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NaO SeRveR PoPUlaTIon WiLL bE SimILaR tO aLeXiNA


  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Sebastian wrote: »

    Seriously, this painting of Alexina as a whole of a bunch of mindless harassers has got to stop-- and using it as an argument to justify the position they're in now is nothing but pettiness and a lack of maturity.


    Harassing Alexina because in the past someone from Alexina "harassed" you doesn't make a good excuse for you to harass every one who's also in the same server just because of that.
    Smh. Grow up Gaea. You are one of the oldest players in Mabinogi, but act as the most childish one too.
  • SebastianSebastian
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,970
    Posts: 445
    edited July 6, 2019
    Greta wrote: »


    Harassing Alexina because in the past someone from Alexina "harassed" you doesn't make a good excuse for you to harass every one who's also in the same server just because of that.

    Honestly. Does this look like the face of a harasser?


    Some of us are actually pretty nice people.
    ThatD00dGretaSherriRadiant DawnKitiniKensamaofmariChaosShadow
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Here. I made a couple of screenshots of current running events that can somewhat show the servers activity. I made them JUST NOW.


    So now anyone coming from Nao can see how Alexina is way less populated and active than they actually think.
  • SaiSai
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,785
    Posts: 675
    Sebastian wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »


    Harassing Alexina because in the past someone from Alexina "harassed" you doesn't make a good excuse for you to harass every one who's also in the same server just because of that.

    Honestly. Does this look like the face of a harasser?


    Some of us are actually pretty nice people.
    "Don't judge a book by its cover."

    How do I know said face doesn't belong to a sand castle kicker?
    SebastianSherriRadiant DawnChaosShadow
  • SebastianSebastian
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,970
    Posts: 445
    Sai wrote: »
    "Don't judge a book by its cover."

    How do I know said face doesn't belong to a sand castle kicker?

    That was only one time! And it was an accident!
    SaiRadiant DawnChaosShadow
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    Sebastian wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »


    Harassing Alexina because in the past someone from Alexina "harassed" you doesn't make a good excuse for you to harass every one who's also in the same server just because of that.

    Honestly. Does this look like the face of a harasser?


    Some of us are actually pretty nice people.

    OMG THEY'RE SO PRECIOUS AAAA i dont mind a merge anymore
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited July 6, 2019
    If I had known a server merge was ever going to happen I would of archived that arsenal to prove a point. But as much as we wanted a merge we never actually thought we would get one. We thought the server's would shut down before that was even remotely possible.

    Since the merge we've had a lot of players return to their old accounts and there seems to be recurring stories coming from that server. I mean the same could be said about Ruairi, Tarlach, or even Mari. But this is coming from players who were coming from Alexina, and it's the same story. 'People over there are elitest, no one really talked to anyone outside their cliques, people were just not as nice as they are over here (in Nao), The only reason why I left was because of the population but I am so glad I can return, I wish I never left my server'. These were comments that I encountered within the first week of the merge, these players were from Alexina. I am not trying to deter people from Alexina by saying this BUT the most recurring comment I have encountered is that 'people are just so much nicer here'.

    Well? Besides from what I knew, I know the markets were messed up over there. Everything was twice as much expensive (but yeah admittedly now we're having that problem lol). Besides the "elitest" issues - Why are people saying these things about Alexina after the merge? There's gotta be a reason people are saying these things. I know people were saying these things even before the announcement of the merge. What happened over there? Why didn't people want to stay?
  • DevotionDevotion
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,395
    Posts: 39
    I don't really mind a merge either. I simply don't want Mabinogi to die due to a lack of server options (speaking from experience of watching games die because they only have one server), if you can understand this ^^;;;

    However, many of you do act strangely...
    When Alexina opened up as a new server, there was a hype for a few months. I had no issue making an alt character to mess around there during this hype. Somehow the word alt makes people think of starting over, but that's not what an alternate character is for (and for some reason many of you aren't able to make an alt to check out current hypes peacefully).

    Although, many people I knew did start over on Alexina, which hurt the populations of the original three. At the time, I was still content being on the server I mainly played (Tarlach). My server's population continued to decay, but the people who I played with were so valuable to me I never once thought to start over on the newest Alexina server. However, I didn't mind using an alt to play both servers. When my server was nearly too dead to play normally, I simply enjoyed playing other games at the same time. In fact, the free time allowed me to have a strong finish at my university. I have learned the ability to adjust to all circumstances with contentment. Merge or not, it doesn't really matter to me in this sense.

