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The Fate Stay Night, MMO Junkie, and Re:Zero events were all terrible and only memorable for how lackluster they were. Anyone remember how much more there was to the Vocaloid and, as reluctant as I am to admit it, the SAO crossovers???
Maybe if they changed their avatar, I wouldn't notice, but they had to be consistent.
And even then, the toxic-ness in her reply is clearly that of Gaea.
If Vocaloid and SAO are what you consider to be "higher quality", then you must not be expecting much.
Yeah, same here. Nvm.
2.Fairy Tail
3.Food Wars!Shokugeki no Soma
The media in question isn't what I consider to be higher quality, it was the events themselves that I considered to be of higher quality.
Fate's crossover had a single daily RP mission that got stale incredibly quickly after playing as all three characters at least once.
MMO Junkie, as far as I can remember, only made you spam normal dungeons for a box with bracelets in it.
Re: Zero rehashed that terrible wolf-dodging event and then pit us in an NPC-defense RP mission that was too difficult to be fun.
I might just be remembering the Vocaloid and SAO events wrongly, but it feels like they had more content to offer than the other three I've mentioned.
Though, given how those three went, I guess you're not wrong. I'm not expecting much at this point because the crossover events have become nothing more than low-effort cash grabs.
2. Shield Hero
3. Noragami
I was partly speaking of the events, yes. Vocaloid relied heavily on buying the Character Cards, and SAO was just a sloppy small questline that was otherwise just more Gacha.
Food wars would work as long as they integrate all ingredients that cannot be currently used.
SAO had boring fishing with abysmal and now irrelevant swimsuits, useless ice dragon poop collection and dungeon spam for combo cards or something like that. All i got from that event was a single SAO Nishida and Lisbeth titles. Re: Zero and Fate/Stay Night UBW was way better. Got a bunch of personal shopping bags, Puck support dolls, first and second titles from those.
Ahh, well, I guess my lacking memory might have just been glorifying them in my mind then. -shrugs- Regardless, I know that I didn't enjoy the other crossovers we've had. I just think that if we have to have crossover events, then the devs should try to take the limited opportunity that they have to make it a unique or fun experience like how the Cursed Labyrinth or Samhain events were when they were first introduced. (Those two only being examples of events that I personally enjoyed. I'm sure there are older ones that many would like to see come back instead.)
Meh. I just like to have a little semblance of continuity online.
Yes pls
I will set up a shrine and donate all my gold to Yato
5 yen is enough.
Yes, because changing your name, only to go out in public and say "HEY, I USED TO BE SO-AND-SO!", having done so when your initial reason for changing your name was so people wouldn't know your new name.
Like, if you were put in the Witness Protection Program, only to choose, one day, to go up to the people who you were put in the Witness Protection Program to be safe from, and say "HEY, I'M THE PERSON YOU'RE LOOKING FOR! I WAS PUT IN THE WITNESS PROTECTION PROGRAM!"
What does it matter, dude? It's her name and she can do what she wants with it.
You're the one being "toxic" that's why I made a simple reply of 'sure' because we haven't been impressed with you lately dude. You've been in nothing but a fowl mood and have been very vocal about it. Although we are not sure whats eating you exactly.
But SURE, I'm the one being toxic for saying SURE. Ok SURE. lol.
I already made a lengthy reply to you about this. It's time for us to move on.