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Suddenly Got Old Event Quest?
Hello! So.. I have no idea what caused this.. but I seemed to of gotten the quest '[Event] Clear Memento Senario' where I have to Clear 'A Respite from Endless Sorrow', the last dungeon in the Memento Scenario.
However, I have already done this when the event/Sidhe Finnachaid came out so this kind of confused me. I have proof right here;
I can't seem to delete the quest either and I think doing it might break my game or I'd be 'exploiting' the game, which I don't want to do.. I don't even know if I can even do it.. Should I attempt it? Idk
I don't know how I got it at all. I was doing shadow missions and then I went back to Dunbarton to take a break, chat with friends and I just noticed it was there. I'm sorry I can't provide anymore info about this, I'm just as puzzled.
Anyway, thank you for reading!
IGN: Mizuli
Server: Nao (Formerly Mari)
IGN: Isyria
Server: Alexina
IGN: Lint
Server: Nao
But don't worry, it will be removed soon, just like before.
IGN: Patoyo
Server: Alexina
IGN: Noxiousndy
Server: Alexina
is there any fix?
On the other hand, could it be the effect of copy and paste?