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Royal Alchemists (Cylinder Upgrades)
They need to use Abyss cylinders to unlock the upgrades on Nao Server,because it reset after the merg.
To get RA on Nao currently you have to have every alchemy skill rank 1 and more journal points than the other people who apply, any skill below r1 and you won't even have a chance to get your journal completion compared to everyone else who applies.
Yes that means you'll need r1 synth too despite it "not being important".
I would love to see even one upgrade be found when spamming, but I have to keep trying unfortunately.
But yes, for me personally I haven't lost RA since I first got it, nor after the merge when I applied again. So it's quite unlikely while I'm active, here's an ideal of why though lol
But of course not everyone is like this, so it's an example here.
And if Raincloud stops agro why doesn't rain?
Like if you had Rain Casting Cooldown Reduction and Rain Cast Duration reforges together?
If both of those were high, especially 20+, you'd come off cooldown before the previous cloud dissipated.
What cylinder you use also affects the duration.
Celtic Tetra amplifies the duration by 1.9x.
Hurricane and Demonic Abyss are tied for second place at 1.12x.
Then there's the -10% cooldown bonus from having a 50+% filled Wind Marble via Elemental Wave.
And the aggro thing...
Maybe it has to do with the clouds being lower to the ground or something.
It's not random. After that, positions are doled out based on the amount of journal points one has accrued.
I use a Revenant Insight Cylinder. My cooldown ends before my cloud does. It last for a pretty long time, so you can have two clouds up.