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I'm poor // Alexina [ALL SLOTS TAKEN/CLOSED]
Had to deal with some personal situations but will update very soon!!!
I just want a Baby Kitty Doll...
So I'm opening up a pop up shop...
These are all just colored sketches... :')
Sketching waist up with base color for 10m
full bodies with base color for 20m!
Half payment upfront for me to start then the other half will be to remove the watermark from the completed piece!
ONLY 4 SLOTS and then this shop will be closed but I'll be back on here again when something else I want pops up!
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ - Waiting on refs and payment
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ - First payment received
★ ★ ☆ ☆ - Sketching
★ ★ ★ ☆ - Base color
★ ★ ★ ★ - Second payment received
If paid in full: First and last stars will be filled and sketching and base color stars will be filled on my accord
1. Imaizumi ★ ★ ☆ ☆
2. Sugarco ★ ★ ★ ★ [completed]
3. Gakkuriaqua ★ ★ ☆ ☆
4. Alynnia ★ ☆ ☆ ★
Thanks for stopping by!!
,,is a bimbo and forgot to put my IGN: APTX4869

Do you mind if I claim a slot in advance? I'll edit my post with references before the day is over
If not that's ok~ All the best to your shop
Also what server are you on? And how much is the item you're looking to buy? :O
Thank you!
also!! its much cheaper to get an appearance scroll rather than the actual doll and its exactly the same as having the real doll (except different stats but i dont think anyone wants it for that pfft)
I'm fine with that :^) !! I'm on Alexina and the Baby Kitty Doll is going for around 15m-20m!! I'm just having extra slots in case it spikes up a little!
Of course, of course! I forgot those existed I WANT BOTH NOW o(-<
oof one more slot open since you brought the scroll up lol thanks for reminding me those existed!!!!
Hey I'm working on a reference right now, but I'd like to ask some questions for now~
Is it possible to get a full body sketch with color shading for just a flat 20m? :O
I don't intend to necessarily get one if that's the case, but it influences what my order may be
Also do you have any media with extra references that you're alright sharing?
Like a Deviantart, Twitter, Tumblr, Pixiv, etc.
What's your preferred method of contact? :O
I'm ok with forum posting, forum DMs, Discord DMs, or others if I have them~
How do you handle payment?
Full payment upfront,
Half payment upfront and the other half after a rough sketch,
Watermarked piece with full payment to remove watermark,
Thank you!!
I would be fine doing a full body for 20m since no one's popped up with just the doll kek
I'd prefer forums for contacting! So through posts or DMs will be fine and if you'd like more examples please DM me since my stuff is all scattered d=(´▽`)=b ......
Half payment upfront for me to start then the other half will be to remove the watermark from the completed piece!
20m for full body with base color and 10m for waist up with base color!
Hello! So both soft examples full body would be 20m and waist up would be 10m! If you're looking for a sketch without a completely done base color and just want a couple accent colors just subtract 2m from the prices~
The rougher examples are sketches with color shading so they're are actually only for the Baby Kitty Doll itself (and mainly to show they I can draw in a more edgier style if the commissioner wishes since I prefer drawing cutesy stuff but I'll take whatever the request)! :^)
I've made a form if that's alright; since I'm used to commissioning that way XD
IGN: Wakasagihime
Server: Alexina
Type: Full Body Sketch (Color Shading)
Payment: 20m
Character Reference: https://i.imgur.com/JfTyKiA.jpg
Pose Reference(s):
1 - https://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1631566
2 - https://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2806489
-The pose references are just a suggestion. Feel free to do any pose you think would look good
-For pose reference 1 I only like the posing on the left. Please ignore the woman on the right side~
-If my character reference is too large, or awkward to use, or anything kinda bad-ish let me know since it's my first time making a reference with all of the details combined on one picture... OTL
-If anything about this commission is no good, then that's no problem! Let me know and I'll change up my request c:
Thank you!!
Hmm, can you DM me and we can see if we can work something out!
I finally gathered the refs hhh I hope its doable!
IGN: Erubescent | Alexina // Aquaheart|| Nao
My main is actually on Nao ;v;
Type: Waist Up Sketch
Payment 10m
Alrighty!! Were you going to use a server gold conversion or did you have enough on your Alexina account? Just let me know when you'd like to meet up or if you'll be mailing the first payment! :^)
i added! uh- im usually tabbed out on mabi so //sweats
if its convenient my discord is Aqua#1689 :>
EDIT: I have a commission form ready~ Just wanted to confirm if you're still accepting commissions ^^ Contact me on Discord if you could, most likely will be able to reply on there~ Senpai#1478