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Girgashiy Raid Daily

Mabinogi Rep: 3,315
Posts: 309
edited August 24, 2017 in Mari Chat
Everyday, we are hosting Daily Order Girgashiy Raids to train our Crusader Skills, Sub-Skills, and raise our Crusader Levels in Channel 2.

Those that need Apostle Ring for Weekly Order, we might be hosting Hard Mode Runs after the Normal Runs when our Daily Order are finished.
There might be Very Hard Mode Runs on the weekends.
If there is not enough players for Girgashiy Raids and there are some players that need daily done, find players from your Guild and Friend's List.
Note: Those who already unlocked Recovering Touch, do not pick up the Apostle Ring because it will cut off other players who needs that Sub-Skill unlocked.
Note: If there is not enough Apostle Shining Shards for those who need it for their daily, make another run. Do not take Apostle Shining Shard if it is not in your daily.

Here are the Set Times for the Daily Order Runs:

12:00 PM PST (11:45 AM PST to form a party)
3:00 PM EST (2:45 PM EST to form a party)

5:30 PM PST (5:15 AM PST to form a party)
8:30 PM EST (8:15 PM EST to form a party)

8:00 PM PST (7:45 PM PST to form a party)
11:00 PM EST (10:45 PM EST to form a party)



There are 3 Roles: Shield of Trust, Celestial Spike, and Judgment Blade. You have an opportunity to pick a role and make a request before the run starts.
You must complete G19 in order to gain Crusader Skills.
If you did not complete G19, you have to be a support. (Support Shot, Spin Uppercut, and Pet AoE Debuff is a plus.)
Organization is the purpose of defeating Girgashiy, so do not be far away from the group as Girgashiy will land someone far away after the Mineral Hail phase.
Do not use Puppetry as it can confuses the AI, which causes the aggro to reset.

Solo Run

Requirements: Must have high-ranked skills and Shield of Trust to countermeasure Girgashiy.
Note: There are players that could not solo Girgashiy, so I made a guide that can be helpful.
-100% - 80% HP: Use Fighter skills, Bash, and Lightning Rod to cut HP down. Try not to get below 80%.
-80% - 50% HP: Humans: Use Final Hit after the Mineral Hail Phase to cut its HP to avoid Contagion. Elves and Giants: Bash to reach below 50%. If you didn't make it before the next Mineral Hail phase, switch to Alchemy skills for situational purpose. Life Drain is good to counter against Contagion. Bring HP Potions unless you hate Potion Poisoning or get a requirement to kill it without potions.
-50% - 5% HP: You will be grabbed after the mineral hail phase, then it will use Staff Swing or Contagion. It can get containment requirement. Use Fighter skills, Alchemy skills, Bash, Final Hit, and Lightning Rod.
-5% and below: Use Fighter skills, Bash, and Lightning Rod to finish it.
-Use Shield of Trust when it uses Mineral Hail phase. It is also a skill reset, so timing is crucial.

Easy Run

-Everyone is welcome to join mainly to train their skills and sub-skills.
-If you are focusing on training, don't worry about killing Girgashiy unless the party can kill it before time limit runs out.
-It helps complete confine related requirements.
-If you have a small party, they can help you get containment requirement completed.
-Note that these set times are helpful to find players to help you train Crusader skills.

Normal Run

-Everyone is welcome to join to get their Daily Order and Weekly Order done.
-85% - 70% HP: If you get infected, don't get close to other players because the infection can spread to other players if you are too close to them. If Contagion reaches your HP below 0, you are dead.
-70% - 55% HP: In Confine phase, focus on rescuing players who are inside a crystal. It inflicts wound damage where you have to be very quick to rescue players who are trapped inside. If you don't have confine requirement done for daily, let Girgashiy swing his staff once before using Windmill to reset aggro. Don't make Girgashiy use Confine too much because it can hurt the party that they might not have enough time to recover. If Confine reaches your HP below 0, you are dead.
-55% - 40% HP: Girgashiy will grab a random player and inflict wound damage if is not rescued. It's too difficult to get containment done if the party does not help. Use Mana shield to prevent wound damage.
-40% - 25% HP: Girgashiy will swing a few times before it uses Contagion or Confine. Be quick to avoid infection or rescue players from confine before it uses Mineral Hail.
-25% - 5% HP: Girgashiy will create a soul image of yourself moving towards the user. Should the soul reaches Girgashiy, it is an instant-kill to the player and Girgashiy restores HP in the aftermath. The party must quickly kill the purple bar to cancel the Soul skill. When the Soul Glitch was created, avoid Windmill, Dance of Death, and Fallen Fairy pet close to Girgashiy or it will use Soul Absorption again and kill most of the party. If you need Souls for your daily, make sure you keep your distance away from it, be very close to other players, and Windmill. You can kill souls with Dance of Death.

