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Some NPCs in Port Cobh Missing?
In channel 10 & channel 2, on Nao server, I am not seeing certain npcs for Port Cobh. Dughall, Madoc, Tamon, Angus, the Worker & child (Lonnie) which runs around the long pier. Other npcs in Port Cobh appear fine. Channel 10 I first noticed Madoc missing around maybe 9:10ish am, and rest were there, so I cycled through to see if other channels had issue. All but Channel 2 were ok. But in channel 2, the others were missing. Now, in channel 10, the others listed above also appear missing. Hoping it's somehow something on my end and not npcs vanishing, signaling a problem, but it's concerning.
I checked around in Tir, Dunby and some other areas of channel 2 and didn't spot any issues with npcs (other than Port Cobh) at that point the morning. Only seemed to be Port Cobh and the npc disappearance seemed to begin with Madoc, as he was the first to disappear on ch10, as well (prior to a few of the others).
NPCs on strike.