Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Astrologer Part 2: Stellar Reunion Update, containing the new Fate Astrologer Talent and more!
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Official Past Event Suggestions Thread


  • DiiDii
    Mabinogi Rep: 840
    Posts: 7
    I know it's not as thrilling as the others, but i'd really like the Guild Title Event to come back. I think it's only returned once and it took 5 years? Yeah I know it's not really a good title stat-wise, but it's a fun novelty I feel like guilds should have access to more often. Could maybe even just be a permanent feature requiring guild points+gold to create?
  • YoridenYoriden
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,910
    Posts: 82
    I'd love to see...

    Naco Commerce - Really looking forward to when this event rolls out again, because it offers a lot of really great homestead items that I want to decorate my newly enlarged homestead! I need some glittering trees and there's some other items I want, so this is really top of my list.

    Animal Dungeon - I've missed this event every time it's run and it'd be fun to have my pets tackle this dungeon.

    Monster Dodge - I was really disappointed that this one got postponed. =( I missed it last time it was run too and I really want to get those sheep transformation medals.
  • HollyBlueAgateHollyBlueAgate
    Mabinogi Rep: 795
    Posts: 22
    We haven't had the Lunar Fortune Event for a few years. I'd also like the Glowing Ice Sword event to return. We've only had the Ice Sword event once, and that was almost 10 years ago.
  • PhobiaBRPhobiaBR
    Mabinogi Rep: 420
    Posts: 2
    I want to see the Fate stay night unlimited blade works event come back, or one for one of the newer fate series
  • ValenmirValenmir
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,685
    Posts: 416
    It would be nice to redo the cross overs we have had in the past to give those who missed them a chance.. Aside from that i know it is a afk event, but i would love for a fishing event, one that gives good stuff- unlike the last one.
  • FayeKaibaFayeKaiba
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,670
    Posts: 886
    Animal Dungeon
    mission point
  • DraechDraech
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,390
    Posts: 355
    Little Orphan Alyn, but with a Partner Alyn as a reward.
  • TheTakaTheTaka
    Mabinogi Rep: 825
    Posts: 13
    edited June 11, 2019
    Hello, I have a great idea! Since it's 2019, why not bring back the Irai treasure hunting event that took place in 2009? I really had fun with that one when I was still considered a newbie, even if I did have to find the spawns that showed up around the treasure. xD

    Also when was the last time we really used the L-rods for an event. I reallly hope you consider this one since it will get everyone active. Not just single out the strong people for combat events and give the new players coming in a chance to participate without another AFK way to get prizes. :D

    Also I was thinking that one area could be like a hard mode and would need a team in a party to go together to fight the spawns, and another area could be for the more casual or newer players. ( Since we have 2 deserts. ) with different prizes.

    Like the causal area could give stuff to make them stronger, so like AP or good potions (100+, or training potions for skills), ect.
    While the strong area would focus more on collection based items that they can trade in for 30 day dye amps or older vanity outfits that we no longer see that much anymore. Such as the Beijing Opera Outfit, Glow-in-the-Dark Muffler Robe, Bear robe, Duck Boots, Folksy Wear, ect.
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    I'd love it if the Manus Potion Fishing Event returned! It would let us stock up on potions and I really need MP potions lol
    Gems would be neat too, my spirit weapon always nags me for them! :p
  • PikangiePikangie
    Mabinogi Rep: 960
    Posts: 17
    edited June 12, 2019
    I particularly want to see a return of the non-AFK event where you had to protect the Quila base camp from exploding zombies. Except with updated clothing rewards if possible.
    The last time I saw this event was when Iria was still new... so many years ago. And back then, everyone was too weak and it used the old loading-time combat, so it failed almost always. So I'd like to see it return when we actually can succeed.

    Honestly, pretty much anything that isn't just AFK standing online and hogging computer memory while alt-tabbed in other games, and also things that aren't overly competitive (KSing, contests, etc), but rather cooperative (protect the camp, dragon boat race, etc).

