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[Announcement] Name Change Availability

Mabinogi Rep: 21,665
Posts: 1,593
edited July 11, 2019 in Notices
Hello Milletians,

We are happy to announce that the free name change option will be available for all characters whose names were changed during the server merge. We apologize for the delay, as there were multiple systems that needed to be checked to ensure that Milletians would be able to request a name change, such as the issue where some characters could not leave an expired guild. As we understand the sentimental value of your names, we will be monitoring this system very closely. Thank you for your patience.

- The Mabinogi Team


Name Change Availability
Date: Tuesday, June 25th, 11:00 am PDT.


  • To give a fair chance for players whose names were changed due to the server merge, the name change option will only be available for these users from the start, serving as a grace period.
  • All players whose name was changed during the server merge will receive 1 free name change for each character that was affected. (excluding pets and partners)
  • Before proceeding, please read and agree to the name change limitations and information listed below.
  • If the chosen character is met with a limitation, the name change process cannot be continued until the requirement is resolved. (Character in a guild, item in cash inventory, etc.)
  • To properly begin and reserve your name, please visit this Name Change Reservation web page after 11:00am PDT on Tuesday, June 25th.
  • Log in to the account with an affected character whose name was changed to "Name+Server". If no character's name on the account was changed, the name change option will not be available.
  • From this page, choose your character name and server from the drop down menu.
  • Input a preferred name for your character! This name can be your original character name that you had previously, or feel free to choose a new name to suit your character.
  • Note: While the 16 character name event is active, you may choose a name between 3 ~ 16 characters during the event duration!
    After confirming your new name, this name will be reserved for your character, and cannot be chosen by another character.
  • Reserved name changes will be processed during every weekly maintenance on Thursdays.
  • We recommend reserving your name as soon as possible, as there is no guarantee the name you want will be available depending on the timing of the name change reservation.
  • Furthermore, the paid Name Change Coupon will be released in the near future, opening the name change option up to all users. Details regarding the Name Change Coupon sale will be posted at a later date.

Known Issue [RESOLVED]: There was a mistake in the messaging for this error, as it also noted that the "Character has an Item in the Cash Shop Inventory”. Now, you will receive the message "The Account has an Item in the Marketplace (Housing) Inventory. Visit the Bank NPC in the Marketplace to Retrieve Items." if your account has an item in the Marketplace.

Please remove the items and try your request again.

Known Issue: Characters who had items in the cash shop Item Shop Inventory prior to the June 3rd server merge will be unable to submit a request through the Name Change Reservation web page. If you experience this issue, submit a support ticket along with the details in this support article in order to make a formal name change request. We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience.

Name Change Information: Before proceeding with the name change, you must agree to the following policy.

Name Change Coupon's Limitations:

  • Name change requests will be completed every week during maintenance.
  • You will not be able to make a request for a name change during maintenance.
  • To be eligible for a name change, the character must be cumulative level 30 or above.
  • The character’s Cash Shop Inventory must be emptied before requesting a name change.
  • During the name change process, the affected character will be unable to purchase and/or receive items from the Cash Shop.
  • Names can be changed up to 5 times per character.
  • After changing a character’s name, you must wait 1 month before being able to change it again.

A name change request will be cancelled if a character is under any of the conditions below:

  • If a character is in a guild or is waiting to be accepted into a guild.
  • If a character has a Seal Breaker Title.*Does not affect the G1 title, 'the Seal-Breaker of Another World'.
  • If a character is married.
  • If a character is in a family.
  • If a character is waiting to be deleted.
  • If a character is banned.
  • If the account has a shop in the Marketplace(Housing), is currently bidding for a shop, or if there are shop items in the Marketplace inventory.

Name Change Coupon Warnings:

  • If you have an item that was bound to you, but is currently unbound as a result of using a Trade Unlock Potion, the item will be bound to you again if you equip it after the name change. Customer Support will be unable to help to unbind the item again. The item will need to be unbound again by using another Trade Unlock Potion.
  • If you change your character’s name, your partner’s likeability towards that character will be reset.
  • If you change your character’s name, any notes in the character's Notes Inbox will be lost.

