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Mabinogi Musical Chairs!

Mabinogi Rep: 2,025
Posts: 42
in Feedback and Suggestions
Mabinogi Musical Chairs!

This was done out of pure insomnia.
So: We all know how musical chairs work in real life right? Well of course, Mabinogi will have a twist to it!

If possible, there are monsters that drop chairs when defeated. Now, the catch is anyone can steal the dropped chair by the mob and sit down on chair you tried to get. For example, if there’s 5 people playing, and 4 monsters with each having a chair, there’s gonna be one person left standing . The person left standing is eliminated in that round.

AND if someone gets a chair but fails to sit in it by the time the music(which could be the ferghus theme song or random npc songs each round) end, they get eliminated too.

While the players wait for monsters to spawn, can just run around or whatnot.

Any suggestions or ways to improve this idea is welcomed


  • Angelhappy43Angelhappy43
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,025
    Posts: 42
    Please excuse me I pulled all nighter playing switch games and coming up with random ideas
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    I think it would be better to defeat monster spawns like in offering while the music plays, and rather than chairs as drops, the chairs are at the center of the offering and decrease each round like in musical chairs prompted by sacrifice number.