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Family Weekend Fishing Event
Camping Papa needs your help! Help him find his son's lost item every weekend for some fish-tastic rewards such as the new Furry Friends Fishing Chair and the new Fish Bags! Check out the full details here.
Event Dates: Friday, October 18th, 12:00 AM PDT - Thursday, November 14th, Before Maintenance
Help Camping Papa
- Upon logging in, you will receive the following quest, "Family Fish Fiasco".
- Talk to Camping Papa near the Emain Macha West Moon Gate, and register a main character.
- Camping Papa, his family, and the other anglers will only appear on Friday, Saturdays, and Sundays. They will not appear Monday through Thursdays.
- The last day Camping Papa, his family, and the other anglers will appear is on Sunday November 10th, until 11:59 PM PST.
- You can still fish until Thursday, November 14th, before maintenance!
- After hearing Camping Papa's story, and registering a main character, he will give you 500 Custom-Crafted Bait Tins and the weekly quest, "Delivery Commission Quest".
- Custom-Crafted Bait Tins can be used in Emain Macha to fish up a Gilded Glubber, a Dead Gilded Glubber, or the Boy's Lost Box.
- Bring Camping Papa 35 Dead Gilded Glubbers 4 times (for a total of 140), every week to complete the quest "Delivery Commission Quest".
- Deliver 35 Dead Gilded Glubber - Golden Experience Fruit (300%) x2
- Deliver 35 Dead Gilded Glubber - Tabula Ocular (Tradeable) x3
- Deliver 35 Dead Gilded Glubber - Perfect Free Repair Kit x1
- Deliver 35 Dead Gilded Glubber - Platinum Hammer of Durability x1
- You must finish the previous week's quest before Camping Papa will give you the next week's quest!
Fishing Master's Rankings
- You can submit your Gilded Glubbers to the Reclusive Fishing Master and compare your rankings with other players!
- When you submit a Gilded Glubber to the Reclusive Fishing Master, he will take the fish from your inventory.
- If you submit a 260 cm or bigger Gilded Glubber, he may give you something special...
Boy's Lost Box
Obtained by fishing in Emain Macha with the fishing bait, "Custom-Crafted Bait Tins"
- Furry Friends Fishing Chair
- Large Fish Bag (10x14) Coupon
- Medium Fish Bag (10x10) Coupon
- Small Fish Bag (6x10) Coupon
- Rebirth Potion (Event)
- Pet Rebirth Potion (Event)
- Golden Hammer of Durability (Tradeable)
- Rusty Hammer of Proficiency (Tradeable)
- Direct Dye Ampoule
- Direct Pet Dye Ampoule
- Guardian Soul Stone
- Golden Experience Fruit (500%)
- Mixed Elixir
- Red Upgrade Stone (Event)
- Blue Upgrade Stone (Event)
- Music Score Scroll (2000)
- Homestead Golden Sprout (Event)
- Complete Skill EXP Potion (1 Day) (Event)
- Life 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
- Close Combat 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
- Magic 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
- Alchemy 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
- Dual Gun 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
- Martial Arts 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
- Music 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
- Puppetry 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
- Ninja 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
- Chain Slash 2x EXP Potion (1 Day)
- Baltane Elite Mission Pass Selection Box
- Elite Pass - Their Method (Tradable)
- Elite Pass - The Sulfur Spider inside Shadow Realm (Tradable)
- Elite Pass - Shadow Cast City (Tradable)
- Elite Pass - Lingering Darkness (Tradable)
- Elite Pass - Dorren's Request (Tradable)
- Elite Pass - Provocation (Tradable)
- Elite Pass - Enemy Behind (Tradable)
- Elite Pass - The Other Alchemists (Tradable)
- Elite Pass - Defeat the Shadow Wizard (Tradable)
- Elite Pass - Rescue the Scout (Tradable)
- Elite Pass - Offering (Tradable)
- Elite Pass - Taillteann Defensive Battle (Tradable)
- Elite Pass - Battle for Taillteann I (Tradable)
- Elite Pass - Battle for Taillteann II (Tradable)
- Elite Pass - Ghost of Partholon (Tradable)
- Elite Pass - Defeat Fomor Commander I (Tradable)
- Elite Pass - Defeat Fomor Commander II (Tradable)
- Elite Pass - Fomor Attack (Tradable)
- Baltane Mission Elite Pass - Avalon Bridge
- Baltane Mission Elite Pass - Nowhere to Run
- Baltane Mission Elite Pass - Knights of the Round Table
- Baltane Mission Elite Pass - Gatekeeper
- Baltane Mission Elite Pass - Counterattack
- Baltane Mission Elite Pass - Siege Weapon
- Baltane Mission Crystal (x1.5)
- Baltane Mission Crystal (x2)
- Baltane Mission Crystal (x3)
- Full Recovery Potion
- Complete Skill EXP Potion (1 Hour)
- Combat 2x EXP Potion (10 min)
- Party Phoenix Feather
- Advanced Phoenix Feather
- Lorna Balloon (5 uses)
- Finest Leather Pouch
- Fine Leather Pouch
- Common Leather Pouch
- Cheap Leather Pouch
- Finest Silk Pouch
- Fine Silk Pouch
- Common Silk Pouch
- Cheap Silk Pouch
- Finest Fabric Pouch
- Fine Fabric Pouch
- Common Fabric Pouch
- Cheap Fabric Pouch
- Party Phoenix Feather (Event)
- Speed Walk Potion 40% (10 min) (Event)
- HP Buff Potion (Event)
- MP Buff Potion (Event)
- Stamina Buff Potion (Event)
- Protection/DEF Buff Potion (Event)
- Special Tendering Potion (Event)
- Special Tendering Potion S (Event)
- Production Failure Potion (Event)
