina. While I think that's fine, its ignoring the fact that the server composition would not be the same. Alexina has had one big community since the day it was created, but this new server is essentially taking three separate communities and merging them into one.

    The fact that this includes inactive accounts as well makes this a lot different than the community Alexina has. (I'm sure players will return when the server merge news spreads). Sure, the new server might be the same in numbers from the get go, but the community that will be there is not going to be the same. I can see people wanting to leave Alexina to be with friends from other servers, or just simply to be where the active community is. I was excited for the server merge but then disappointed that I would be left out from the community that will consist of players from other servers.

    For Alexina residents, opportunities are lost to meet and interact with different players. We instead are restricted to our group we've always known, while others get a new experience. The only way to have that experience is to create a new character, and I do not wish to lose all the progress I've made on Alexina.

    I feel like this will make many players in Alexina, especially long-time players, feel very left out.

    If Alexina cannot be server merged, I would at least like there to be option to move to the new Nao server. Therefore, those who are unhappy with staying in Alexina can move and not lose their progress, while others who might like the separate community could stay. Again this would be less than ideal, but this option would at least be satisfactory for those who feel left out.

    I'm worried about the future of the Alexina server because of this server merge, and the players who wish to be apart of the new community.

    This is something I'm really adamant about and has encouraged me to let my voice be heard, so I hope that this can at least be considered.

    Thank you for reading!

  • VeebatVeebat
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,495
    Posts: 28
    I want Alexina to be merged with Nao. our active populus is not the same as our Online populus. we have a bunch of afkers and bots, and aren't as active as people make us out to be.
  • NegumikoNegumiko
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,895
    Posts: 1,320
    Alexina should be part of the merge. very disappointing that our server is being left out, merging all the server would create a larger community and put a end to this server war crap.
  • HaserothHaseroth
    Mabinogi Rep: 330
    Posts: 2
    i just wanna be with my mari and tarlach friends id be willing to give up my gold if thats the reason the staff are icky about alexina merge, i just want 2 be with my frens :(
  • NegumikoNegumiko
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,895
    Posts: 1,320
    Alexina is being left out, the total population of the game is already small there is no point in having two servers. we would have a much more active community if it was all one big server.
  • EnziioEnziio
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,510
    Posts: 16
    edited May 9, 2019
    I am from Tarlach and I too wish for Alexina to be included in the merged Nao server. I believe everyone would benefit from the Alexinan community, and I'm sure many of us from Tarlach/Ruairi/Mari have friends in Alexina who we would like play with.

    Mabinogi community has a really great potential, and I feel like it is in everyone's best interest to have each and everyone able to interact with each other.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
  • UberchaoUberchao
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,590
    Posts: 33
    edited May 9, 2019
    I am from Alexina, formerly Mari until early 2016 or so, and I also wish for Alexina to be included. I would be surprised if anyone from the server wasn't. I've played and spent more for this account by a long shot than my old Mari account, and going back there would be hardly better than another hard restart; something I am no longer willing to do, now that I've put more work into my "new" mains than anything from before.

    I've been in and out of this game for a while, and for a while now my activity has been on a low. I have effectively quit for better things where I don't have to worry about reforge nonsense. Having old friends around would have made it worth it, as they always have, but I have no more incentive now to come back than before, and I am not the only one of such a mindset lately.

    This should have been worth celebrating. Since I started playing in 2010, going through high school and several jobs and such, I've met a lot of friends out of the game who turned out to play it, but in being in different servers I never got to play with them. There's enough that we could have formed a reasonably sized guild if we wanted to I'm sure. But this does nothing for us (Alexina players), people who quit in the past will be coming back to the other servers while we're stuck where we are, all because we wanted to play a lively MMO over the past three or four years. A negligible amount, if any, from this server are happy about this, and from this thread and conversations happening elsewhere I would say the majority is on board with our school of thought. Most others are simply contrarian.

    Speaking of which, if you do not feel strongly either way about this, please just don't vote at all. You do not benefit yourself in any way by voting no unless you believe it to be the better choice, you have nothing to be vengeful or salty about towards proponents of Alexina's inclusion. We're not being rude or uncivilized towards Nexon, so there's no need to form a defense.
  • UberchaoUberchao
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,590
    Posts: 33
    Let's also not forget that Alexina will not be gaining players from this. We're certainly going to shrink and nothing else, while old players will be returning for the Nao server and new players will most likely be recommended by those people. I am all for the merge, thanks for putting this so eloquently OP.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Who freaking votes "No" on that poll? Like... really?
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,780
    Posts: 7,909
    Greta wrote: »
    Who freaking votes "No" on that poll? Like... really?

  • AquasolAquasol
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,565
    Posts: 443
    Member, Volunteer Forum Moderator
    Hey, folks, just a reminder that petitions are not allowed on the forums, per the Code of Conduct. We understand that there are a variety of opinions on the matter of servers merging, and while discussions are okay, they still need to be within what’s permissible.
  • PicklepeePicklepee
    Mabinogi Rep: 600
    Posts: 3
    merge alexina
  • PicklepeePicklepee
    Mabinogi Rep: 600
    Posts: 3
This discussion has been closed.