    So I completely understand Alexina worrying about a decaying server, having actual experience in the matter. Although, Alexina players do seem to seriously lack basic levels of contentment and have trouble handling the same situation. It's funny seeing Sebastian talk about "developing thicker skin" and Greta spamming the term "childish" without realizing that those terms apply to your own situation right now. This is exactly how I've thought about you all upon my return, thin-skinned and childish. I mean, look at the ludicrous sob-stories on page 8, about having no friends on Alexina and needing to start over from scratch on Nao (at the mere mention of the term "alt" too). Therefore, Gaea is right to call you out on your hypocrisy. It is so incredibly pitiful! LOL

    Now to address Gaea's ideas of karma. I am not a believer in karma at all, and while I do believe in justice I cannot say this fully applies to our current situation. However, the clear lack of Alexina ability to be content may be explained by the fact that they have been spoiled with a large server for many years. In truth, new players on the Alexina server were never subject to the difficulties of the the original three; beginning at a time when many challenges were nerfed to appeal to new players. Most players on Alexina are the type that simply must play the biggest and newest server (it is the very reason most chose Alexina). So it is no surprise that they have a weak will and spirit. As an example, look at their current lack of ability to fight for strengthening their own server, but instead only want to be part of the big Nao server (easily succumbing to their weak, inner nature). These words of truth are probably making them lose their minds--beyond their control--and it is completely understandable. So is excluding Alexina from a merge an act of justice? No, but I believe it may serve to strengthen their character, which is a benefit to them as it was to Nao.

    Now to the issue on whether Alexina even deserves to merge with Nao at all. To begin, it already can be be argued that the players gained by marketing the new Alexina server wasn't worth the decay of the original servers; maybe Alexina was a major mistake leading to today's issues. Mistake or not, Alexina is here now and we must accept them (even though they are hideously spoiled). Therefore, Alexina is worthy to merge with Nao, but only at the proper time. This time should be when both servers require it, and not because one server happens to be somewhat bigger. Still, we must also look at the possibility of the populations evening out in the coming months, which may result in having no further merges. The latter being better for the health of Mabinogi (two strong servers).

    To be honest, there is clearly a larger Alexina audience on this forum topic (due to the thread title), so I don't expect a lot of support on these points I've made. You should nonetheless consider my words reasonable and accurate, considering my greater experience on these issues as a whole. As I said, I completely understand the Alexina viewpoint (due to experience). Perhaps you may understand Nao's view, if you are able to see past your own bias.
  • SebastianSebastian
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,970
    Posts: 445
    edited July 6, 2019
    Devotion wrote: »

    Therefore, Alexina is worthy to merge with Nao, but only at the proper time. This time should be when both servers require it, and not because one server happens to be somewhat bigger. Still, we must also look at the possibility of the populations evening out in the coming months, which may result in having no further merges. The latter being better for the health of Mabinogi (two strong servers).

    That's been my stance since day one. I'm not over here expecting Nexon to merge us next Tuesday. I know Nao has issues that need to be addressed first. My only presence here is to give commentary on the "Oh Alexina mistreated us so they should suck it up" argument.

    The only thing I take to heart is misinformation, which I don't think is indicative of me needing to take my own advice of developing thicker skin.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited July 6, 2019
    I have been saying for YEARS that Alexina was unnecessary. Because eventually the traffic would calm down.

    But I will admit I think the staff forgot what happened when Alexina opened up. People who originally started on the 3 original servers started flocking and then continually trickling into that server over the course of a decade. I don't think they anticipated that a significant amount of players would return back to their old server(s). I think they figured people who invested a significant amount of time and money would stay put. But obviously that was not the case. Hindsight is a bleep.

    But again, despite their mistakes and hindsights - whats done is done and it's going to be a long while before they merge Alexina. The good news is I hope that when and if they decide to do it, I hope they do it better next time around. Like I don't want to be scrambling for names, I don't want crap breaking like guilds and stuff (just use numbers next time Nexon lol). And...I just don't want to have to worry about another merge for at least a couple years. I am pretty sure the staff and a lot of the community feel the same. This whole ordeal has been stressful for everyone.

    For the rest of the Alexina players who originally started on Alexina. Stay put, because you'll just make it worse for yourselves. I started on Ruairi and stayed on Ruairi and endured the depleting population for over a decade. I just wasn't going to start over no matter what. It paid off basically. So now it is your guy's turn whether you like it or not. You can do this. We did.
  • SebastianSebastian
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,970
    Posts: 445
    edited July 6, 2019
    Gaea wrote: »
    For the rest of the Alexina players who originally started on Alexina. Stay put, because you'll just make it worse for yourselves. I started on Ruairi and stayed on Ruairi and endured the depleting population for over a decade. I just wasn't going to start over no matter what. It paid off basically. So now it is your guy's turn whether you like it or not. You can do this. We did.