Hard Run

Requirements: Rank 5 Shield of Trust or Rank 5 Celestial Spike (There are some exceptions.)
-Everyone is welcome, but you have to pair with a shielder because Mineral Hail is an instant kill and you have to be more organized.
-Transformation and huge or maxed HP will prevent an instant kill from Mineral Hail if you are not shielded, but you will be critically damaged.
-It also has a higher chance of getting an Apostle Ring, so look out for that.
-If you have a Mimic pet, you can ride it to prevent mineral hail to kill you. However, you will be damaged when not shielded. If you don't have enough HP to cover the Mineral Hail damage, you are dead.

Very Hard Run

Requirements: Rank 1 Shield of Trust or Rank 1 Celestial Spike and Rank 1 Judgment Blade (There are some exceptions.)
-You don't pick a role. You will be assigned depending on your Crusader Skill rank.
-It is very strict run, so you must carefully follow instructions.
-You are either assigned by pairing with a shielder, become a shielder, spiker, or be in a mimic if you are blading.
-You must play dead to avoid aggro before the run starts.
-Mineral Hail is an instant kill unless you are on a mimic.
-Rage Impact, Axe-Smash Debuff, Support Shot, Pet AoE Debuff is crucial to this run.
-Final Hit and Bash is crucial to strip its HP down.
-It has a much higher chance of getting an Apostle Ring, so look out for that.
-If you have a Mimic pet and riding it, Mineral Hail does not kill you, but you will be damaged when not shielded. However, if you don't have enough HP to cover the Mineral Hail damage, you are dead.
-Girgashiy must be killed fast after the first Mineral Hail. If it doesn't reach below 40% of HP after Judgement Blade Order and if it uses Contagion, Confinement, Soul Absorption, or Second Mineral Hail during the aftermath, you must immediately exit the mission.
  1. When they updated Girg Weekly by replacing Age 10 with Apostle Ring, what requirement do you prefer?50 votes
    1. Apostle Ring
       50% (25 votes)
    2. Age 10
       50% (25 votes)


  • Seth009Seth009
    Mabinogi Rep: 500
    Posts: 9
    I'm the host of the 3 pm est girg and would like to clarify we host hard mode on mondays before doing normal runs and anyone is welcome to the hm or normal runs as long as they have the crusader skills
  • MizukoMizuko
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,315
    Posts: 309
    edited August 24, 2017

    I am concern that there are players who need to get Briana Renown done before we do Girgashiy runs, so please keep in mind to use the waiting time to spam press music skills.
    I am also aware that there are players who ditches a Normal run in favor for Very Hard run. I want to make sure we get our Daily Order done first before we might do Very Hard. Disconnection is reasonable, but ditching the run in the middle of the battle can hurt everyone in the party and it is unacceptable. Due to it happening recently, I will make a Ban List if there are consistent dishonesty, problem, or leaving in the middle of the battle. It will be on the document file instead of the forums. For each dishonesty/problem/leaving in the middle of the battle, you will be given a strike. If you reach your 3rd strike, you will be banned from Girgashiy Raids for a certain period of time. I will inform the host of the situation.
    At times when I am not around, if there is problems without my involvement, inform me by note.

    Another Update

    In case of we are short on players running Girgashiy Raids, please call out players from your friend's list and in your guild if you want your daily/weekly order completed.


    Hosting has been a problem that is affecting the daily raids. If you are hosting Girgashiy Raids outside of the times listed from the original post, that is your own problem and not the other player's problem.

