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All we know how to do is activate a skill and kill the mobs.
Everyone can be called dumb and backed up with an example. People are good and bad at different stuff. We are all individuals. Except me.
Oh my god, how we dare to be dumber than your kids!
It's about the tiniest bit of brain power dude...
If you passed like 4th grade mathematics, you should have the analytical capacity to finish this puzzle even if you don't like it. I also HATE sliding tile puzzles, yet I don't complain about it... I wonder why...
A lot of people disagree with me, and they're allowed to do that. It's what a forum is for. The game devs need feedback to see how their new content is going. If the majority of the people disagree with me, then they'll keep adding new puzzles.
Logging on to call people dumb is not what a forum is for. And you doing that tells everyone more about you than it does about me.
I didn't call anybody brain dead though, you might have mistaken me for somebody else. Maybe has to do with that low analytic capacity I mentioned before xD
Besides, my grammar is stellar in my own language, and I can fluently speak 2 languages, and more or less understand 5. Sooooooo....
And I'm also allowed to criticize your failures.
What you said here isn't feedback, it's just random complaints. If somebody complains that their coffee at Starbucks is too hot, you don't consider it feedback.
The game devs need ACTUAL feedback, not dumbing down easy content because some snowflakes didn't bother improving their brains at school in it's prime...
Here's some proper feedback for the devs: The memory game. When you get two cards wrong, it takes like 2-3 seconds for the cards to flip back, and in that time you cannot click other cards, but the clock is still ticking.
You consider it "calling people dumb" (even though I didn't write down any insult so far...), I call it giving credit where it's due
I just lost a tiny bit more faith in humanity...
You sure bro?
A tiny bit more faith in humanity lost...
You guys consider "snowflake" an insult... I know what I'M dealing with here...
It is an insult. Read the definition of it...
I seriously shouldn't waste my time on people like you who belittle others for being bad at something. The most offended here is actually you, because you seem to be pretty upset at people who can't do a sliding puzzle, so you decided to make a fun of it i guess.
So rude man...
I don't plan on joining this discussion but you should really create a constructive argument based on logic and less on your own personal feelings that seem to be easily offendable
So if instead of saying "You are a snowflake" I say "You are a person that gets offended unreasonably much", is it still considered an insult?
Because that's basically it's definition...
lol this is getting ridiculous, feels like that whole "surprise mechanics" thing xD
The whole surprise mechanic is you being able to do a puzzle, flexing about it, but actually suck at editing your own posts. Eksdee.
Oh wait, i just realized how ironic the snowflake term is:
Of course, it gets to that when people don't have any interest in actually thinking for a change and they rely on others to back them up or prove their invalid point through more invalid reasoning (if you can call it reasoning).
In this case I agree with Donk3y when he stated that people seem to have a very low analytical capacity. I see people complain and complain and bring nothing constructive to the table. People have gotten complacent with everything and are constantly hoping their failures will be re branded as successes or blaming anything else other than them selves because they can't really handle the truth of a failure.
-sips tea-