    Also bit of a rant, even though it probably won't be taken seriously... I would like there to be just LESS events running simultaneously period. It's excessive and burns me out so quickly whenever I come back to Mabinogi, I feel like my life is overrun with "must win the 3 event's prizes", and it just stops being fun to even log in, feels like a mobile game or job and hogs up my computer's memory when I want to play other games but "need" the AFK event's reward. That is in addition to being more rewarding and beneficial for bots and multi-clienters than to those who actively play. >.<
    Events do not feel special at all from how neverending they are, and I do not even have any energy or time left after doing daily event crap to actually do anything like training, leveling, or story progression in the game.
  • LokitinLokitin
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,060
    Posts: 60
    So I know this is technically a less desired “afk event”, but my heart still yearns for the Homestead Fishing event. The HS items, the DYES(!!), the HS stones. We actually got a lot of good stuff out of it.

    Also, another vote for dragon boat racing.
  • TheNyanCatTheNyanCat
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,665
    Posts: 661
    Treasure event is always welcome, I can understand why it's not done often since farming for complete reforges is too good. I just wish there were more consistent ways to get reforges such as having fragments drop from elites/dungeons.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    edited June 17, 2019
    TheNyanCat wrote: »
    Treasure event is always welcome, I can understand why it's not done often since farming for complete reforges is too good. I just wish there were more consistent ways to get reforges such as having fragments drop from elites/dungeons.

    That's the one where we beat up goblins right?
  • KerynnaKerynna
    Mabinogi Rep: 200
    Posts: 4
    Member the crystal ball rock paper scissors needs a comeback or at least put the haunted swing chair in a gacha or something
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    Kerynna wrote: » the crystal ball rock paper scissors needs a comeback or at least put the haunted swing chair in a gacha or something

    Ahh yes please! I never was able to get that pet :(
  • kairisoadorikairisoadori
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,725
    Posts: 130
    edited July 3, 2019
    The Iria Treasure Hunt Event taking lrods and searching for loot that was alot of fun even for a random 3 days once a year
    Dye wells i dont need them but it feels kinda broken with new or returning players not having that easy and useful tool
    Shooting star events all 3 of them summer Halloween and original
    mapletree event with it growing faster in a single game day be nice
    dragon boat race for obvious reasons its last prize pool would be Perfect
    this 4th of july event again
    the easter event that gives egg consumables 20 hp mp stamina stacks to 20 even at 500000 would still be useful maybe with a bigger stack
    Pillow fighting event with a less side item pool like gems and but add things like full potions and a 1 trade nao stone with potions and clothes umbrellas even broken ones and pillows with those stackable stat cakes cookies est
    Old style of fishing events where you found 100% clothes fun weapons no potions no gems no trash with fine despawnable bait or if your going to give potions auto stack them with the 50 stack re potions i think it was
    Thanksgiving turkey event where you grow on turkey
    ski jump and race with last times reward was brilliant
    and these events should come back yearly
  • ShundereShundere
    Mabinogi Rep: 420
    Posts: 2
    Let's be honest, the only reason anyone wants Doki Doki back is for the flight. Maybe have a once a year event that gives flight that is a little more interactive and fun than doki doki. Could be different each year, but still allow the newer players to have access to flight. Or even just new characters on the same acount lol. Just my opinion.

    I liked the event with the Constellation Transformations. I would like to see more grindy events that offer rare transformation medals like that!
  • Juju_BeanJuju_Bean
    Mabinogi Rep: 440
    Posts: 15
    Pasternak wrote: »
    Honestly, make Doki Island a permanent place. Doki's been a favorite location for players and it's a good place to hang out with friends and cut back and unwind. Sitting afk in Dunbarton/Tir/Belvast does get very stale and it would be nice to have a new place to be in, especially since Doki is a more cheerful place to be and more...relaxing. Like...remove the NPCs and the quest events, but allow us to still gather potatoes, but remove Silvervine Fruits and the event fish.

    I heard there's a cat dungeon for the one in Korea... please give us the dungeon!
  • DANIartsDANIarts
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,120
    Posts: 789
    Shundere wrote: »
    Let's be honest, the only reason anyone wants Doki Doki back is for the flight. Maybe have a once a year event that gives flight that is a little more interactive and fun than doki doki. Could be different each year, but still allow the newer players to have access to flight. Or even just new characters on the same acount lol. Just my opinion.

    I liked the event with the Constellation Transformations. I would like to see more grindy events that offer rare transformation medals like that!

    I like having Doki Doki due to the beautiful scenery.
    Flight and any other items are a plus.

    but the scenery is amazing.
    so like.... it's not all about the flight.
  • MierinMierin
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,085
    Posts: 26
    I'd like to see the name length event re-run when you get the paid name changes sorted out.
    I know it was a very recent event, but still.