    In normal run, Containment is the hardest skill to countermeasure due to lack of the party's cooperation. For simple and less stressful skill usage, Kunai Storm inflicts 3 points from the green bar. For faster and more stressful skill usage, Way of the Gun and normal dual gun attack inflicts more points from the green bar, but requires lots of clicking. Make sure you have pets with a Shift-Right Click to reduce the points from the green bar and quickly desummon them when Girgashiy begins to use Mineral Hail.


    I am concerned that there are people who disrespects the host in a immature fashion. Let that be a warning that if you caused a problem to the host, you will get banned. I will not overlook the situation. If I see anymore problems with that, I will stop being nice and I will ban you immediately.


    There are some issues with the soul glitch during Girgashiy runs where it is affecting the party inside and out. During the soul phase, do not use Windmill and Dance of Death skill as well as Fallen Fairy pets when you are way too close to Girgashiy. It can hurt the party and get everyone killed in the process if not careful.
  • RiukRiuk
    Mabinogi Rep: 700
    Posts: 9
    do you still run girg at those times?
  • MizukoMizuko
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,315
    Posts: 309
    edited July 19, 2017
    How to Become Host of Girgashiy Raid 101

    Basics of Hosting

    Ever wanted to take responsibility to become a host of Girgashiy Raid within these scheduled time? Do you want to become host, but having problems to handle the task?
    I am going to teach you how to become a host of Girgashiy Raid, so you will learn how to handle the party properly.

    1) Make 4 groups after making a party
    The 4 groups will be Roles, Shield, Spike, and Blade.

    2) Tell your party to pick a role what they want from the Squad Chat.
    Press the L button to look at the roles your party tells you what roles they want to be on in the squad chat. There will be a window chat log, which you must click the Squad tab, so you won't get lost within the Briana Training. If you have a party member that did not tell you a role, you put him/her into the role group.
    You will have to click the party member and then click an empty slot of the group to make sure they are assigned properly.

    3) Do Briana Renown Training
    Spam Music Buffs to help train your renown for Briana to gain more Shadow Mission Rewards bonuses. The max you can go is 2000 per day.

    4) Click the Squad Ready Button.
    Once all the roles have been made, click the squad ready button. It should be located on top of the squad party window with a check mark button shown below. The ready window will appear in 30 seconds to make sure the party is not AFK. If one of them is not ready, the run will be difficult if someone in the party is AFK.

    5) Ask everyone who wants to become leader.
    There are circumstances where a party member needs to be leader for the sub-skill Guarded Footsteps to unlock. It must be done after the party starts the run. You must right click the person who needs leader in the Squad Window. Then left click "Make Captain". (Those who requested Leader Role must return it to the host after the run.)

    6) Start the run.
    Once everyone in the party is all set and ready, you start the run and follow #5.

    Advanced Hosting

    Advanced hosting is starting a Hard Mode or Very Hard Mode when doing Girgashiy Raid.

    1) Continue from #3 from the Basics of Hosting

    2) You must tell assign Shielders to pair with other 2 non-shielding players in the party
    Because Mineral Hail is a killer shot, make sure you assign the non-shielding players get close to the shielder to reduce the damage. The shielders should not move a lot as it can annoy the non-shielding players. Make sure the shielder keeps its distance from other shielders and Girgashiy so it won't get disrupted. It must be a high ranked Shield of Trust to survive it.

    (Example: Player A shield Player B and C.)

    In Game Names might be tough to type, so type the short version to make sure they know what to do.

    (IGN Example: The IGN are Zeobangbuck, Toiletmacho, and Chipladeda. Zeo shield Toilet and Chip.)
    Note: Those are made up IGN I came up with, not actual players.

    3) Mimic pet are your best friend
    If you learn that one of the players have a mimic pet, they can survive the mineral hail damage when unshielded as long as they have high hp. Even if they are paired with other shielders, it can be used as an emergency if the shielder screws up.

