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Sky Lantern Event returns!
The beauty of a dozen Sky Lanterns ascending to the stars is something one must see for themselves, and Ascon of Port Cobh wants to make sure the night sky is lit up with as many lanterns as possible. The more you craft, the more you give out and the more you release to the sky, the more prizes you'll get!
The answer is most likely no, at least I don't think the last seals from the event were able to.
Hope not, or there'll be quite a few people with 50+ new accounts suddenly reaching rank 1 in every skill.
More reason not to get on.
I'm ready for server merge, at least then there will be something interesting(as in a total wreck, but more entertaining than these event we are getting as of late)....Would like to make use of those training seals to get Hillwen engineering to rank1 if its ingame day.
It's one skill training seal per npc (for a total of 4) per real-life day.
I noticed when linking the page that it has opengraph meta text too. That's new.
Wanted to suggest Kitchen Dungeon too, but you did so first.
~10 minutes and already can have like 30 lantern kits.
With enough prot-ignoring dps, 10 minutes in the cooking pot nets a hundred lanterns.
I mistimed the screenshot but all you really need to know is that you can beat up more than a thousand high CP mobs within 20 mins in that single room. The lantern kits seem to have an approximately 20% drop rate.
I'm team #ShamelessNuke, in case you can't tellHuh-