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Alexina Should have been in Nao.


  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited June 11, 2019
    Sebastian wrote: »

    I think what Greta means here is that the fact Nao's population was communicated as being similar to Alexina (the only reason they had stated Alexina wouldn't be merged), and then the population subsequently requiring extra channels to handle all the strain of several channels being decently filled in comparison to Alexina being essentially empty, spare channel 1, is kind of a smack in the face. But I could be wrong so they're free to correct me if need be.

    Also this last part annoys me... "if Alexina gets more populated"... you and I both know this isn't going to happen if at the height of the Master Plan there wasn't even a boost in player attendance on Alexina. Channel 1 hasn't been full in ages. Meanwhile Nao is over here with a decent portion of her channels nearly full or busy.

    THANK YOU. Especially for pointing things out in last paragraph. Alexina is doomed and i saw it happening the moment they announced the choice of the merge.
    They LIED and now pretend like nothing is going on. So typical of Nexon.
    SebastianTheDumbOneNegumikoSakura2503Radiant DawnWolfsingerChaosShadow
  • SebastianSebastian
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,970
    Posts: 445
    edited June 11, 2019
    Something I forgot to add as well:

    The 10x Skill Training and 10x AP gain could definitely have been abused by those who had previously switched to Alexina from the Three Heroes Servers to finally return to Nao, or even by people who started on Alexina and knew it was going to go downhill after the merge. A lot of people seem to ignore this, which is quite infuriating considering it's a case where Alexina is the sole loser in this situation. There is no reason for a Nao player to want to use it to go to Alexina, but plenty of reason for Alexinians to jump a burning ship, actively draining Alexina while filling Nao.

    Had a friend who made 22k AP. This is more than just a possibility.
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    Sebastian wrote: »
    Something I forgot to add as well:

    The 10x Skill Training and 10x AP gain could definitely have been abused by those who had previously switched to Alexina from the Three Heroes Servers to finally return to Nao, or even by people who started on Alexina and knew it was going to go downhill after the merge. A lot of people seem to ignore this, which is quite infuriating considering it's a case where Alexina is the sole loser in this situation. There is no reason for a Nao player to want to use it to go to Alexina, but plenty of reason for Alexinians to jump a burning ship, actively draining Alexina while filling Nao.

    Had a friend who made 22k AP. This is more than just a possibility.

    True.. I've seen people brag about getting 40k+ AP from that event..
  • LokitinLokitin
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,060
    Posts: 60
    Sebastian wrote: »

    I think what Greta means here is that the fact Nao's population was communicated as being similar to Alexina (the only reason they had stated Alexina wouldn't be merged), and then the population subsequently requiring extra channels to handle all the strain of several channels being decently filled in comparison to Alexina being essentially empty, spare channel 1, is kind of a smack in the face. But I could be wrong so they're free to correct me if need be.

    Also this last part annoys me... "if Alexina gets more populated"... you and I both know this isn't going to happen if at the height of the Master Plan there wasn't even a boost in player attendance on Alexina. Channel 1 hasn't been full in ages. Meanwhile Nao is over here with a decent portion of her channels nearly full or busy.

    I didn’t say Alexina is getting, or going to get, more popular. I was saying that if Alexina needed 10 channels, we would get it. It’s not a benefit limited to Nao. As I explained earlier, Nao is getting an influx of players right now due to people wanting to check out the new server, revisit old charas, etc. Once the hype dies down, 10 channels may even seem overkill.

    Alexina has always been the most popular server up to now. Most players have sunk years—up to a decade—into their characters. I doubt people will be permanently abandoning all those pets, skills, advancements, friends, time spent etc. to start from scratch on a server that has nothing new to offer, other than new people. Yes, Alexina has been getting quieter, long before the server merge. That’s a symptom of a dying game, overall. Although it’s far too premature to say Alexina (or Mabi, for that matter) is dead. Time will tell if Nao dominates, maybe I’ll be proved wrong in 6 months. But by the time Nexon considers merging again, it’ll be because the game is dead.

    But hey, if y’all are right and everyone migrates to Nao: bam! You got your server merge, lol.
  • SebastianSebastian
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,970
    Posts: 445
    edited June 11, 2019
    Lokitin wrote: »

    I didn’t say Alexina is getting, or going to get, more popular. I was saying that if Alexina needed 10 channels, we would get it. It’s not a benefit limited to Nao. As I explained earlier, Nao is getting an influx of players right now due to people wanting to check out the new server, revisit old charas, etc. Once the hype dies down, 10 channels may even seem overkill.