    4) Follow #4 and #5 from Basics of Hosting

    Ultimate Test: Doing Very Hard Mode Girgashiy Raid

    The real test to see if you can be a great host by doing Very Hard Mode Girgashiy Raid. The requirements are 2 Shielders, 3 Spikers, and the rest are Bladers. Make sure you and your party has high ranked Support Shot, Axe Mastery, Rage Impact, Judgement Blade with Breaking Lies subskill, Shield of Trust, and Celestial Spike, Final Hit, and Bash. The test takes place every weekend within scheduled times if you think you are ready.

    Depending on what you can do, there are 3 types of host where I can place you:
    -Backup Host: Those who completed the Basics of Hosting.
    -Current Host: Those who are committed to take over the previous host on a daily basis within scheduled times.
    -Pro Host: Those who are committed to run Hard Mode and Very Hard Mode and possibility take over the Pro Host on Weekends.

    I will notified the current host and add me to the Friend's List to see if you can be good host for Girgashiy Raids.

    IGN: worty
  • IdealsIdeals
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,520
    Posts: 33
    Is there any damage/range requirements for Rank 1 bladers?
  • MizukoMizuko
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,315
    Posts: 309
    Ideals said:

    Is there any damage/range requirements for Rank 1 bladers?
    Nope. It will be heavily supported by these effects.

    Axe Smash (Defense and Protection Debuff)
    Support Shot (Increase Damage Output)
    Smokescreen (Defense and Protection Debuff)
    Spin Uppercut (Defense and Protection Debuff)
    AoE Summon Pets (Defense and Protection Debuff)
    Rage Impact (Increase Damage Output)

    Damage can vary, so we might not know the results.
  • MizukoMizuko
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,315
    Posts: 309
    Solo Run and Easy Run has been added and updated.
  • mintielmintiel
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,865
    Posts: 209
    Who is the usual 8PM host these days?
  • MizukoMizuko
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,315
    Posts: 309
    mintiel said:

    Who is the usual 8PM host these days?
    Normally scuddaboy64, but host can fluctuate depending on their situation, where backup host can take over as raid leader.

    The reason why I don't add host into this thread is because there are times where the host cannot show up everyday.
    Also, there are backup host, but I need their approval if they really want to put their in-game names into this thread.

    Also, for those who are hosting Girgashiy, if you really want to put your IGN into this thread, post a note to me and I will have your approval to put your IGN into this thread above the set times where you will be hosting.

    Example: Hosted by IGN; Backup Host will be IGN, IGN, and IGN.

    IGN: worty
  • mintielmintiel
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,865
    Posts: 209
    Ahh, alrighty. I was wondering if he was the host again because sometimes it seems like there's drama going on w/ 8PM and for a while I just started flat out avoiding it. Not gonna name who the person was, out of respect for privacy or not starting a big deal, but it's really unpleasant when you're trying to multitask a real life problem that comes up in a raid and get chewed out because you took an important phonecall get threatened to be banned, on the first time it happened. I stopped doing it for a whole month or so due to this so I was wondering if it was somewhat safe to participate :V
  • LetrieLetrie
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,340
    Posts: 3
    I'm really glad that you guys take the time to host these runs. They're very helpful! Thanks ♥
  • MizukoMizuko
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,315
    Posts: 309
    Normal Run has been updated. Also, I had to adjust and shorten the thread because the system has the word limit, so I have to cut some parts of the thread.
  • MizukoMizuko
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,315
    Posts: 309
    First Page has been updated, but it is on my Second Reply due to no room in the original thread.
  • MizukoMizuko
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,315
    Posts: 309
    Another update has been added in my second reply.
  • MizukoMizuko
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,315
    Posts: 309
    Double Rainbow and Potential System has been added at the second reply.
  • MizukoMizuko
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,315
    Posts: 309
    Update about hosting.
  • xJustmexxJustmex
    Mabinogi Rep: 210
    Post: 1
    edited June 28, 2017
    Please note that there is no host for general public morning run. Please update. Thanks.
  • MizukoMizuko
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,315
    Posts: 309
    It has been updated in the second thread, but a warning for certain people.
  • MizukoMizuko
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,315
    Posts: 309
    How to Become Host of Girgashiy Raid 101 has been added in the third thread in the first page.
  • MizukoMizuko
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,315
    Posts: 309
    Updates has been modified.
This discussion has been closed.