    Yeah, same boat I'm gonna be on, but because I spent way more money than I should have on things over here. Restarting would basically be shooting myself in the foot. Twice.

    And I'm not doing magic craft again. Period.

    This is also the one thing I'll agree on with Alexina needing to experience like the other servers.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,859
    Alexina "needing" to experience what the other servers went through? Why is that a need? It's clearly not good for business from Nexon's point of view. Other than satisfying some odd need for some kind of a revenge thing by some forum users on one server against forum users on another? If the other servers atrophied for too long isn't that Nexon's fault, instead of game players on some servers? If Alexina should have never been created isn't that Nexon's fault instead of the folks who signed up for Alexina. Making separate servers, forcing folks to choose a community and dividing everyone from the get go was a mistake and needs to be fixed. The bickering in this thread is the result of dividing people.
  • DevotionDevotion
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,395
    Posts: 39
    edited July 6, 2019
    People don't "need" to experience the same thing, but it helps people understand each other. Mutual understanding brings people together.
    Ultimately, I believe we will understand each other pretty well when the servers finally do merge ^^
  • SebastianSebastian
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,970
    Posts: 445
    edited July 6, 2019
    >>Tries to find middle ground

    >>Gets shot in foot

    Just a poor choice of words // To be honest I'm not sure what I was actually trying to say there.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Sebastian wrote: »
    >>Tries to find middle ground

    >>Gets shot in foot

    Just a poor choice of words // To be honest I'm not sure what I was actually trying to say there.

    Welcome to the forums.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Gaea wrote: »
    Sebastian wrote: »
    >>Tries to find middle ground

    >>Gets shot in foot

    Just a poor choice of words // To be honest I'm not sure what I was actually trying to say there.

    Welcome to the forums.

  • MusicatMusicat
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,550
    Posts: 289
    ten-cent comment (excuse me)
    Sebastian wrote: »
    The fact that they weren't included.
    But they were included in the merge celebration events, even if not in the merge itself.
    Gaea wrote: »
    I can't just shop on ch7 when I know there is more stuff out there on ch1.
    Sounds like you also can't go to a grocer's in your home town while there's a huge shopping center with everything in Japan or France.
  • DanievictriaDanievictria
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,695
    Posts: 313
    Honestly, I think that if the population on Nao stays consistently higher than on Alexina, Alexina could eventually see a demographic shift toward players with a quieter, more introverted personality. A large server population is most attractive to people who are more extroverted and enjoy having a lot of people to talk to, hang out with, run group content with...that sort of stuff. However, a smaller server population is more attractive to players who don't mind flying solo and enjoy a good series of solo dungeon crawls or chilling by themselves with some YouTube videos or something running on the TV and their laptop on a lap desk or tray table as they chill in bed gathering and crafting on a rainy Sunday afternoon.

    So (according to this theory, anyway), Alexina's population may stay smaller compared to Nao's, but it would also become more mellow and chill. As Alexina changes in this way, some more extroverted players may be attracted to the chill vibe and join the server, creating a rebound in the extrovert population. The extroverts who arrive in this wave would still maintain the laid-back culture of the transformed Alexina, since that's what attracted them in the first place, now creating a more socially active but still chill Alexina.

    A transformation like that would take years, though, and it's just my own theory about how things could shake out over time. I'm no expert on psychology or sociology, so take this whole thing with a huge chunk of salt, but it is an interesting idea of how a server's culture could change due to its population density relative to a sister server...
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,859
    What if they found a way for folks to be able to move freely between servers as often as they want while the game is live. To be able to move themselves, their pets, their guild stones, etc. as often as they want live in-game for free. Then the sociable folks could collect together and the introverts could go find a quiet server. Then if any sociable folks find the air getting too thick they can go take a breather on a quiet server, and if any introverts decide they'd like some company they could go find some too. That seems like a good common ground solution?
  • SaiSai
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,785
    Posts: 675
    edited July 7, 2019
    Musicat wrote: »
    Gaea wrote: »
    I can't just shop on ch7 when I know there is more stuff out there on ch1.
    Sounds like you also can't go to a grocer's in your home town while there's a huge shopping center with everything in Japan or France.

    If you could teleport there... Mmm...
This discussion has been closed.