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Block listing used skillbooks on the AH
Lately on the Nao server there's been a trend of people posting used skill books on the AH at either full price, or prices between 10-90% less than the current "legitimate book" price.
Aside from the seal missing on the book icon, there's also a red text warning above the purchase button to help prevent people from buying those useless books (though I wouldn't be surprised if people bought them on accident anyway.) Unfortunately as a person selling (legitimate) skill books on the AH I've also seen people post new listings that match the price of a much lower priced used skill book, so even if people aren't buying those used skill books it's still causing issues by influencing the prices of legitimate skill books.
The best solution I can think of is making it so that used skill books cannot be posted on the AH. It's only good for scammers and "price trolling", as I would call it.
A bit unrelated: I want to note that I'm noticing a huge increase in scammers post-merge. I'm not sure what can be done about it, but Nexon's been running MMOs for nearly two decades now so I would hope that if the problem could be brought to their attention, they would have some way to deal with it.

The best way to solve the issue would be to make used books un-tradeable completely.
You're.... kidding, right?
He is, yes.
He was always like that. Don't mind him. The moment i saw the name i knew what kind of person he will be.
They should sell readable copies only at the bookstores/libraries for those who want to collect.
There's no reason a collector should pay for a used book at an extortion level just to have it, better to get an unused copy without buying it off the market in that case, whether from dungeons, NPC special shops etc.
Here's my suggestion
Make skill books not acquired from NPC shops to be tradeable only once before usage and become a personal item after usage.
I guess we'll have to wait and see.
(Seriously, what's the point of that? How exactly is a person unable to learn something from a book just because someone else read it first? That makes no sense.)
Was thinking of the same thing.
Ummmm, magic?
Most people don't read them.
Some people like me do.
You need to be blind to not see this.
Also an unused skill book will have a seal next to it:
And used one doesn't have it:
Use your eyes better people... If you got time to read the books title then i'm pretty sure that you got time to read warnings or see these seals while at it as well. And if you just hate seeing used books being listed in AH, just suck it up. Why would you care anyway? It's newbies fault if they can't read. I understand if such scam works in Personal Shops, but not in AH.