- Potion of Proficiency (Event)
- HP 500 Potion SE
- MP 500 Potion SE
- Stamina 500 Potion SE
- Wound Remedy 500 Potion SE
- HP 300 Potion SE
- MP 300 Potion SE
- Stamina 300 Potion SE
- Wound Remedy 300 Potion SE
- HP & MP 300 Potion
- HP & Stamina 300 Potion
- HP & Stamina 100 Potion
- HP & MP 100 Potion
- HP 300 Potion
- MP 300 Potion
- Stamina 300 Potion
- HP 100 Potion
- MP 100 Potion
- Stamina 100 Potion
- Diamond
- Topaz
- Star Sapphire
- Emerald
- Aquamarine
- Garnet
- Jasper
- Ruby
- Spinel
- Fine Handmade Bandages
- Handmade Bandage
- Bandage
- Homestead Stone
- Wood Board
- Finest Firewood
- Fine Firewood
- Average Firewood
- Firewood
- Large Nail
- Common Leather
- Fine Leather
- Finest Leather
- Common Silk
- Fine Silk
- Finest Silk
- Common Fabric
- Fine Fabric
- Finest Fabric
- Homestead Chamomile Seed
- Homestead Rose Hip Seed
- Homestead Eggplant Seed
- Homestead Strawberry Seed
- Homestead Pumpkin Seed
- Homestead Cabbage Seed
- Homestead Tomato Seed
Fish bags!
Can't see any other real use for em, though
I'll still end up doing it, though.
I don't even have room for the fishing bags, but if THIS event's "gift box" items we fish up stick around after the event, like the Music Box event's soaked red bags did, then I can still just hoard them for later.
They do seem to be able to give gems, after all.
But why Emain, again!
Just gimme event bait I can use anywhere.
Like, in my homestead.
Funnily enough, even though the event wasn't active, you could still go see the Camping multi-person chair object near Emain's SW moon gate.
You can even sit in it! And other people can, too, though who gets what chair is determined by the order that people've sat down in it.
I noticed those too and was wondering where and when did that come from.
Also the event is actually already active, they just didn't spawn in NPC's since the event is doable only during weekends.
Well I need them for the purpose of separating fish from foe. Wait...
All of these stay-logged-in-for-a-long-time Events aren't related to some sort of total-players-login-hours quota for some sort of statistics is it ? O_O
You'll want to keep a 260cm+ one to get a bonus event quest. (and 500 more event bait)
Give the 260cm+ one to the Reclusive Fishing Master NPC to get the quest/bait.
The quest itself wants you to fish up a 300cm+ one, and gives a title, if that interests you.
I would guess not. But if you see a new item on the cooking tabs, then it could be it.
Any tips to getting 260cm+ and 300cm+?
I'm r1 fishing and have a Shenon title on and I'm still struggling to get 205cm+..
I'm sure you'll get your size requirements if you're patient enough. I am at 178 Custom-Crafted Bait-Tin used up thus far at the time of this post (320+ remaining) and there are only five fishies thus far in my bag that are 205cm+ (and only one of those is exactly the size of 270cm... everything else is still smaller). Fishing is a matter of patience, after all, and, out in the so-called real-world, correct timing in the day, for fish only bite in the wee hours of the morning and during the evenings when the mosquitoes are out looking for blood... fishing at noon won't yield any catches unless you're yielding a net
Oh, yes, I forgot I was using a Life-Exploration Fishing Rod, and, now that I look at it, neither of them have reforges applied yet (yes, I have two, and also two Item Fishing Pole W22s, all of which have yet to be reforged). I also vaguely recall certain enchants that were related to Fishing Enhancement. Anyway, this should give you enough clues that might help you with catching the sizes that you're looking for, but if not, then I guess there's also always that don't-take-it-seriously-option of sacrificing your first-born to the RNG-gods.
Well, r1 fishing and one of the many fishing 2nd titles that increase auto fish success and size is about the best you can do.
It should be noted that automatic fishing carries a fish size penalty.
At rank 1 this penalty is only a 90% modifier, but the 2nd title should make up for it.
Also there are fishing rod reforges pertaining to fish size AND automatic fishing fish size.
So in short, the only things you could be doing better are fishing manually whenever the game says "It's a big one." and reforging a fishing rod for "Fishing Automatic Fishing Catch Size" for +1cm per level and/or "Fishing Fish Size" for +0.25cm per level.
I can't really recommend either, though. Though I guess you can try spamming Fishing Rods with NPC reforges hoping one level 2 of the reforging effects.
I'm using an Ice Fishing Rod because it claims to be more durable in it's description (it is for me anyway) and I'll be totally honest, I never did understand the fishing minigame.. I should probably eventually learn how to do it though if I ever want to get a 300cm+ fish haha ^^'
Also I guess I can see if I can get any decent reforges from NPC bought reforge tools..
As soon as your primary inventory is stuffed with bags then ditch the Dream Event Celebration Event Bag. Sure it's 10x10 but it takes 12 squares of inventory. You can use that for . . . . MORE BAGS!!!!!
But that's the bag where everyone's hopes and dreams are.
Edited because my brain was thinking faster than my typing fingers, sorry all!