    Yes I well understood that, but the point is nothing is going to warrant that in the near future, therefore, by elimination, it is currently a benefit limited to Nao. But the new channels themselves aren't really the benefit we're discussing here, it's having significantly more players to even warrant new channels.
    Lokitin wrote: »
    Alexina has always been the most popular server up to now. Most players have sunk years—up to a decade—into their characters. I doubt people will be permanently abandoning all those pets, skills, advancements, friends, time spent etc. to start from scratch on a server that has nothing new to offer, other than new people.

    People from the Heroes servers switched to Alexina when Alexina was first created (which, as you stated for this case, also had nothing new to offer other than new people). The only difference this time is that, by creating a new character on the same profile and utilizing the Master Plan buffs to their fullest, they promptly enter the new server with an adequate amount of AP to level essentially every important skill. Most of the other things you listed (time spent, advancements, etc) are all solved by the overkill Master Plan event, honestly, except for pets. But that never stopped the Heroes servers, so why would it stop Alexinians?
    Lokitin wrote: »
    Yes, Alexina has been getting quieter, long before the server merge. That’s a symptom of a dying game, overall. Although it’s far too premature to say Alexina (or Mabi, for that matter) is dead.
    I do not disagree with the fact that it's a symptom of a dying game, but I don't think it's any secret that that's what this merge was meant to combat in the first place. By leaving Alexina out it only continues to leave it with the same issues that the merge (seemingly, for now) fixed for the Heroes servers. Also I wouldn't say it's too premature to argue that Alexina is dying when you said yourself it has been getting quieter. Could this all be because of hype? Probably. But nobody should ever let their guard down while the pot slowly heats up and boils us alive.

    Edit: Pet correction
  • SaiSai
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,785
    Posts: 675
    Sebastian wrote: »
    while also retaining their pets (since they're account bound, not player bound).

    Don't mind me, just wanted to correct this.
    They are server bound. A pet created on Alexina for example can ONLY be used on Alexina. They are the same as characters in that regard.
  • SebastianSebastian
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,970
    Posts: 445
    edited June 11, 2019
    Sai wrote: »
    Sebastian wrote: »
    while also retaining their pets (since they're account bound, not player bound).

    Don't mind me, just wanted to correct this.
    They are server bound. A pet created on Alexina for example can ONLY be used on Alexina. They are the same as characters in that regard.

    I'm... so dumb. I completely forgot about this. Thank you. I don't know how I could've when I made a horse specifically for Tarlach.
  • PlatinaKokiPlatinaKoki
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,760
    Posts: 950
    edited June 13, 2019
    Greta wrote: »
    Nao indeed got some perks. 3 additional channels, chance to change a name for free and break seal stones again in Uladh areas.
    If Nexon were able to handle a merge, then i'm pretty sure they can handle a lag free game.

    Especially on an engine that's older than half of the playerbase.

    Edit: Quit ruining my posts, fluffalo.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    Gaea wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    It will happen eventually. It's just a matter of time. The conditions that drove them to merge the other three servers, eventually will be recognized by Nexon as being suffered by Alexina as well, and it will happen. In fact, right now, I suspect they're already thinking, oops! My guess is though, because of the naming problems, they may develop a repeat name capability first, for characters, pets, and homesteads. They may even enable multiple items in the dressing room. With that, and a boost in number of channels, and they can announce a merge, with far less anxiety.

    Not for at least a couple years. You know I am right about that.

    This reply contains speculation.

    It could be, but it could just as easily be by Christmas. What I wonder is why it happened now and the way it did. Why didn't they include Alexina, when we saw they could just add more channels, and that Nao still remains over twice its size. Why didn't they wait until they had, pre-merge, resolved all the duplicate name issues before proceeding with the merge?

    The only thing that makes sense to me is that they felt a sense of urgency to merge as soon as possible, all the while not being fully prepared for a problem-free merge. For over a year now we've had AFK and attendance events back to back. I think the metrics told them that the three merged servers were in serious trouble, while Alexina was perhaps not quite there yet. They didn't want to merge yet, because it would have issues, but felt it was necessary now to avoid a much worse situation, down-the-road, with respect to participation rates on the three merged servers. I think the situation may have forced their hand. This would explain why it all happened the way it did.

