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Why are necroed threads being locked?


  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,780
    Posts: 7,909
    But you can always quote certain quotes from the older thread onto the new one.
  • XafnirXafnir
    Mabinogi Rep: 720
    Posts: 18
    Fact of the matter is, this whole anti thread necro policy is being enforced by people that have no idea what or how a good and clean process should look like.

    Heck if they want to play it like this, it would be rather easy to just update the same thread literally every single day making it effectively immortal based on this policy. Dumb rules are dumb rules regardless of who enforces them and it takes a big person to admit it and with all due respect, most forum rule makers are just people out on a power trip.

    Now getting back to whoever said it makes things less confusing, imagine the following scenario:
    1) You have a 1 year old thread you are not allowed to necro after 30 days (just as an example)
    2) You create a new thread and reference the previous thread in it
    3) After 3 months a new person comes that wants to add to the conversation. At this point they have to read the posts in descending order based on the thread to have a clear picture which is already complicated. He wants to add to this conversation so he creates a new thread that references the direct previous thread.

    At this point you have 1 thread that references a thread that references another thread which in the very best case scenario will lead to loss of information or intent. If someone has the audacity to say this is less complicated than just having 1 thread then they have deeper problems which need solving.

    Now on the matter of a 20 page thread being brought back, my question to you is: Why does it look bad? What makes it look bad?
    Yes replies that have no place topicwise in the thread should be removed and frankly THAT is the process that should be enforced not an anti necro process.

    This current thread is the best example for this. The OP is discussing the necro policy but I see people chipping in with things that are completly off topic and surprisingly even forum moderators are doing this. If this is the desired process then really, how can you say necroing a thread makes things confusing when an opened thread on 1 specific topic has conversations that are all over the place.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,780
    Posts: 7,909
    But not all necroed threads are locked. Either they have missed it, or deemed that the reason that the thread was brought back was worthy of further discussion. From what I've seen, some necroed threads had nothing to do with the topic, so they were locked.

    In my New Metals thread in feedback, for example, the original conversation ended, but when there was a potential for the topic to continued, due to some changes they made in the game I made a request to continue the conversation to see if there would be additional feedback to the topic. This was over 1 month after the original conversation ended. There was some new feedback on the thread for a bit, and then the conversation ended, and there was no need to continue. But the thread was never locked. So, I think as long as people remain on topic in a civil manner of an older thread, they may keep an eye closed from locking it. But of course, it always depends on who may be monitoring the forums at the time.

    Some people may go completely by the rules, and others may not.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    edited June 26, 2019
    So they nuked my thread showing Alexina in a bad state. The thread was something to laugh at, but i guess they fear of their reputation more instead well-being of players and the server. They messed up and now don't want to admit.

    Heh... They really hate Alexina, do they?
  • DragoolfireDragoolfire
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,590
    Posts: 486
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    But not all necroed threads are locked. Either they have missed it, or deemed that the reason that the thread was brought back was worthy of further discussion. From what I've seen, some necroed threads had nothing to do with the topic, so they were locked.

    I know some people were upset when their Market threads were locked for "necro-bumping". I know i was, way back then. But after some forums changes they decided that it's now okay to "necro-bump" Market threads. And Suggestions too i think?
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,780
    Posts: 7,909
    Greta wrote: »
    But not all necroed threads are locked. Either they have missed it, or deemed that the reason that the thread was brought back was worthy of further discussion. From what I've seen, some necroed threads had nothing to do with the topic, so they were locked.

    I know some people were upset when their Market threads were locked for "necro-bumping". I know i was, way back then. But after some forums changes they decided that it's now okay to "necro-bump" Market threads. And Suggestions too i think?

    I think they've also allowed storyline discussion/lore threads to be bumped too.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    I cAn ThInK oF aNoThEr ThReAd ThAt ShOuLd Be ShUt DoWn. 9dnGeIh.png
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Gaea wrote: »
    I cAn ThInK oF aNoThEr ThReAd ThAt ShOuLd Be ShUt DoWn. 9dnGeIh.png

    Why are you like this?
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited June 27, 2019
    Greta wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    I cAn ThInK oF aNoThEr ThReAd ThAt ShOuLd Be ShUt DoWn. 9dnGeIh.png

    Why are you like this?

