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Enchanted Music Box Event
The Royal Musician Alliance Maestro needs your help in creating an Enchanted Music Box! Help him out for some cool rewards such as the Fantastic Harmony 2nd Title, Diabolical Instruments, and even Drums! Check out the full details here.
Event Dates: Thursday, September 19th, After Maintenance - Thursday, October 17th, Before Maintenance
Create the Enchanted Music Box
- Upon logging in, you will receive the following quest, "In Pursuit of Musical Power".
- Talk to the Royal Musician Alliance Maestro near the Emain Macha Fishing Area and register a main character.
- Help the Royal Musician Alliance Maestro daily by finding pieces of the Bewitched Music Box.
- You can find each piece of the Bewitched Music Box by completing various activities! Completing each objective of the quest will also grant you extra rewards!
- 1st Objective - Greet all NPCs in the concert hall to get the Bewitched Music Box Key: Full Recovery Potion x5 (Expires in 3 Days)
- 2nd Objective - Share food from the souvenir seller 5x to get the Bewitched Music Box Cylinder: Golden Experience Fruit (100%) (Expires in 3 Days)
- 3rd Objective - Get 3+ combos with Freestyle Jam and get the Bewitched Music Box Comb: Nele Music Renown Seal (10), Yvona Music Renown Seal (10), and Briana Music Renown Seal (10) (All Renown Seals expire in 3 Days)
- 4th Objective - Earn 500+ pet rebirth points to get the Bewitched Music Box Motor: Essence of Phoenix x5 (Expires in 7 Days)
- 5th Objective - Deliver the music box to the Royal Musician Alliance Maestro in the Emain Macha Fishing Area who will turn the music box into a Bewitched Music Box: Obtain bonus Shadow Mission Clear EXP if you complete a Shadow Mission within 2 hours of submitting the daily quest Bewitched Music Box
- Completing the daily quest, "Bewitched Music Box", will reward you with:
- Bewitched Music Box Melody
- Enchanted Box
- AP 30 Potion
- The event resets at 7 AM PDT.
- If you bring the Royal Musician Alliance Maestro 20 Bewitched Music Box Melodies for the quest,"Complete the Fantastic Melodic Harmony" he will reward you with the following:
- 50,000 Experience Points
- 50,000 Gold
- Fantastic Harmony 2nd Title Coupon (Music Buff Skill Effect +4, and Dexterity +10)
- Melodic Music Box (Pet)
- Drums
Fish Up the Soaked Red Instrument Bag
- When you are registered as a main character, everyday, you will receive 300 Hook-It-All Extra Strength Fishing Hooks.
- Leftover bait will be removed every day at 7 AM PDT.
- Use this fishing bait to fish in Emain Macha's fishing area for a chance to fish up the Soaked Red Instrument Bag.
- The Soaked Red Instrument Bag contains lots of different goodies, including new Diabolic Instruments, so be sure to fish everyday!
- Diabolic Instruments
- Diabolic Piano
- Diabolic Flute
- Diabolic Xylophone
- Diabolic Lyre
- Diabolic Tuba
- You may even get instruments enchanted with either Pennywise, Haggling, Accountant's, or Bargainer's enchant. If you sell an item with any of these enchants on them, the shop price will greatly increase!
- Pennywise (Prefix, Shop Price increases by 250,000 Gold)
- Haggling (Prefix, Shop Price increases by 500,000 Gold)
- Accountant's (Suffix, Shop Price increases by 250,000 Gold)
- Bargainer's (Suffix, Shop Price increases by 500,000 Gold)
- Check out the full reward list below!
Weekend Hotdays
Want even more rewards? Be sure to log in once between certain days for extra rewards to help your pets grow!
- Sept. 21, 12 AM PDT -Sept. 22, 11:59 PM PDT: Golden Supplement
- Sept. 28, 12 AM PDT - Sept. 29, 11:59 PM PDT: Pet Rebirth Potion
- Oct. 05, 12 AM PDT - Oct. 06, 11:59 PM PDT: Pet Adoption Medal
- Oct. 12, 12 AM PDT - Oct. 13, 11:59 PM PDT: Golden Supplement
Pet and Music Buffs
Throughout the event, there will be buffs to help you and your pets grow!
- Sept. 19, After Maint. - Oct. 03, Before Maint.: 2X Pet EXP Buff, and 2x Pet Point Buff
- Oct. 03, After Maint. - Oct. 17, Before Maint.: 2x Music Renown Buff, and 2x Pet Perk Training Buff
Full Droplist
Enchanted Box:
Obtained by completing the daily quest, "Bewitched Music Box."
- Diabolical Piano
- Diabolical Flute
- Diabolical Xylophone
- Diabolical Tuba
- Diabolical Lyre
- Drums
- Homestead Arpeggio Concert Hall Tree
- Piano
- Electric Guitar
- Harp
- Lucky Red Upgrade Stone
- Lucky Blue Upgrade Stone
- Commerce Reforging Tool
- Allegro Cello
- Moderato Roncadora
- Harmonious Violin
- Chord Flute
- Rhythm Cello
- Do Re Mi Roncadora
- Andante Violin
- Vivacious Flute
- Melody Cello
- Magical Instrument Dye
- Magical Instrument Dye #FFFFFF
- Magical Instrument Dye #000000
- Magical Instrument Dye #FF0000
- Magical Instrument Dye #DC9C34
- Magical Instrument Dye #0000FF
- Direct Magical Instrument Dye
- Instrument Spray Paint
- Pet EXP Potion (1 Day)
- Direct Pet Dye Ampoule
- Pet Fixed Color Dye Ampoule
Soaked Red Instrument Bag:
Obtained by fishing in Emain Macha's fishing area with the fishing bait, "Hook-It-All Extra Strength Fishing Hooks."
