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Alexina Should have been in Nao.

Mabinogi Rep: 105
Post: 1
in General Chat
I logged in today and server was more empty than tarlach you can even say its tarlach 2.0. Everyone quit and started over on Nao. Nexon basicly gave everything they needed to start over without complaining. Pet gatcha, Abyss armor Gatcha, Etc. There is no point of playing Alexina anymore when you can just pay and get a good start already.


  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
  • NegumikoNegumiko
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,895
    Posts: 1,320
    if Alexina ends up dead then at least release server transfer coupons. some Alexina players might not want to abandon their ancient characters. at least give us a choice even if it is a expensive choice.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Negumiko wrote: »
    if Alexina ends up dead then at least release server transfer coupons. some Alexina players might not want to abandon their ancient characters. at least give us a choice even if it is a expensive choice.


    Hell no.

    Why other 3 servers get the cheap way out and we will need to spend thousands for the same thing?

  • TheDumbOneTheDumbOne
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,790
    Posts: 342
    Negumiko wrote: »
    if Alexina ends up dead then at least release server transfer coupons. some Alexina players might not want to abandon their ancient characters. at least give us a choice even if it is a expensive choice.

    im surprised ppl think this was not on the mind of nexon when they decided to not merge alexina in the first place...
    - as soon as they said "alexina be left out in the merge" i automatically knew that they were at some point going to profit from server transfer fees in the (far) future....

    it only sucks... becuase those server transfers could be very specific and pricey.... and i would guess... not coming during this year... becuase it be another huge update....
  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    Welp if that is true would only mean they are running out of ideas if they turn to doing that. O 3o

    Maybe its time they allow more creative people to make events that would actually be good instead of your every day giveaways to keep us around.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,865
    We know if we keep kvetching about it they will merge; we've seen it happen. So, keep on kvetching.
  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    Helsa wrote: »
    We know if we keep kvetching about it they will merge; we've seen it happen. So, keep on kvetching.

    Too much effort, if that is all it takes for them to step it up instead of doing it from the start I don't think even the Nao server would stay alive for too long.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,865
    Alshian wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    We know if we keep kvetching about it they will merge; we've seen it happen. So, keep on kvetching.

    Too much effort, if that is all it takes for them to step it up instead of doing it from the start I don't think even the Nao server would stay alive for too long.

    It's not too much effort for me and others. We'll kvetch for you.
  • GTCvActiumGTCvActium
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,125
    Posts: 661
    I don't think I'd ever want them to try a merge again. There's so many things broken on my end and the best answer I can get from NX is "We're still investigating". I'm still finding things that needs fixing as I play and if we have another merge, these things are going to break again.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,865
    Starting up the Kvetchatron9000™! XD
  • ZarricZarric
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,510
    Posts: 84
    Honestly it was probably better if they considered doing 2 and 2 over what they did or a full merge. Reasons being is if Alexina was to merge into Nao someday there's already a few problems that make that worse. Being only day one on Nao, I can say I actually disliked the merge outcome so far and I'll state my own reasons as to why.

    Channel capacity is an issue already on Nao. So that definitely needs to be increased. If Alexina was there, it would be almost impossible to even enter several channels at almost any time during the day as is. Channel 1 of Nao, I couldn't enter most of the time, so with that if there was a full merge for 1 server there's a good chance you'll see 3 or 4 truly full channels, with the others being nearly there as well. So yes, channel capacity will need an increase if it happens or some other thing like adding more channels and making 2~3 channels dedicated for a market system.

    Onto the next issue is on top of that, the lag from so many players in an area makes it very hard to do anything, Dunbarton and Belvast in specific. Shopping is a pain and not everyone has a super up to date $4000+ at value pc that can handle anything thrown at it, so there will be a massive amount of lag to deal with as well. There's only so much you can do to minimize the lag as well, so just have to live with it unfortunately.

    Then the next thing is Raid bosses, and some personal opinions here. Only been to the DDs and PDs, but in general I really didn't like how that went. The location of starting point bothers me because of some way one server did things, while the other 2 were doing the same thing basically. There's no physical point to remember other than "this general area" and I guess that could just need some getting used to, but it won't make me happy regardless.
    Then some people think they're the type that can go "You people mean nothing to me, I can do whatever I want still." Sure I can't stop these people from doing things like rushing, but without any form of buffing and elemental weapon reforge protection, they will be an issue for a bit. That leads to no points for some people, or not being able to get a base value that everyone should be able to get.
    Unfortunately I don't know how the other raids went, but I'm sure they have their share of issues currently.

    Then finally the technical issues encountered yesterday are quite likely to happen again if anything happens such as another merge. It happened when the servers were changed to the AWS cloud, located in Oregon in April, and now again with a merge. So I can foresee such issues as being quite a possibility in such a case, and yes it will be solved, but at a temporary inconvenience none the less. These issues are the ones like temporarily not being able to use the cash shop/purchase things or other issues encountered such as the AH one yesterday. Just in general there will be issues really, and sure it's expected but will happen none the less.

