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What's Your Personal Mabi Goal?
Don't forget the fact that they're also very squishy.
Well, of course they're cuddly squishy! They're foxes! ...But, defensively...yeah...
The cuddling type of squishy or the roadkill like squishy with mosaics?
Then again, changing their name might actually make me stay because I would actually have a genuine interest in my character again. We'll see! XD
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By the way, what happens at 40,000? I'm only like level 10,000 and I've already got my northern lights armor and have nearly mastered all(all). [all], ::ALL:: of my talents thanks to this vacation event. What's so important about level 40,000?
I was going to quit day 1 because I was absolutely bored to tears when my friend showed me this game, but then they showed me trans and I fell in love with the idea of transforming into any character I wanted.
I currently have 320/320 monster trans and 320/417 NPC trans.
I managed to get all 320 monster trans within 30 days of playing the game, I've been working on the NPC trans for 3 years though.