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i hope we get compensation for extended long hours
extended till 3pm PDT. there's a chance they will extend it too. uwu :^)
See all of those Gems that are always scattered all over the ground ? And those Baltane-Elite passes.
And Fabric-Pouches, and Leather-Pouches, and Silk-Pouches, and, and, and.... even things that disappear/expire more quickly.
We really need a «Donation Pit» where we can just «Sacrifice» our items to for purposes of say getting a 100% success from the RNG-gods after sufficient sacrifices. Such as 100% Successful Enchant, 100% Successful Drop of a particular Book that we might want from a Dungeon, 100% Production-Success, etc. Even if not for purposes of Success-Rates, instead of just tossing everything away, the «Donated» items could just simply remain there to be available for Milletians as a generous resource, and could probably be very helpful for new Milletians (not that there's enough advertising being done to draw large numbers of new Milletians).
That's why they're all over the ground. As for Baltane passes, not everyone does Baltane.
And as for the pouches, no one needs 500 leather pouches/silk pouches/fabric pouches, so the fact they appear so frequently is just plain annoying.
Obviously you jinxed it.
it's wild to me that people are throwing their gems on the ground when the potential of an ego update is coming. not to mention, after the event ends, you can always sell 'em for a decent profit.
are the baltane passes tradeable? (i don't think they are but i can't remember for sure) if they aren't, i'd love to see them be. the ability to sell the event baltanes we get would be wonderful.
See gems on the ground while people buy gems from my personal shop elsewhere...
Pick up all the gems people drop, add them to your shop and charge other sorry saps, ezmoney
Speak for yourself man, I was finally able to get my spirit weapon to level 46 and get that blue white color going. All those baltane elite passes that DON'T EXPIRE are gonna be used to amassing some serious levels next rebirth event we get.
I could use less leather and fabric bags tho.
1k diamonds... for the sake of boredom...
But many people are tired of gems. It's why the streets are filled with them from time to time.
It's one of those benefits of being retired from active play. You never have anything to spend money on so it piles up
As for why I'd let gems go so easily: Obviously my heart isn't in mabi, so I don't care as much about being well funded. My char is strong, so I can get gold quickly.
- - - - - - -
As for this whole ordeal and all of the outcriars it has spawned, I'll just leave my passing mock:
(whiny voice) "I'm a GoLdSeLLEr! Mabi is my JAWWWBB and this maintenence cost me PrEcIoUs TiMe on my payroll! ! Compensate meeeee!!! !! //disability //unemployment //governmentshutdown //OutOfWork" (/whiny voice)
It's a videogame
Very well-said.
So, you don't have anything to do and have extra time to spend? can we have some of that?.
Seriously Gamers now days waste money on companies that really don't care about us.
Or maybe more like i have many other things to do and not just sit and wait for a game to be online again?
Just because i don't QQ for compensation every time something goes bad right away, it doesn't mean that i charge all my money for this game.
You make me laugh, kid.