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Mabinogi Feedback Survey!
Hey everyone, just finished filling out the feedback survey, and the last question, are there any other suggestions?! I feel like we could collaborate and really hammer something home here.
I personally suggested a Reboot / Classic Server. If anyone played the Maplestory reboot, they made it so you had to farm your own gear, and increased drop rates to make it more doable. With the increase in popularity for classic servers I think having a server more akin to the old days would be cool.
Anyway what do you guys think? I want to hear what my fellow players think!
What suggestions do you have?! Maybe we can foster some great ideas here!
What is the fun in playing the past? Taking away all the features that have been added. To me it just sounds tiresome. As someone who has been here since 2011, I hated how it was back then.
As for my own suggestions, I am not sure, a few of the things I have wanted have been added back into the game.
Nope, there is a new survey on the mabinogi homepage It just showed up with this maintenance. I am curious what they plan to do with all of it.
I couldn't do it after i went to 23 question.
The hell i know which update did i like/dislike the most? Like bruh, I really can't remember such detail.
EDIT: I had to google and see the update lists so i could remember them. Finally managed to complete it.
I had trouble here to trying to figure out what I enjoyed the best and what I found most troublesome. Had to jog the memory and then push through to the end
At the end I just told them to actually do something with guilds. Daily guild quests, guild uniforms, guild calendar. Anything to push guild members to interact with each other would be nice. "Dead" guilds that don't do anything together is a big game killer for so many people I believe.
I do see where you are coming from. However, I agree with what several people stated with creating a new server would be unnecessary. A more applicable update would be to update the graphics and optimization. I'm not sure how many of you have seen Mabinogi mobile but the graphics look really well made. Additionally, I believe that some PC optimization should take place. I'm not sure what other people think, but those were my main points.
I saw this on the suggestion forum but adding a "Buy" option to the Auction House would be huge and cool to see. Would make buying and selling items that much more efficient.
Honestly. I felt a bit strange after realizing I've never actually dropped this game for a long period of time... maybe 2-3 weeks at max.
Definitely, this game is really tanking for the Western consumers. Too much RNG within RNG - , things like Divine Weapons have rolls. Unacceptable when its such a feat to make it.
I don't remember exactly what I wrote, but my main issue was that there are only 2 difficulties for G9~12, you either get Basic or Int (rare instances where you get Adv and Hard, but they're either RP, very short and/or doesn't require you to fight, so it doesn't matter) making it easy for you to basically one-shot everything. I wish the difficulty of G9~12 would be like old days, where it was based upon your accumalitive lvl, or that that it would be based upon your highest talent. Would make G9~12 more fun, since you would have a decent challenge while doing it too.
Or if they feel like it might be too much for newer players, at least allow us to decide the difficulty on our own.
1. Making Tara less barren.
2. Fixing the CP ratings on dungeon mobs already (seriously, the bland, Wonderbread content that is Shadow Missions gets proper CP ratings, but not the game's awesome dungeons? What gives?).
3. Fixing the drop rates of Karu Forest dungeon skill books (Really, what do they have? A 1% drop rate or something? That's no good for such a long dungeon.).
But, I did mention how hard it is to find players with compatible play styles to group with, and how frustrating it is to be forced to find a partner to get certain skills (*cough*Mana Shield*cough*Fusion Bolt*cough*Hail Storm*cough*) because of how hard it can be to recruit party members in-game in a timely manner.