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I guess VIP update was a lie
Now that we're 2/3rds the way through the year "soon 2019" can we just be told it isn't possible/happening? I still want it, but I feel like we're never going to actually get it at this point. I really fail to see why it's taking so long...
We even somehow managed to get a merge (which wasn't promised) before an update that's happening soon in 2019. Granted the merge was kind of botched, with alexina being left out and all the other stuff.
At least we got name changes

Soon 2019 was over a long time ago though.
Another thing I'd like to add, the 8 months of VIP I bought on sale when we were told "there's a reason it's on sale" are about to run out as well. Which I'd also like to add, current vip is trash and I wouldn't ever buy it. Bait and switch tactics are shameful maybe even illegal.
It's not bait and switch, but it was definitely profiteering under a little white lie - a little white lie to help boost sales - which is still illegal as hell. Basically they scammed us when they said that. They need to be held accountable. Those who purchased service during the sale last year under the guise that they were going to update VIP services soon need to be retroactively compensated whenever they finally release the updated services.
That aside...
Something tells me you guys are not going to like the version of updated services they are going to provide us. They always ALWAYS never release it the same way as KR does for their region. So the fight is going to be far from over even after they finally release it. One battle over with always just means another one beginning with Nexon NA.
that is why I stayed away from that sale, whenever Nexon says "coming soon," expect it to take 4 to 6 months with possibly additional delays. it was a dirty business move but it worked. updated VIP has unlimited access to the Echostone without running that dungeon, letting us make up to 20 mil gold with any personal shop instead of just Belvast, and can make checks up to 30 mil gold with no bank fees. there will probably be few changes but anything is better then the useless VIP we have now.
We might win the battle, but not the war.
Anyway, I was thinking about buying VIP once it actually comes out, or maybe that cloud/bone dragon package on the shop, but halfway through the year, 7/12 months and nothing..
Though to be honest, we all should be used to false promises from them, unintentional or not.
Mama Nexon: We have VIP update in home.
VIP update in home: *crickets* "Soon™"
I will be PISSED if they make it not as good as KR's.
You KNOW we'll get the bungled/watered down version.
That's Nexon NA's specialty.
I've been saying this for years, I've always had a feeling that KR hates us and so they purposely do that.
And i can guess you didn't even get a PM from any VFM informing why your post got nuked?
It was obvious lie. They said "soon" and the so called "soon" didn't happen. Because i wouldn't call 8 month wait as a "soon".
Still remember the forum avatar lie back in 2017. It was "soon" that time as well. It's now over 2 years of "soon" waiting.
I don't see a PM about why but seems like a silent warning tho.
They should of just given the players what they want that is worth the money they spent on the sales WAITING for this, I guess Nexon going to pull a Saga and likely take them 9 years later to update the VIP lol.
Wait so.. after all that drama, ranting, pleading, discussing etc...
The forum mods are still deleting things without posting a reason, moving things without posting a reason, and even giving warnings without reason again? I'm glad I got out when I did, the forum relationship with mods/gms is textbook abusive relationship.
Aww comon baby, I only banned you once and it was because I was drunk... It won't happen again I promise.
Soon is very ambiguous.
And here you are posting.
@Alshian what comment was deleted?