- Diabolical Piano
- Diabolical Flute
- Diabolical Xylophone
- Diabolical Tuba
- Diabolical Lyre
- Pennywise Cello
- Accountant's Roncadora
- Haggling Violin
- Bargainer's Flute
- Magical Instrument Dye
- Magical Instrument Dye #FFFFFF
- Magical Instrument Dye #000000
- Magical Instrument Dye #FF0000
- Magical Instrument Dye #DC9C34
- Magical Instrument Dye #0000FF
- Direct Magical Instrument Dye
- Instrument Spray Paint
- Pet EXP Potion (1 Day)
- Direct Pet Dye Ampoule
- Pet Fixed Color Dye Ampoule
- Pet Fixed Color Dye Ampoule #FFFFFF
- Pet Fixed Color Dye Ampoule #000000
- Pet Fixed Color Dye Ampoule #FF0000
- Pet Fixed Color Dye Ampoule #DC9C34
- Pet Fixed Color Dye Ampoule #0000FF
- Fixed Color Dye Ampoule
- Fixed Color Dye Ampoule #FFFFFF
- Fixed Color Dye Ampoule #000000
- Fixed Color Dye Ampoule #FF0000
- Fixed Color Dye Ampoule #DC9C34
- Fixed Color Dye Ampoule #0000FF
- Fixed Color Metal Dye Ampoule
- Fixed Color Metal Dye Ampoule #FFFFFF
- Fixed Color Metal Dye Ampoule #000000
- Fixed Color Metal Dye Ampoule #FF0000
- Fixed Color Metal Dye Ampoule #DC9C34
- Fixed Color Metal Dye Ampoule #0000FF
- Name/Chat Fixed Color Change Potion
- Baltane Mission Elite Pass - Avalon Bridge
- Baltane Mission Elite Pass - Nowhere to Run
- Baltane Mission Elite Pass - Knights of the Round Table
- Baltane Mission Elite Pass - Gatekeeper
- Baltane Mission Elite Pass - Counterattack
- Baltane Mission Elite Pass - Siege Weapon
- Baltane Mission Crystal (x1.5)
- Baltane Mission Crystal (x2)
- Baltane Mission Crystal (x3)
- Full Recovery Potion x1
- Complete Skill EXP Potion (1 Hour)
- Combat 2x EXP Potion (10 min)
- Party Phoenix Feather
- Advance Phoenix Feather
- Lorna Balloon (5 uses)
- Platinum Hammer of Durability
- Rusty Hammer of Proficiency
- Music Score Scroll (2000)
- Bandage
- Handmade Bandage
- Fine Handmade Bandages
- HP 50 Potion
- HP 100 Potion
- HP 300 Potion
- MP 50 Potion
- MP 100 Potion
- MP 300 Potion
- Stamina 50 Potion
- Stamina 100 Potion
- Stamina 300 Potion
- Topaz
- Star Sapphire
- Emerald
- Aquamarine
- Garnet
- Jasper
- Ruby
- Spinel
- Diamond
The dancers on the stage - you have the girls during the day, and the guys at night. Otherwise, you'll find everyone else about all times of day.
Not sure why you expected a Bard Bag, because it's not one of the rewards. Everything's listed in the announcement/ Once (if) the Music Appreciation event comes around that was previously postponed, then you'll get the chance at obtaining a Bard Bag.
1. Kid Playing With Water [Located at the start of the new bridge, between a light post and pillar]
2. Rental Manager Andante [Along Bridge]
3. Ticket Master Largo [Along Bridge]
4. Souvenir Seller Rubato [Far Right after bridge]
5. General Manager Forte
7. Female Dance Troupe Member [Day time; Front right one, with black hair]
8. Wandering Instrument Merchant Lento [Far left after bridge]
Took me a second to realize the kid was an npc lol
When using Rest near a campfire, consuming food will prompt the player to share it with other resting players.
It also requires the other person to accept the shared food to complete.
Or you could sit on a bench with someone, that is what my friend and I did.
Either works though.
It was supposed to be in that one attendance event that they cancelled because of some technical issue I believe?
LOL same! I missed the kid, did not even see him there.
Just make it a hot time item.
Completing a Uladh dungeon or shadow mission is worth 200 pts.
For the quest, idk if it was just me, but I've gotten the full 500 upon summoning some pets.
I do the same. I just summon a pet I haven't summoned in awhile and it completes it. Since I have a lot I have no trouble.
That aside, will the soaked red instrument bags disappear after the event is over? Just wondering since it might be more space efficient to keep them as bags rather than opening them all an cluttering my inventory with baltane passes.
Oh BTW this event is going to cause some significant inflation. I'm making a couple mill a day doing this fishing event.
Submit a ticket dude. They can remove the quest and give you a fresh one. Don't let them tell you that they can't because they can. I've had them remove quests from my quest list in the past.