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or about 20 alt accounts
And a lot of wasted time.
What kind of stupidity is this? I'm flabberghasted that anybody would even attempt it.
I'm glad about the platinum hammers, skill exp pots, and reforges.
Never doing these kinds of events ever again if an option to just directly exchange these stupid coins for stuff instead of Bull RNG.
3 checks total 7m+? That's not as lucky.
But better than having everything being pots and hammers >:3
I am lucky that I've been without a computer for the past week and a half and thus I have not been wasting time on this.
I got my lucky 6.1m check and I'm pretty sure that's all I'll get.
Hey, think of it this way - they were useless from the start anyway
Well I ended getting a few reforges a dura hammer and an unlimited shadow pass, which was probably more worth it than hoping to land a darrig box. I'll just toss the remaining 10 coins down a well.
I find this girl cute with that expression for some reason o -o