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This is actually the most solid, sensible reason I've seen so far for not involving Alexina in the current merge.
Imagine trying to save your underpopulated game by preventing character creation for a month.
In all honesty though, I agree with the ones saying to just wait this out. While yes it is more than likely Alexina is gonna experience some fallout, probably more than some, I would honestly rather watch and wait for a bit, see how many issues come up with the new Nao servers before they decide to try and merge us in as well.
You think there's something awfully scwewy going wound here?
Considering they even messed up the last 12 hour maintenance, i won't be surprised if merge will have a huge backlash too.
We'll see how it goes.
This guy is broke for at least 5 years or like as long as i remember playing this game, lmao.
I hate beggars.DISCLAIMER: since the following post is not made by an employee of Nexon or any of it's affiliates or partners, what is contained therein is ultimately speculation. Until Nexon or any of it's affiliates or partners has spoken definitively on the matters to be discussed, do not take them as granted, even if the language used happens to make it seem so.
Extends it for another day and then cancels it all out because something goes very wrong.
And then...
"Breaking News! Nexon made another BIG oopsie and now half of playerbase account data has disappeared!"
The merge will take several days, but Alexina will most likely will be shut down during that time too. Lol.
I rarely see those noobies staying in the game longer than a month or so. Saw so many of them leaving this game pretty much fast.
Just because we had something in the past doesn't mean we have to suffer now...
Honestly I feel like that's whats going to happen despite their best efforts and all their planning and precautions. They'll try for 2 days and then on the 3rd day they'll be like "We're very sorry but the server merge could not be completed due to "unforeseen" circumstances" lol.
I very bad feeling the merge is going to fail.
Now we don't have to worry about losing our characters or any of our stuff because they will have that backed up and on the previous servers. So if anything does go catastrophically wrong they can just cancel and we'll still be playing on separate servers. And then Alexina will start their gloating all over again and laugh at us.
DISCLAIMER: since the following post is not made by an employee of Nexon or any of it's affiliates or partners, what is contained therein is ultimately speculation. Until Nexon or any of it's affiliates or partners has spoken definitively on the matters to be discussed, do not take them as granted, even if the language used happens to make it seem so.
I mean, considering I'm still kinda hoping the merge works so I can just make one character to go stalk some peoples I know here as opposed to multiples to find all you guys scattered across the virtual ingame globe....
I hope it works too, but these big things have a tendency to go wrong. Iria alone took several days to clear up all the issues. This is gonna be the biggest thing to ever go down. Even Katherz was nervous as hell when she announced during that stream. She looked like she was about to bleep a brick. She's knows what we know and probably more that this is gonna be a bleep show. XD
The game is going to be down for DAYS. Please understand DAYS instead of hours, brace yourselves. You thought the 12 hour maintenance was bad? You have no idea. This was something they really REALLY did NOT want to do. XD
My sympathies to the team. Godspeed us all (except Alexina lol).
DISCLAIMER: since the following post is not made by an employee of Nexon or any of it's affiliates or partners, what is contained therein is ultimately speculation. Until Nexon or any of it's affiliates or partners has spoken definitively on the matters to be discussed, do not take them as granted, even if the language used happens to make it seem so.
I have the uninstall button ready if any of my items get lost.
You could be right, but I think that won't be the case. The merge involves running scripts on the database and really nothing else. So, no "code" will be effected and therefore broken. The only issues will be with what account data survives afterwards. Hopefully in cases where data follows "The Highlander Rule: There can be only one" they will choose not to copy (I had originally split the infinitive there but my fear of madam Gaea's grammar straight-edge striking my knuckles saved me from that transgression while proofreading) data over when there is a conflict. The target database collects more data but none of it is lost, and the databases copied over remain unchanged. This way, since no data is lost, if they need to do a roll-back then they can with the only result being redundant data but no loss. But I digress. In the end I expect the time for the server to go live to be no more than two business days but more likely less than a day, BUT there may be undiscovered/unforeseen issues afterwards; my gut says it will probably only be name theft issues, but what do I know. Note: for database people. When I say databases being copied over, I realize it's not really the case but that its just the value in the server field, of every object, being redefined as "Nao". The order in which this is done, however, behaves as though it is a database copy-over.
As for Alexina being merged in the future, it is entirely possible that it will only happen once Alexina is in bad shape; it may be a while. That it would happen in such a case, I have no doubt since Nexon is showing right nao (punny joke) that they will do such a thing, and they will have experience doing so; plus a full merge is a cleaner affair anyway. But a merge earlier than that is by no means guaranteed.
For Tarlachites, this new server is going to be a 400% increase in population, for Ruarians a 300%, and for Marians a 200%. Once issues are resolved moving Alexina in will only be a 75% increase with respect to Nao. If the merge doesn't go smoothly, with nightmares of that remaining in folks minds, and given, from the perspective of the three servers, that the population is already "big enough", it wouldn't surprise me if Naowegians wouldn't be particularly keen. For now they could argue that Alexina is still large and healthy, so a merge is not justified, and that argument wouldn't be entirely without merit.
But why didn't they do a full merge at this time? I see two possibilities, one REALLY bad and one badish:
1. Although a partial merge is a messier thing than a full merge. They might be hedging their bets between folks for and against a merge. If this is the case then a full merge, as things are now, is unlikely as per the argument in the previous paragraph. However in such a case, they could sell the idea of a full merge to Naowegians (I'm sure most Alexinans would be on-board anyway) because a full merge would allow for unlimited redundant names. So, those folks who lost their names could get them back, and any number of new comers could have them too. That alone just might be a big enough carrot. This is the best case scenario for mergiphiles.
2. When Nao goes live, if it also has 7 channels, and the aching in my corns tells me it will, then that could suggest that server size might face a software or hardware or both limitation. This could mean that the total player-base, at this time, cannot be stuffed into one server. One could argue that this shows that the game is, indeed, dying since Nexon will have dumped 14 channels worth of activity, or more accurately non-activity. The one hope here is that maybe the atrophy of the player-base occurred mostly because the three severs were left to wilt too long and that this merge will revitalize things.
Except we literally just had a server upgrade where the process is a simple "Move everything in its entirety to other hardware" and we still had stuff break on us. This is a merging of databases with thousands of variables and and millions of data elements, I don't expect anything to go smoothly at all given the condition and how Mabi itself is set up. The best case is that the majority of the population transitions into the new server intact with a few people affected due to being special cases that weren't accounted for. The worst case would be the merging fails because of too many failed cases or corruption of a significant portion of the population. Also as KR has noted, much of the engine for Mabi are black boxes, even database changes could break the game horrifically leading to crashes, data corruption, and a slue of bugs.
The point is that there are many MANY breaking points, too many to expect an intact transition. The most realistic thing is to probably brace yourself for the chance your character will be corrupted and give yourself a month long expectation while the dust settles and NA resolves the cases one at a time.
Though its entirely possible that NA is actually testing the merge with copies of our data right now to minimize the down time for when it happens. So there is a ray of hope that things will proceed on schedule with minimal damage.
but not one person seems to have considered the hardware side of that. It seems to me that with the merge Mari Ruairi and Tarlach will all be merged onto a single server not a combination of all 3 (people have thought so for some reason so throwing that out there). From what i have also seen Alexina's Population bar in character creation is about 3/4 of the way full. So from what i can gather they would have to make an entire other server that is much larger so it could handle that population.
Rip any events are going on right then XP