    So in the end of things, these are just a few things I wanted to say and there's probably other things but overall I'm more or less unhappy with the current problems of Nao and I know the current population can go down with the initial hype being gone after a bit, but it's just frustrating trying to do some things and having to deal with the current issues and most certainly the up and coming other issues when name changes happen.
  • RheyRhey
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,175
    Posts: 1,499
    edited June 5, 2019
    I did got a good chuckle how every channel there's a shop selling supposedly Alexina's salt. They ranged between 50k to a mill a pop. I expected Alexians to be laughing at us more than QQing about it tbh.
  • FreakoutcastFreakoutcast
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,230
    Posts: 61
    edited June 5, 2019
    We are the new Tarlach...
    Feels bad.
  • GTCvActiumGTCvActium
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,125
    Posts: 661
    Zarric wrote: »
    Honestly it was probably better if they considered doing 2 and 2 over what they did or a full merge. Reasons being is if Alexina was to merge into Nao someday there's already a few problems that make that worse. Being only day one on Nao, I can say I actually disliked the merge outcome so far and I'll state my own reasons as to why.

    Channel capacity is an issue already on Nao. So that definitely needs to be increased. If Alexina was there, it would be almost impossible to even enter several channels at almost any time during the day as is. Channel 1 of Nao, I couldn't enter most of the time, so with that if there was a full merge for 1 server there's a good chance you'll see 3 or 4 truly full channels, with the others being nearly there as well. So yes, channel capacity will need an increase if it happens or some other thing like adding more channels and making 2~3 channels dedicated for a market system.

    Onto the next issue is on top of that, the lag from so many players in an area makes it very hard to do anything, Dunbarton and Belvast in specific. Shopping is a pain and not everyone has a super up to date $4000+ at value pc that can handle anything thrown at it, so there will be a massive amount of lag to deal with as well. There's only so much you can do to minimize the lag as well, so just have to live with it unfortunately.

    Then the next thing is Raid bosses, and some personal opinions here. Only been to the DDs and PDs, but in general I really didn't like how that went. The location of starting point bothers me because of some way one server did things, while the other 2 were doing the same thing basically. There's no physical point to remember other than "this general area" and I guess that could just need some getting used to, but it won't make me happy regardless.
    Then some people think they're the type that can go "You people mean nothing to me, I can do whatever I want still." Sure I can't stop these people from doing things like rushing, but without any form of buffing and elemental weapon reforge protection, they will be an issue for a bit. That leads to no points for some people, or not being able to get a base value that everyone should be able to get.
    Unfortunately I don't know how the other raids went, but I'm sure they have their share of issues currently.

    Then finally the technical issues encountered yesterday are quite likely to happen again if anything happens such as another merge. It happened when the servers were changed to the AWS cloud, located in Oregon in April, and now again with a merge. So I can foresee such issues as being quite a possibility in such a case, and yes it will be solved, but at a temporary inconvenience none the less. These issues are the ones like temporarily not being able to use the cash shop/purchase things or other issues encountered such as the AH one yesterday. Just in general there will be issues really, and sure it's expected but will happen none the less.

    So in the end of things, these are just a few things I wanted to say and there's probably other things but overall I'm more or less unhappy with the current problems of Nao and I know the current population can go down with the initial hype being gone after a bit, but it's just frustrating trying to do some things and having to deal with the current issues and most certainly the up and coming other issues when name changes happen.

    People are already crying for Alexina to be merged in as well so if these people will out, we'll see another merge down the line that will again, shoot up the servers again.
  • ValenmirValenmir
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,685
    Posts: 416
    Alexina really should have been moved. Ive never seen Alexina have nearly 3 channels full of players- Clearly, someone did not do the math when they merged the servers...
    Either way- I hope they just merge alexia with us and just add more channels;/
  • DanievictriaDanievictria
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,695
    Posts: 313
    We are the new Tarlach...
    Feels bad.

    On the bright side, doing your daily gathering quests just got a whole lot easier! Why else do you think I made 8 characters on Tarlach? The quieter the server, the easier it is to find finite environment-bound resources.
  • HarukariHarukari
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,570
    Posts: 836
    It's all hype. People are returning to see the merge for themselves. Me and my BF being one of those people.
    Will the returning people stay? Odds are no, they won't they will just get bored again and leave. Once the hype dies, Alexina and Nao will be about the same in population
    I just don't see Alexina players starting a new character on Nao and staying. I think they're just curious about the hype of the merge and also want to see it.

  • SpareohSpareoh
    Mabinogi Rep: 780
    Posts: 52
    You don't understand how lucky Alexina was to be left out lol But I absolutely agree with the idea of a server transfer coupon! Do you know of any other games that have them? Or how it might work? I don't care what it costs, I want off Nao XD
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,865
    edited June 5, 2019
    The numbers we are seeing now are most likely going to "settle down". Since the wiki shows us activity levels, we'll see what it settles to.

    If they can switch to using a different field to identify the character, pet, or homestead, this would allow for multiple versions of the same name. Implement this THEN make name change relatively inexpensive and folks will likely change their name more than once over time. With unimpeded names, name change can become a much simpler process, allowing it to be a much cheaper service. Make it cheap enough and folks will repeatedly do so on a whim. Mo momey, mo money, mo money; cha CHING! With the multi-name problem solved add more channels to Nao, and you can merge the lot.
  • DragoolfireDragoolfire
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,590
    Posts: 486
    Add more channels please.