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  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    I'm all for a merge as long as I don't have to scramble for names again. People over in Nao should be able to keep their names and alexina players should get server tags. There we go. Bam.
    NegumikoRadiant DawnLeineiKensamaofmariPlatinaKokiKageitoKitiniSherriMaiaLiberateand 3 others.
  • NegumikoNegumiko
    Mabinogi Rep: 9,895
    Posts: 1,320
    Crims wrote: »
    I'm all for a merge as long as I don't have to scramble for names again. People over in Nao should be able to keep their names and alexina players should get server tags. There we go. Bam.

    I completely agree. Nao already went through a long name change process and it would be unfair to make them go through that again when it isn't necessary. a lot of Alexina players just want to be included in the server merge so we can create and be part of a more active community. compared to other mmos the entire mabi community is already fairly small so it makes no sense to continue being divided and continue the server war. I am more then willingly to accept any server tag they give us and go through the name change like everyone on Nao did.
  • KouyioueKouyioue
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,130
    Posts: 443
    hmmmm .. ..
    I'd have fun! For a week or two

    It'd be like moving day for a little while
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Negumiko wrote: »
    Crims wrote: »
    I'm all for a merge as long as I don't have to scramble for names again. People over in Nao should be able to keep their names and alexina players should get server tags. There we go. Bam.

    I completely agree. Nao already went through a long name change process and it would be unfair to make them go through that again when it isn't necessary. a lot of Alexina players just want to be included in the server merge so we can create and be part of a more active community. compared to other mmos the entire mabi community is already fairly small so it makes no sense to continue being divided and continue the server war. I am more then willingly to accept any server tag they give us and go through the name change like everyone on Nao did.

    Ok yeah there we go. We have a merge plan we can start to agree on and push for. Everyone in favor of this? Residents of Nao don't have to go through name changes again, Alexina shuts up and accepts a server tags - withOUT special characters. Then they release name change coupons, Alexina players get players get some for free and choose different names. Problem solved.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,864
    Crims wrote: »
    I'm all for a merge as long as I don't have to scramble for names again. People over in Nao should be able to keep their names and alexina players should get server tags. There we go. Bam.

    If this happens any time soon, it would happen the same way it did in June. For most on Alexina, it'd be okay, if it happened to work out the way that you say. But then they'd realize that, name-wise, they had to automatically take last place just because Alexina had not been included in the first place. Considering how long the old servers were left to atrophy, for now, Nexon will probably just let things be, unless circumstance forces their hand, as it did in the past with the three old servers, you understand. If they can change from name to record number, for the primary key, then any tag-able name goes from unique to many. At that point, they can bring us all together, on a server named "Helsa", because that name's better. Sorry, at first, I didn't mean to rhyme, it just worked out that way this time.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited October 25, 2019
    Two options.

    1) Alexina remains the solonogi server (like we had to and they gloated about it for years).
    2) Alexina merges and Nao retains the names we already fought for.

    End of story. Take it or leave it. If you agree to this, myself and many others will push and support to get this done. It won't be just you guys clamoring by yourselves and getting flamed by the rest of the community. The flaming and trolling will stop. We will support this.
  • WolfsingerWolfsinger
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,875
    Posts: 1,372
    The flaming and trolling is bs for those of us who didn't even KNOW there was a troll war going on. At this point I'm sick of seeing the word merge just cause I know SOMEBODY'S going to pull that up again and be a salty arse, parson my English, just because I joined Alexina so I could play with my friends who were there. I used to think it'd be a nice idea, now I'm almost utterly opposed to it.
    Can we grow up, stop being idiots to each other, and if we WANT this merge discuss how we can go about it WITHOUT causing trouble for everyone? Just find some even ground that we can all work with, instead of attacking EVERYONE on a server because several trolls decided to be high and mighty on a wooden horse?
    Or maybe
    Let it go entirely?..............

    Alright, rant over, back to fishing....
    GretaRadiant Dawn
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    You know they won't let it go.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    I don't mind getting a tag during merge, this means i'll get a chance to change my name to something else.

    The only thing i'm worried about are my pets though... I don't want them to have ugly name tags and also that black void glitch is a big NOPE.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,864
    Greta wrote: »
    I don't mind getting a tag during merge, this means i'll get a chance to change my name to something else.

    The only thing i'm worried about are my pets though... I don't want them to have ugly name tags and also that black void glitch is a big NOPE.

    If Nexon announces that in the future they will be moving to using record number for the primary key, instead of character name with server of residence thus allowing multiple copies of the same name, then hell yeah, do it tomorrow; let the Nao version of Helsa rub my nose in it until multi-name comes out; I can take it.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,780
    Posts: 7,909
    Wolfsinger wrote: »
    The flaming and trolling is bs for those of us who didn't even KNOW there was a troll war going on. At this point I'm sick of seeing the word merge just cause I know SOMEBODY'S going to pull that up again and be a salty arse, parson my English, just because I joined Alexina so I could play with my friends who were there. I used to think it'd be a nice idea, now I'm almost utterly opposed to it.
    Can we grow up, stop being idiots to each other, and if we WANT this merge discuss how we can go about it WITHOUT causing trouble for everyone? Just find some even ground that we can all work with, instead of attacking EVERYONE on a server because several trolls decided to be high and mighty on a wooden horse?
    Or maybe
    Let it go entirely?..............