Name Change Coupon Affected Features:

  • Character name in your character information tab.
  • Character name in your bank tab.
  • Character name in your Friends List.
  • Character name in the mailbox.
  • Character name in Tara Auction, Taillteann Farm, and Royal Alchemist.
  • Character name in Exploration Chronicles, Dungeon Rankings, Advancement Ranking, and Festia.

Name Change Coupon Unaffected Features:

  • Name of the character who found the Ruins
  • Seal Breaker’s name.
  • Any items signed by a Crafter.
  • Character’s name on bound items. Bound items can still be equipped.
  • Names on currently existing flyers.
  • Names on the Offering Board in Pontiff’s Court.
  • Notes that have been sent before.



  • TheDumbOneTheDumbOne
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,790
    Posts: 342
    edited June 25, 2019
    free name change.... how much will name changes be?
    [edit] im not effected, by the merge, so i dont get it for free
  • justshowingjustshowing
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,260
    Posts: 156
    ok.. so the players effected by the merge gets first dibs. thats acceptable

    but.. what about the rest of us not effected? don't you want my money nexon? :C

    its cold, its paper, its a pretty shade of green that'll go great to your collection for your top staff members employers C:
  • DanievictriaDanievictria
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,695
    Posts: 313
    Whoot! I might actually set my alarm so I can be up right when the free change is live, just to make sure I get this taken care of quickly.
  • SaiSai
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,785
    Posts: 675
    It's a shame people will have to disband their guilds if they have no service nor have anyone else who does. Hopefully this whole name change thing works.

    Disappointed that there is nothing for pets. I've got so many renamed that I can't even summon them by text command because I don't know which is and which isn't.
  • NegumikoNegumiko
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,895
    Posts: 1,320
    the date at the bottom is wrong. it says the name change site will be ready on Tuesday June 24th but today is Monday June 24th, Tuesday is the 25th.
  • PlatinaKokiPlatinaKoki
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,760
    Posts: 950
    edited June 24, 2019
    *readies phone/computer for tomorrow*

    Also, why do we need to be without a partner/family? If the forced name change for the server tags didn't break it, then why wouldn't restoring your name to normal be an issue?

    I shouldn't have to divorce my friend because you guys had poor planning skills.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Looks like my Kensama will get leftovers.
  • MoroaicaMoroaica
    Mabinogi Rep: 805
    Posts: 27
    edited June 24, 2019
    Katherz wrote: »
    • To properly begin and reserve your name, please visit this Name Change Reservation web page after 11:00am PDT on Tuesday, June 25th.
    Well this bites for those of us who are stuck at work. -_-

  • PlatinaKokiPlatinaKoki
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,760
    Posts: 950

    Moroaica wrote: »
    Katherz wrote: »
    • To properly begin and reserve your name, please visit this Name Change Reservation web page after 11:00am PDT on Tuesday, June 25th.
    Well this bites for those of us who are stuck at work. -_-

    Just hop on your phone-y phone.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Moroaica wrote: »
    Katherz wrote: »
    • To properly begin and reserve your name, please visit this Name Change Reservation web page after 11:00am PDT on Tuesday, June 25th.
    Well this bites for those of us who are stuck at work. -_-

    Just hop on your phone-y phone.

    Beware not all workplaces will grant such a permission.
  • PlatinaKokiPlatinaKoki
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,760
    Posts: 950
    Moroaica wrote: »
    Katherz wrote: »
    • To properly begin and reserve your name, please visit this Name Change Reservation web page after 11:00am PDT on Tuesday, June 25th.
    Well this bites for those of us who are stuck at work. -_-

    Just hop on your phone-y phone.

    Beware not all workplaces will grant such a permission.

