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Do you regularly spend money on NX? I’ve been wondering about this for awhile. I’ve spent maybe $20 over 5 years for a couple of helpful pets, otherwise I pretty much consider myself “f2p”. Gachapons seem super popular though, and it seems like some people make a weekly allowance to buy the latest NX releases. I’m just curious to see how common that is, and whether f2p players are as rare as they seem.
Nowadays I make much better choices. I'm a recovered gachaholic.
But I stopped years ago.
Ahhh I would’ve put that as a poll option if I thought about it. Good for y’all
I basically only buy pets and the like now, so not as much spending. Gachas are basically banned to me now XP
It's more about discipline in an individual's budget than gacha's fault.
True, but still companies decide to exploit such people.
Most of what I spent, later became achievable by that wonderful rollback service of Mayor Duncan; alas.
Yes, that's what businesses do
True, but I feel sad seeing that I don't even have Rank A Campfire skills in real life, nor 900 strength.
Get a campfire kit! Jk. You are probably feeling the effects of the world post final exams and real life can't seem to stay away from your grasp.
It's all gone to mobile games.
Which are much more generous with their Gacha than Nexon.
but they keep taking more and more of those options and making them gacha, i keep spending less and less then i normally would...
Outdated VIP? psh good luck getting money out of me for possible waste on outdated stuff, as for gacha? I don't feel the need too and had also made keen decisions on how i spend money on. No longer after the possible chances of getting what I want by bringing my wallet this time I am after the prize with no bullshet. Beauty coupons? HAH id understand if using one means keeping the hair forever without additional coupons in order to use the same said hair or eyes Id prefer to throw pons after unlocking them with coupons. I already have enough pets that prove good enough and selling us EVEN better pets to make us buy is just even more pay to win.
There are some dumb moves they pulled but wish they don't make us revisit the gacha just to get our old looks back again.