    Moving forward, I think they would prefer to merge Alexina in a smooth way, but if the situation degrades to the point that Alexinas position is critical as well then they may have to perform the same merge procedure again, rather than the one they would want to at a later time.
  • JarvorenJarvoren
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,190
    Posts: 7
    Maybe someone should create a thread in the "Feedback and Suggestions" board. Nexon isn't going to take action unless they see how much this matters (or not) to Alexina. I personally feel like this merge wasn't fully thought out...
  • PanPan
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,265
    Posts: 422
    Nao is the time to leave Alexina.
  • TheDumbOneTheDumbOne
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,790
    Posts: 342
    Jarvoren wrote: »
    Maybe someone should create a thread in the "Feedback and Suggestions" board. Nexon isn't going to take action unless they see how much this matters (or not) to Alexina. I personally feel like this merge wasn't fully thought out...

    yes, infact. im sure it help them regardless. incase their are "steps" that must be taken for them to make a change- a feedback and suggestion post may be needed. i was thinking of posting one myself...-ill probably post one tomarrow.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    Jarvoren wrote: »
    Maybe someone should create a thread in the "Feedback and Suggestions" board. Nexon isn't going to take action unless they see how much this matters (or not) to Alexina. I personally feel like this merge wasn't fully thought out...

    Will this do?
  • LiidaLiida
    Mabinogi Rep: 695
    Posts: 24
    edited June 13, 2019
    Well, nexon can still set alexi as the default selected server for char creation, add a attractive tag of some sort and see what happens in half year or so.
  • SaiSai
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,785
    Posts: 675
    edited June 13, 2019
    Liida wrote: »
    Well, nexon can still set alexi as the default selected server for char creation, add a attractive tag of some sort and see what happens in half year or so.

    That's what caused this whole mess in the very first place.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    Liida wrote: »
    Well, nexon can still set alexi as the default selected server for char creation, add a attractive tag of some sort and see what happens in half year or so.

    A tag wouldn't do it now, since Nao is so much bigger than Alexina. It would require incentives on the order that Naowegians would be justifiably screaming "Not Fair; why can't we have that?"
  • LokitinLokitin
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,060
    Posts: 60
    For some people, incentive IS to be on the lesser-populated server. That was my thinking when I fist joined Mabinogi and picked Mari...seemed like a decent population (and at the time, it was). Not too busy, not too quiet.

    It’s not like Alexina is actually dead (yet). It’s no where near the ghost town the other servers were at just before the merge. Compared to Nao, we’re now the “decent populated sever”...never thought I’d say that. But anyway, maybe I’m just the odd one out when it comes to picking a server, but just because Nao is the most populated doesn’t necessarily mean every newcomer will favor it. We shall see.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,869
    Lokitin wrote: »
    For some people, incentive IS to be on the lesser-populated server. That was my thinking when I fist joined Mabinogi and picked Mari...seemed like a decent population (and at the time, it was). Not too busy, not too quiet.

    It’s not like Alexina is actually dead (yet). It’s no where near the ghost town the other servers were at just before the merge. Compared to Nao, we’re now the “decent populated sever”...never thought I’d say that. But anyway, maybe I’m just the odd one out when it comes to picking a server, but just because Nao is the most populated doesn’t necessarily mean every newcomer will favor it. We shall see.

    Even on a big server quiet channels are still quiet, and big servers have more of them. Right now the per channel population density of Nao is still higher than the per channel population density of Alexina, in spite of the extra channels on Nao. If they add a few more channels, then those with older computers will have somewhere more copacetic to go. For most people though, when it comes to servers, size matters.
  • PlatinaKokiPlatinaKoki
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,760
    Posts: 950
    Not to mention that the Name Change war will just happen again when Alexina eventually merges.
  • TheDumbOneTheDumbOne
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,790
    Posts: 342
    Not to mention that the Name Change war will just happen again when Alexina eventually merges.

    then maybe they should merge alexina before the name change war.....saying its going to be merged after name changes is just as hypothetical as saying it'll happen after.- theirs no proof or evidence showing alexina ever going to be merged in any point or time.