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More Homestead Expansion Coupons?

Mabinogi Rep: 1,230
Posts: 61
in General Chat
Somewhere down the line it'd be pretty neat if we got a chance to expand our homesteads some more.
I understand it's not really on the list of priorities right now, but sometime in the future maybe...

With the amount of homestead items that are getting added to the game routinely now via updates/gacha, I am seriously running out of space with the measly 3 expansions that are currently available. I barely managed to fit the hot spring in my homestead and now I have to try and make room for a tennis court.

It's getting to the point where even at max HS size it's getting mildly difficult to move around freely and get to everything. Not really a huge deal, but it would be a nice quality of life kinda thing.


  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,859
    I agree with you but, honestly, most of these event homestead items are just so much kitschy dreck.
  • PolicromaPolicroma
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,730
    Posts: 564
    I'd honestly prefer the ability to significantly change the enviornment. I used to wish we could get bandit homesteads, but after the more recent expansion coupons, I suspect they're just too dang big.
  • ShakayaShakaya
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,075
    Posts: 247
    One thing I love from events is being able to put new limited time, special homestead decorations up in my homestead. But now I'm running out of room, and I have max homestead level and all 3 of the cash shop expansions too. So I'm honestly not doing events as much anymore because there's no space in my homestead, so I can't get excited about new homestead stuff. And I'm usually not too excited about a new outfit, because I already have too many clothes in this game. Nowadays I only bother with events if protective upgrade stones are on the reward list. I'm not going to even bother talking to Joe for this tennis event because there is no where at all that I could fit a whole tennis court into my homestead. So, I would love to see more expansions added too, even if they're cash shop ones~

    Also, I would really love to see hs event items that are for the inside of your homestead house. So far the majority of that stuff is gachapon. They keep giving us new stuff for the outside of our homestead in events, when long-time players no longer have room for those things, and the inside of our houses are empty unless we buy into gacha. I would really love to see them make more furniture to even that content out.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited May 22, 2019
    Instead of homesteads getting bigger, can we have the option to have a homestead more like the bandit homestead?

    DISCLAIMER: since the following post is not made by an employee of Nexon or any of it's affiliates or partners, what is contained therein is ultimately speculation. Until Nexon or any of it's affiliates or partners has spoken definitively on the matters to be discussed, do not take them as granted, even if the language used happens to make it seem so.
    KensamaofmariFOXAssassinRadiant DawnWolfsinger
  • DragoolfireDragoolfire
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,590
    Posts: 486
    edited May 12, 2019
  • EraleaEralea
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,890
    Posts: 779
    I just want cheaper expansions. Every year I pray for them to be included in the Black Friday sale because there's no way I'm expanding 30-odd homesteads at full price. As for the tennis court, it's going on one of my empty fields where I can then forget about it.

    (I actually do recommend levelling up alt homesteads to deal with space issues - it also really helps when working with decorations that clash because you could just have a different themed homestead on each character.)
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,745
    Posts: 7,909
    edited May 14, 2019
    Gaea wrote: »
    Instead of homesteads getting bigger, can we have the option to have a homestead more like the bandit homestead?

    Or just get rid of the wasteland backgrounds and add some proper geography.
    FOXAssassinRadiant DawnAvan
  • FreakoutcastFreakoutcast
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,230
    Posts: 61
    edited May 15, 2019
    Eralea wrote: »
    (I actually do recommend levelling up alt homesteads to deal with space issues - it also really helps when working with decorations that clash because you could just have a different themed homestead on each character.)

    I only have alt characters for extra bank gold space, and I wish I didn't even need to make them for that. I absolutely hate the idea of playing an mmorpg and having a bunch of mediocre characters when I could just have one really powerful character that has everything.
  • Donk3yDonk3y
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,050
    Posts: 122
    A better, more consumer friendly course of action would be to raise the max hs level to 20.
  • THICCthighssavelivesTHICCthighssavelives
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,855
    Posts: 790
    As others have said, if you're running out of room in your homestead use an alt's homestead.
  • FreakoutcastFreakoutcast
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,230
    Posts: 61
    As others have said, if you're running out of room in your homestead use an alt's homestead.

    That would defeat the whole purpose of getting homestead items. Why would I want stuff in my homestead on a character I literally never use and only made for bank space?
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited May 22, 2019
    You know we have the ability to shape land using L-rods out in Iria. The coding is there and has been there even though we lost the original coders. If they could find a way to apply this to homesteads we could literally shape and mold our homesteads they way we want to. Peria Chronicles is going to put our homesteads to shame. I really think they need to do a BIGGER more serious update to homesteads. Give us more creative control over the topography within and surrounding the homesteads.

