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Any guesses as to who she might be? She kinda looks like Tarlach, yet my money's on someone else.
Could she be Eiry?
Same hair color, blue eyes, holds a book, recalls a lot of pre-Generation 13 content (and nothing about Avon)...
I would think Memory is something that is something in constant making for everyone in Mabinogi. With exception to the Elves, who suffered (suffers still? idk) from that curse from the Irinid/Neamhain where they would forget things and some one had to go around and label what stuff was so they wouldn't all forget how to eat and stuff and then die out. Many think she's Eiry, which can be supported by the fact her hair was in Tir's Moongate as well as in Qilla Camp (which are both places she goes away if you start in Tir or Rano, and disappears in Filia from talking to Castanea (Elf) and in Vales from talking to Krug (Giant)). If she were a manifestation of one's start in Erinn, she would also have ties to Filia and Vales respectively in regard to the Elves and Giants. For that reason, I don't think I can liken her to being a reincarnation of Eiry unless she got hit with a curse of some sort like Music Spirit Enn did by that Jabchiel (I think that was his name) guy. But that's just me. The fact that she's a walking tutorial could be a case for her being Eiry. However, if she were Eiry, I would think (and HOPE) that Nao would have noticed her spirit helper being attacked and tell the Milletian about this. -_-
At one point, I was honestly thinking she might have been a spirit of Moon Gates and maybe Mana Tunnels, or a Spirit of Travel rather as she has similar glowing blue runes in her clothes (in the fact that they're blue and glowing, not the content of the runes) or maybe even an Owl. However, we've seen that glowing before in a few people.
Merlin is one of them. Dowra is another. She also has blue eyes. Tarlach does have a glowing pendant on him like Dowra, but his eyes are red and then I think green after the events of Saga 2 when the God's Fragment has been removed. However, all of the glowing blue could just be a color theme that means nothing in the grand scheme of things. Millia also has a glowing pendant and divine power, so it could theoretically stand to reason that she might be tied to her after her damage from being used as a tribute to summon Macha to Iria in Saga Season 1. However, that's a very slight chance.
My point regarding that is that that blue is in ethereal elements within Mabinogi. It's in the Moon Gates, in the Hillwen of Irinid's creation, the earrings that Talvish gave Merlin when he accidentally poofed to the past...
Now then, a possibility that I was wondering could be, what if someone did curse her? Remember the Halloween "Villains" event? At the end of it, Carrie mentions that everyone had been hypnotized into thinking they were Human when they were actually Fomor. However, Kristell reveals that such power doesn't WORK on Fomors (which in turn probably means we fed a Human dude bat blood and hopefully didn't give him rabies). Maybe something's working on messing with the powers that be (give us a break, people) and Blaanid is an unfortunate Spirit that caught said force's attention ("Hey, I proved I can do this mind messing with Humans, let's try a spirit next!") and she was simply struck with said hypnosis that she would constantly forget. Or this was just a complete one-shot that is completely stand-alone.
I hope we find out more about her. The fact that the new content requires a cumulative level of 5,000 and the fact that she's linked to the greatest leveling spam in Mabinogi history suggests that she could be linked to the new content.
You need to remember that spirits are a bit quirky in the world. They aren't exactly all there as a physical manifestation and as our spirit weapons can attest, spirits without an anchor in the world lose memories until they either contract or anchor onto something (and then gain new memories). The unfortunate implication is that Eiry was dismissed and her contract dissolved, returning her to nature and thus all of her memories.
With that said, I seriously do want Eiry back as my spirit weapon.
That means that Eiry technically still exists, and that should rule out Blaanid from being Eiry.
Unless there is an update that would eliminate all remaining Eirys.
Thats....Thats massacre ; - ;
So Eiry is Schrödinger's Spirit Weapon. She is both present and gone, until the possibility of either one ceases to be.
That is a good theory. Not the elimination of Eiry, but the fact that she's still around and just aiding others.
My giant still has her Eiry from almost a decade ago
Confirmed that Eiry still exists... just barely.
Maybe, i guess... ithink the Blaanid maybe sheis Tarlach, butin other universe or a alternative, or she is Tarlach's daughter from other family,maybe sound ridiculouse, but check the logic. And maybe in the past, before Tarlach become a Anti-Heroe, he meet a girl and he fall in love and get a daughter.
Many heroes or villains meet them lovers and get a relationship than get a child, but later left them away from they life coz dont like they meet the same destiny. It looks like Superman since meet Louise and get a child, except the Injustice, he coming the most powerfull villaind after he kill him wife and child for misunderstanding and for the Scarecrow's poison, and he coming a enemy after kill The Joker, andlater he domain the world with ironfist, literaly ironfist, not Marvel hero related.
So who know if Tarlach get a child, Blaanid and he dont know.
And if the Blaanid event, SPAM experience event are apply to force all players become lvl 5k accumulative by the new players play the G22?! well maybe coz anything coming, i mean the new Generation, to force to become very strong by be prepared for anything happend in G23 and be related with Blaanid.
Who cares are Blaanid's parents but only can wait to coming G23 to solved and answer our questions.
Actually the memory thing is probably easily explainable if she's a
It's because
But she's not an Eiry.
She must be Chon Chon then.
Can't Say its Nao because we still see her when we use Nao stones - even if most folks use Balloons now to Resurrect.. so does anyone recall any of the older NPCs that are no longer around? - could she be one of them in new form?
She could be the spirit of the Old Servers for all we know' before they became fused with Nao's server. XD
The mystery only deepens.
I guess I'll find out when I decide to finish it in a month or 2.
A shadow of her former self, self awareness ever so frail.
She remains a ghost, no one to see her, hear her, remember her.
With her deafening voice, no one can notice, only in vain she is ignored.
A familiar aura catch her eye, she try to reach out to them, is this her chance? Will she be heard?
With hope she has found them. Her voice was heard. She has found the one who can hear her voice.