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Auction House Sale Type?

Mabinogi Rep: 400
Posts: 3
in Bugs and Glitches
A few friends and I seem to be having issues with the auction house. Can't see anything listed as "Auction", only "Regular". This happening with anyone else? :/


  • MegasoulMegasoul
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,735
    Posts: 148
    edited August 22, 2019
    Interestingly, I just checked why this might be happening, it seems that the auction house is defaulting to "Regular" rather than "All" or "Bid."

    If you want to see any bid items, you're going to have to select either "All" or "Bid" and then press "Search."

    I guess they accidentally changed the default in one of the recent updates.


    I would even venture to say this counts as a bug that they should look into fixing, but I'm not sure.
  • FluoretteFluorette
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,840
    Posts: 815
    edited August 22, 2019
    Are you sure this isn't something that was pointed out in the August 15 Patch Notes under "Auction House Improvement"?


    This part in particular?
  • MegasoulMegasoul
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,735
    Posts: 148
    Fluorette wrote: »
    Are you sure this isn't something that was pointed out in the August 15 Patch Notes under "Auction House Improvement"?


    This part in particular?

    If this were the case, Regular wouldn't be the default but yes you would have to go through the list to find the Bid items.

    Instead, you will never see the bid items unless you think to search for them.
  • MaorriMaorri
    Mabinogi Rep: 400
    Posts: 3
    edited August 22, 2019
    Ah, thank you very much for pointing that out! I'll let my buddies know. XD Goodness, though, I really prefer it the old way. Seems a bit of a hassle with sorting now. XP
  • IonIon
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,365
    Posts: 63
    This really needs to be changed back. No one even knows that it happened and auctions are going largely untouched. The "auction" part of "auction house" is now just an after-thought. It's great for the rare few buyers that know, but horrible for sellers.
  • MegasoulMegasoul
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,735
    Posts: 148
    Ion wrote: »
    This really needs to be changed back. No one even knows that it happened and auctions are going largely untouched. The "auction" part of "auction house" is now just an after-thought. It's great for the rare few buyers that know, but horrible for sellers.

    Well, at the very least I've been looking at the auction sales recently. Most of the time they're just as poorly priced (read as overpriced) as the non-auction part, except that the items can increase in expense even after you thought you secured a deal.