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Suddenly Got Old Event Quest?

Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
Posts: 2,818
in Bugs and Glitches
Hello! So.. I have no idea what caused this.. but I seemed to of gotten the quest '[Event] Clear Memento Senario' where I have to Clear 'A Respite from Endless Sorrow', the last dungeon in the Memento Scenario.
However, I have already done this when the event/Sidhe Finnachaid came out so this kind of confused me. I have proof right here;

I can't seem to delete the quest either and I think doing it might break my game or I'd be 'exploiting' the game, which I don't want to do.. I don't even know if I can even do it.. Should I attempt it? Idk
I don't know how I got it at all. I was doing shadow missions and then I went back to Dunbarton to take a break, chat with friends and I just noticed it was there. I'm sorry I can't provide anymore info about this, I'm just as puzzled.
Anyway, thank you for reading!

IGN: Mizuli
Server: Nao (Formerly Mari)


  • NysephirNysephir
    Mabinogi Rep: 860
    Posts: 29
    I received this as well and also have finished Memento prior.

    IGN: Isyria
    Server: Alexina
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Oh no. This glitch is back xD
  • MegasoulMegasoul
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,735
    Posts: 148
    I likewise have obtained the event quest despite having completed it before. It's worth noting that there doesn't seem to be any possible way to complete the quest, since Enn reacts as if the player has still completed the Momento sidequest (and therefore one cannot "complete" said questline).

    IGN: Lint
    Server: Nao
  • FluoretteFluorette
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,840
    Posts: 815
    Oh my... Glitch came about last summer. Here it is again. Maybe something in the summer Master Plan event triggers it?
    But don't worry, it will be removed soon, just like before. :)
  • ToyoToyakToyoToyak
    Mabinogi Rep: 200
    Posts: 2
    I got this one too and what's worse is that my echostone tab is locked even though I've completed the quest. I can unequip the echostone but can't equip back.

    IGN: Patoyo
    Server: Alexina
  • NoxiousndyNoxiousndy
    Mabinogi Rep: 200
    Posts: 3
    I also have just received this quest. I've already completed the Memento Scenario.

    IGN: Noxiousndy
    Server: Alexina
  • PhialsquizPhialsquiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 300
    Posts: 4
    edited June 29, 2020
    +1 on me too.

    is there any fix?
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    I realized i got mine yesterday as well. Why this keep happening?
  • CrisdaCrisda
    Mabinogi Rep: 795
    Posts: 26
    This glitch is such a tease, a reminder of some of the stuff I missed out on when I went on hiatus.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,745
    Posts: 7,909
    It's a reminder that Enn is lonely by the lakeside I guess.

    On the other hand, could it be the effect of copy and paste?