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Dude, I so want to run around mabi with this.
It would be so cool, and it could have a few additional effects on top of using it with the defense and charge skills. Lets make shields relevant again! XD
Imagine these new outfits.
Capes, wings, wigs, tails, ears. Hell Ren's outfit would make all the edgelords empty their wallets.
C'mon Nexon, this is right up your ally!
For the commerce event we could run around in a wagon like that. Make it so if you do enough commercing you get to keep that wagon as an option. That would be awesome.
Awesome fast two person mount, just like in the anime!
Potion making quests. We could enchance potions to get more SE and RE potions during the crossover event.
OH! and check this out. You know how they feed their weapons to grow their abilities? That the same thing with our ego's. Devcat, you could release shield hero crossover with the g24 update.
I'm a freaking genius. Do this Nexon, FREAKING DO IT.
I'll throw in Raphtalia partner to the suggestion.
Someone please make a suggestion thread in Feedback and Suggestion category!
We might get it since people did ask and suggest Re:Zero collab. Still remember people wanting Rem and Ram maids which was amazing idea. And we actually got that. Was really surprised that Nexon actually read what people say.
Raphtalia AND also Filo in girl form. YES!!
We could just move this thread to the suggestions forum to be honest. I mean these are anime's that we are suggesting for crossovers. But I guess I can just copy all of the potential content over and make a thread...
They may not respond, but their eyes are lurking.
I think most business operations there will be suspended for a long while.
Dude. smh. Too soon. 34 people died in that atrocity last week. That's not funny at all.
And you need an Onii-chan!
Not an oni-chan?
Ok caps rant done :P
I'd love this as well, first time they could bring back a collab they already did before.
Also if they do bring it back, they better add 2nd titles for the characters they missed.
My adorable little merchant Otto ♥
Read Shielf Hero first and you'll get to know whether you will like it or not.
Changed your name here, too, eh?
You're not making much of an attempt at hiding.
I took it as a change in scenery.