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Got a new tablet so i'm super excited to test out some drawings!
Drop any references of your characters below (and maybe describe their personality a bit) and i'll experiment with it


My dear giant Haryku( had to change it from Hariku+Tarlach xD) a giant with a good heart and wish to keep practicing the fighter skills mostly to better herself and keep helping others. A literal shy giant xD
Her personality is aloof, proud, a bit meanie but still femenine.
Good luck!
Her personality is quiet and relaxed with a slight smile.
She's confident and sexy. Thanks for the opportunity c:
my char may be mean, but has a gentle heart. vvv intelligent, perceptive, & quick-witted all while keeping composure and a disinterest attitude
A gentle, but determined giant!
Here's Hariku doing a mini celebration ^^
She's pretty modern, can be sexy or cute at times, and very calm
Tried out a more crayon-ish effect. Hope ya like it!
Kinda like the top half better...
Aww thank you!!
Gave the hair and ornament a try
This is lovely!! thank you so much ♥
Experimented with a pose
OOOO I love the details on her head piece and hair! Really like her pose as well
Thank you for the freebie!!
I’m still alive
Hope u like this
She looks nice. Thanks for the freebie.