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I'm thinking since fermenting was added, there can be upgrades to wine making and also make use of the wine shop and other combined life skill features. Also, suggesting a new skill called brewing. Below is a draft of the idea.
Player crafted alcohol using winemaking and brewing can now be consumed.
Stat increases to STR, DEX, and LUCK while decrease in WIL. Amount will differ from the type of beverage and its quality.
Players can continue to turn them in to Pencast for the usual Exp and Gold rewards for wine. Players can turn to Wanst for non wine for the same rewards. Players can turn in to Ferghus for higher Exp but no gold, and instead a Free Ferghus Repair coupon.
New wines and materials
Machasto - made from Emain Macha Muscat grapes found in Blago Prairie (on a new vineyard on the eastern side near Emain Macha)
A sparkling moscato wine.
Ulahd Claret - made from Continental Red Merlot (found in Blag Prairie new vineyard eastern side). A dark red wine.
Filia Chardonay - made from Chardonay grapes from Filia (adding vineyard near Filia farmland). Tropical white wine.
Wine Shop
The Wine Shop is now accessible to players and will have a new NPC. Player made wines are branded and sold here as both a consumable item and a commerce item. Players who have had their alcohol evaluated may post their wine for sale here weekly the amount available is based on quality.
Very high quality wines will be rarer, so there will only be a total of 100 units for commerce and 50 units for player consumption sold. Middle tier quality wines will have 200 commerce units and 100 consumable units sold. Low quality wines are undesirable, and only 30 units of each will be sold.
The same will apply to items made to items made from brewing.
After completing a series of quests to access the wine shop and functions, there will be a quest to acquire Brewing.
Unlike winemaking, brewing will require several ingredients to produce alcohol.
A separate minigame that combines the cooking and winemaking game features will be used.
Players can make various brews using wheat, barley, potatoes, sweet potatoes, sugars, various fruit, and/or yeast.
If anyone is interested in this idea, feel free to put forth suggestions, or ask for me to go into more depth.

I hope you don't mind me dropping this here.
And make the window of time before freshness starts degrading even wider, like make not degrade until 32 hours have passed since the last replacement, rather than 24.
Well actually, I don't have much love for the minigame anyways, since I'm bad at it.
I'm not gonna get any better at speedily clicking accurately on the quickly shrinking blobs in the wine, and I don't have a touchscreen or anything like that to help by doing it that way, so I'm basically stuck at bad.
These are neat ideas, though rather than just stat boosts, it'd be neat if these drinks had special effects along with them.
Especially if you decide to share the wine with Campfire/Chair sharing.
I wonder what Arat Berry Wine would be like.
I can already imagine the shaky screens.
Much appreciated, one of the threads I missed when I was on break.
I like the names, much better than mine.
Anything you wish to contribute/updates to the system?
Yeah, the current minigame can be rough. Perhaps, it can be improved?
Arat Berry Wine is interesting, but how do we get Arat berries outside SMs?
I was also thinking of having recipes for some of the alcohol that is sold in shops.
Oh about Arat Berries, the ones you obtain during Crag Cow by smacking trees are able to be taken out of SMs.
Actually, the only ones that can't are those "Supply" berries you get during things like Stones of Sliab Cuilin.
Well I think it could be possible to remove the toxins through the fermentation process.
I think the berry-eaters would have the advantage, what with Arat Berries marking things on the map.
Gotta wonder, what do those taste like?
The wine would probably mark things on your minimap and make the screen all blurry, too. (Well, the blurry part doesn't happen if you have "Full Scene Effect" unchecked in options)
Arat Berries always makes me think of "Noitar Arat" mentioned during G9.
Unrelated but that's "Tara Ration" backwards, but that doesn't make sense in-context.
Use cooking % proportions per recipe and then control vat's temperature and/or control fermentation/aging to brew drink over the course of several days. Feed the mixture to ferment daily to improve alcohol content.
My madness recipes.
Blue Mead recipe
Raw Honey (80%) Blueberry (15%) Yeast (5%)
Apple Cidre
Apple (70%) Berry (15%) Yeast (5%)
Devenish Black Beer
Barley Flour (65%) Malt (25.5%) Yeast (9.5)
Ulaid Beer
Barley Flour (55%) Malt (15%) Corn (30%)
Brifne Whiskey
Wheat Flour (65.5%) Malt (34.5%)
Vales Whiskey
Barley Flour (71.3%) Malt (28.7%)
Rice (95.5%) Sweet Potato (4.5%)
Rice (85%) Water (10%) Starch Syrup (5%0
Plum Wine
Green Plum (75%) Salt (5%) Starch Syrup (20%)
Butter Beer
Butter (75%) Starch Syrup (20%) Water (5%)
Potato (45%) Corn (40%) Yeast (15%)
Strawberry Brandy
Strawberry (22%) Emain Macha Wine (75%) Yeast (3%)
Rum will be interesting because there's no sugarcane in Mabi. Is there something to make cane juice or molasses from?
I guess I can do Gin.
Port Gin
Juniper Berry (40%) Barley Flour (40%) Grapes (40%
Leighean gin has this description that implies it's made somewhere else, so made a different name instead
Classy alcoholic drink imported from another continent. It has a clean taste to it.
You can make whisky with any grain.
Pish tosh: barley, rye, or corn that's it!
Grain whiskeys.
Grain whisky normally refers to any whisky made, at least in part, from grains other than malted barley. This could be whisky made using corn, wheat or rye.
And I think there are even some made with potatoes.
Big edit from Katherz's original post.
Or it's equivalent of Absinthe. :P
These are liquors, though. If anything, they'd fall under a third category: Distilling.
(Not that that wouldn't also be a welcome addition. xD)
Yeah, I don't mind having a distilling skill added.
My suggestion was to make use of that Wine Shop in Tara.