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[PART 4] Fantastic Memory Relay Event
Lorna and Pan have sent a Nostalgia-filled Letter to all Milletians. Read it and visit them in Festia! Check out the full details here!
Fantastic Memory Relay Event
Event Dates: 8/15 After Maintenance - 10/10 Before Maintenance
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Melody Store
Time to sober up.
These event rewards are INSANE btw. O_o;;;
Been a while. Not my thing, but good luck to whoever decides to try.
So just have the other player you refer play a dungeon or shadow mission with you.
Thanks, that worked. c:
Click the Lorna button then click the "Invite/refer friends" button at the top of that window.
If you haven't referred anyone it should be "x/12" and "Next: XX:YY"
Thank you!
Looks like it's 30 min, not 36...and cc doesn't reset it.
Congratulations, and best wishes! May your marriage be a long and happy one!
You can only get one box for referring (Diligent Milletian) or one box for being referred (Welcome Milletian), per account. Do note that the titles expire after 30 days.
These rewards look 'fantastic'! (tee-hee)
Said almost every player ever. Because it's impossible to find anyone to be interested in this game.