    The coding is there, they just need to pull their heads out of gacha for a bit and really start thinking competitively.

    DISCLAIMER: since the following post is not made by an employee of Nexon or any of it's affiliates or partners, what is contained therein is ultimately speculation. Until Nexon or any of it's affiliates or partners has spoken definitively on the matters to be discussed, do not take them as granted, even if the language used happens to make it seem so.
    KensamaofmariWolfsingerRadiant DawnAvan
  • GTCvActiumGTCvActium
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,125
    Posts: 661
    Gaea wrote: »
    You know we have the ability to shape land using L-rods out in Iria. The coding is there and has been there even though we lost the original coders. If they could find a way to apply this to homesteads we could literally shape and mold our homesteads they way we want to. Peria Chronicles is going to put our homesteads to shame. I really think they need to do a BIGGER more serious update to homesteads. Give us more creative control over the topography within and surrounding the homesteads.

    The coding is there, they just need to pull their heads out of gacha for a bit and really start thinking competitively.

    Honestly, I wouldn't mind if they actually sold a topology changing tool in the cash shop, as in a straight sale, not something from gacha.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited May 22, 2019
    GTCvActium wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    You know we have the ability to shape land using L-rods out in Iria. The coding is there and has been there even though we lost the original coders. If they could find a way to apply this to homesteads we could literally shape and mold our homesteads they way we want to. Peria Chronicles is going to put our homesteads to shame. I really think they need to do a BIGGER more serious update to homesteads. Give us more creative control over the topography within and surrounding the homesteads.

    The coding is there, they just need to pull their heads out of gacha for a bit and really start thinking competitively.

    Honestly, I wouldn't mind if they actually sold a topology changing tool in the cash shop, as in a straight sale, not something from gacha.

    Yeah that would be nice...

    DISCLAIMER: since the following post is not made by an employee of Nexon or any of it's affiliates or partners, what is contained therein is ultimately speculation. Until Nexon or any of it's affiliates or partners has spoken definitively on the matters to be discussed, do not take them as granted, even if the language used happens to make it seem so.
  • THICCthighssavelivesTHICCthighssavelives
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,855
    Posts: 790
    As others have said, if you're running out of room in your homestead use an alt's homestead.

    That would defeat the whole purpose of getting homestead items. Why would I want stuff in my homestead on a character I literally never use and only made for bank space?

    you don't have to use the character, just visit their homestead with your main character.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited May 22, 2019
    As others have said, if you're running out of room in your homestead use an alt's homestead.

    That would defeat the whole purpose of getting homestead items. Why would I want stuff in my homestead on a character I literally never use and only made for bank space?

    you don't have to use the character, just visit their homestead with your main character.

    Alright I guess your problem solving negates the demand for bigger more dynamic homesteads. Cool beans.

    DISCLAIMER: since the following post is not made by an employee of Nexon or any of it's affiliates or partners, what is contained therein is ultimately speculation. Until Nexon or any of it's affiliates or partners has spoken definitively on the matters to be discussed, do not take them as granted, even if the language used happens to make it seem so.
  • THICCthighssavelivesTHICCthighssavelives
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,855
    Posts: 790
    edited May 22, 2019
    Here's an idea for saving some space: Homestead Props, Homestead Housing Props, and Premium Housing Furniture ---> Make them all HS items and let us place them wherever the heck we want, outside on our homestead, inside the house, in the rooms, wherever. Personally I don't care if big outdoor props clip through my housing walls or if it looks illogical, that's for me to decide how my house looks.

    - About 1300 tiles of additional indoor real estate available for your exterior homestead props (plus ~480 more tiles when we unlock the other 4 housing rooms).
    - Simplifies prop system.
    - Allows for more creativity. The housing rooms can be converted to a stable for HS animals, an altar for HS figures, a playroom filled with candy or christmas props, and so on.
    - Easier to 'inspire' your workshop brownies because you can use exterior HS props too, like a waterfall or a cow.

    - Homestead Housing Props have hardcoded 'inspiration' values. For exterior props to also provide inspiration it would require either: 1) hardcoding inspiration values for ALL existing HS items, or 2) Calculate inspiration values from existing data, like the HS item's retail value, size, rarity, pon value, or a combination thereof.
    - If you let your Homestead Housing lease expire you won't be able to enter your house to use or retrieve your HS props.
    - Important questions must be answered: Will HS figures stop giving stat bonuses if they are inside a lease-expired house? Will HS props with maintenance cost continue charging you if they are locked inside a lease-expired house? Can the HS entrance and HS stone node be placed inside the house? Will gather nodes and production props inside the house be affected by any weather?