    There there Greta. :)

    This thread shouldn't even be in General, it should be in Town Square or Suggestions. This isn't even about Mabinogi really, it's about necroed threads getting locked.
  • Donk3yDonk3y
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,050
    Posts: 122
    I mean the reason they cite for locking them down is a really weak one.
    I'm still waiting for somebody to point out exactly how an old, necroed thread makes it "look bad" or "confusing", as opposed to opening new ones (which actually does make it confusing).
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited June 27, 2019
    Donk3y wrote: »
    I mean the reason they cite for locking them down is a really weak one.
    I'm still waiting for somebody to point out exactly how an old, necroed thread makes it "look bad" or "confusing", as opposed to opening new ones (which actually does make it confusing).

    Generally it's a thread that no longer receives comments for significant span of time potentially making it outdated, like 2-3 months or more (or worse, years). The severity of the necro is determined and assayed by whoever is moderating at the time. What they consider a necro I guess is up their random discretion.

  • Donk3yDonk3y
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,050
    Posts: 122
    Gaea wrote: »
    Donk3y wrote: »
    I mean the reason they cite for locking them down is a really weak one.
    I'm still waiting for somebody to point out exactly how an old, necroed thread makes it "look bad" or "confusing", as opposed to opening new ones (which actually does make it confusing).

    Generally it's a thread that no longer receives comments for significant span of time potentially making it outdated, like 2-3 months or more (or worse, years). The severity of the necro is determined and assayed by whoever is moderating at the time. What they consider a necro I guess is up their random discretion.


    But take the "elves need an upgrade" thread. It's still relevant now, and as Xafnir pointed out, it actually creates more confusion by creating a new thread and linking the old one/quoting parts of the old one in it.

    I didn't see the thread when it was created, but after it was necroed I saw it, so I wanted to add my 50 cents, but then I noticed it was locked :/
  • JJJJ
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,400
    Posts: 500
    edited June 27, 2019
    Donk3y wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    Donk3y wrote: »
    I mean the reason they cite for locking them down is a really weak one.
    I'm still waiting for somebody to point out exactly how an old, necroed thread makes it "look bad" or "confusing", as opposed to opening new ones (which actually does make it confusing).

    Generally it's a thread that no longer receives comments for significant span of time potentially making it outdated, like 2-3 months or more (or worse, years). The severity of the necro is determined and assayed by whoever is moderating at the time. What they consider a necro I guess is up their random discretion.


    But take the "elves need an upgrade" thread. It's still relevant now, and as Xafnir pointed out, it actually creates more confusion by creating a new thread and linking the old one/quoting parts of the old one in it.

    I didn't see the thread when it was created, but after it was necroed I saw it, so I wanted to add my 50 cents, but then I noticed it was locked :/

    It wasn't locked from it being necro'd. Nexon just hates elves.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,780
    Posts: 7,909
    jjeremy wrote: »
    Donk3y wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    Donk3y wrote: »
    I mean the reason they cite for locking them down is a really weak one.
    I'm still waiting for somebody to point out exactly how an old, necroed thread makes it "look bad" or "confusing", as opposed to opening new ones (which actually does make it confusing).

    Generally it's a thread that no longer receives comments for significant span of time potentially making it outdated, like 2-3 months or more (or worse, years). The severity of the necro is determined and assayed by whoever is moderating at the time. What they consider a necro I guess is up their random discretion.


    But take the "elves need an upgrade" thread. It's still relevant now, and as Xafnir pointed out, it actually creates more confusion by creating a new thread and linking the old one/quoting parts of the old one in it.

    I didn't see the thread when it was created, but after it was necroed I saw it, so I wanted to add my 50 cents, but then I noticed it was locked :/

    It wasn't locked from it being necro'd. Nexon just hates elves.

    Lock them up!