    Just take your break at that time.
  • ArcherAiralArcherAiral
    Mabinogi Rep: 955
    Posts: 9
    So basically most people on the game cannot get their name changed? My main had her name changed and is both married and the leader of a guild, with no way to pass it off to someone else. Are you seriously telling me I have to divorce my RL wife and disband my guild of RL friends.. just to get rid of Ruairi's annoying name? x.o
  • Darkpixie99Darkpixie99
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,660
    Posts: 1,704
    Sai wrote: »
    It's a shame people will have to disband their guilds if they have no service nor have anyone else who does. Hopefully this whole name change thing works.

    Disappointed that there is nothing for pets. I've got so many renamed that I can't even summon them by text command because I don't know which is and which isn't.

    For guild leaders with the server tag, find someone you either trust or know well in IRL to hold your guild for you.
    I know those founding dates are super nostalgic, and won't want to be dropped.
  • ShadowamiShadowami
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,720
    Posts: 98
    So just to be sure I'll do it correctly, all I'd have to do is hop on my phone at work and click that button at the bottom of the announcement page about the name change, to reserve my name? I won't have to drive all the way home to do it?
  • PlatinaKokiPlatinaKoki
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,760
    Posts: 950
    So basically most people on the game cannot get their name changed? My main had her name changed and is both married and the leader of a guild, with no way to pass it off to someone else. Are you seriously telling me I have to divorce my RL wife and disband my guild of RL friends.. just to get rid of Ruairi's annoying name? x.o


    Because Nexon lacks the "Planning" skill. And they don't qualify for it.
  • bluedaizybluedaizy
    Mabinogi Rep: 200
    Posts: 2
    But I think says if you stay married and change your name it won't change the name on your certificate or rings but you'll stay married at least? I'm not sure I'm reading this right. Do we divorce or do we not? I'd like to keep that date of original marriage. 2014 But I'd like to fix my name too
  • HwanHwan
    Mabinogi Rep: 635
    Posts: 10
    bluedaizy wrote: »
    But I think says if you stay married and change your name it won't change the name on your certificate or rings but you'll stay married at least? I'm not sure I'm reading this right. Do we divorce or do we not? I'd like to keep that date of original marriage. 2014 But I'd like to fix my name too

    Not sure where you read that, but it's incorrect. If you are currently married and send in a name change request, your name change request will be cancelled.
  • PlatinaKokiPlatinaKoki
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,760
    Posts: 950
    Hwan wrote: »
    bluedaizy wrote: »
    But I think says if you stay married and change your name it won't change the name on your certificate or rings but you'll stay married at least? I'm not sure I'm reading this right. Do we divorce or do we not? I'd like to keep that date of original marriage. 2014 But I'd like to fix my name too

    Not sure where you read that, but it's incorrect. If you are currently married and send in a name change request, your name change request will be cancelled.

    Which doesn't make sense, seeing as they were able to change players' names once before without such a complication.

    Sounds like Nexon is being lazy.
  • bluedaizybluedaizy
    Mabinogi Rep: 200
    Posts: 2
    I read this and just want to be sure which is correct. Not sure I read it right .. opinions? Looking it over again though, I am thinking maybe its outdated info and now it cant be done while married.

    Marriage Information:
    During testing, we found details that were not reflected in the Marriage Info after a character's name is changed. If your character's name is changed, the new name will not be reflected on the Marriage Info or Marriage Title. Additionally, due to the nature of the system and the Wedding Ring item, all Wedding Ring items cannot be merged and must be removed. Though the ring will be removed, please be assured that this will not break the character or the character’s marriage status. Should you wish to divorce and re-marry, it may be necessary to perform a ‘Forced Divorce’ option through both spouses first. We sincerely apologize for these inconveniences.

    Known Issue: If a character’s name is over 16 characters, they cannot get engaged. This will be fixed at a later date.
  • MairuMairu
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,245
    Posts: 65
    The downside here is that I helped a friend recreate a guild from the Mari server, as they were having an issue where they couldn't create it - the party didn't register as existing for some reason, even after like 2 hours of trying different methods of party-making, logging in, and so on. I still have 22 days until I can hand it over - is there any indication if the reserved names stay reserved indefinitely, or do I have to make good on changing names within the grace period?