    Alright, rant over, back to fishing....

  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,864
    Wolfsinger wrote: »
    The flaming and trolling is bs for those of us who didn't even KNOW there was a troll war going on. At this point I'm sick of seeing the word merge just cause I know SOMEBODY'S going to pull that up again and be a salty arse, parson my English, just because I joined Alexina so I could play with my friends who were there. I used to think it'd be a nice idea, now I'm almost utterly opposed to it.
    Can we grow up, stop being idiots to each other, and if we WANT this merge discuss how we can go about it WITHOUT causing trouble for everyone? Just find some even ground that we can all work with, instead of attacking EVERYONE on a server because several trolls decided to be high and mighty on a wooden horse?
    Or maybe
    Let it go entirely?..............

    Alright, rant over, back to fishing....


    : they're always in a hurry.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited October 25, 2019
    Greta wrote: »
    I don't mind getting a tag during merge, this means i'll get a chance to change my name to something else.

    The only thing i'm worried about are my pets though... I don't want them to have ugly name tags and also that black void glitch is a big NOPE.

    Greta, everyone over here at Nao has that with their pets. Just let it go. It was a necessary sacrifice. No one cares about their pet names over here.
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    Crims wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    I don't mind getting a tag during merge, this means i'll get a chance to change my name to something else.

    The only thing i'm worried about are my pets though... I don't want them to have ugly name tags and also that black void glitch is a big NOPE.

    Greta, everyone over here at Nao has that with their pets. Just let it go. It was a necessary sacrifice. No one cares about their pet names over here.

    I do, pet change coupons when
  • MaiaMaia
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,195
    Posts: 903
    I'd rather not be +Ruairi+Nao pls
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited October 25, 2019
    Maia wrote: »
    I'd rather not be +Ruairi+Nao pls

    No, Maia, what I was proposing is that Alexina be merged to us. Basically THEY would get the tags, not us. There wouldn't be any name changes for us since we already went through that whole ordeal (between THREE servers mind you lol). They would be the ones effected, not us. It's a really simple solution. It's the only way me or any of us from Nao would approve of.

    Yeah they would probably bleep about their butchered names and having to choose something else entirely. But it's the easiest solution. Plus they are not going to care much when they become part of a fuller more active server. Honestly I would choose something entirely new for such an occasion anyway.

    Then most importantly...the bleeping can STOP.

    The only drawback I can see is more downtime and ironing out any bugs coming from something like this, again. But the good news is that the staff will know what to avoid and fix this time around.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,864
    Crims wrote: »
    Maia wrote: »
    I'd rather not be +Ruairi+Nao pls

    No, Maia, what I was proposing is that Alexina be merged to us. Basically THEY would get the tags, not us. There wouldn't be any name changes for us since we already went through that whole ordeal (between THREE servers mind you lol). They would be the ones effected, not us. It's a really simple solution. It's the only way me or any of us from Nao would approve of.

    Yeah they would probably bleep about their butchered names and having to choose something else entirely. But it's the easiest solution. Plus they are not going to care much when they become part of a fuller more active server. Honestly I would choose something entirely new for such an occasion anyway.

    Then most importantly...the bleeping can STOP.

    The only drawback I can see is more downtime and ironing out any bugs coming from something like this, again. But the good news is that the staff will know what to avoid and fix this time around.

    Do that but call the server Alexina! XD
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,780
    Posts: 7,909
    Maia wrote: »
    I'd rather not be +Ruairi+Nao pls

    Children of Ruairi and Nao?
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Helsa wrote: »
    Crims wrote: »
    Maia wrote: »
    I'd rather not be +Ruairi+Nao pls

    No, Maia, what I was proposing is that Alexina be merged to us. Basically THEY would get the tags, not us. There wouldn't be any name changes for us since we already went through that whole ordeal (between THREE servers mind you lol). They would be the ones effected, not us. It's a really simple solution. It's the only way me or any of us from Nao would approve of.

    Yeah they would probably bleep about their butchered names and having to choose something else entirely. But it's the easiest solution. Plus they are not going to care much when they become part of a fuller more active server. Honestly I would choose something entirely new for such an occasion anyway.

    Then most importantly...the bleeping can STOP.

    The only drawback I can see is more downtime and ironing out any bugs coming from something like this, again. But the good news is that the staff will know what to avoid and fix this time around.

    Do that but call the server Alexina! XD

    Actually I really wish they came up with a server name that doesn't already exist.

    So what should we call this new server guys?
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,864
    Crims wrote: »
    Helsa wrote: »
    Crims wrote: »
    Maia wrote: »
    I'd rather not be +Ruairi+Nao pls

    No, Maia, what I was proposing is that Alexina be merged to us. Basically THEY would get the tags, not us. There wouldn't be any name changes for us since we already went through that whole ordeal (between THREE servers mind you lol). They would be the ones effected, not us. It's a really simple solution. It's the only way me or any of us from Nao would approve of.

    Yeah they would probably bleep about their butchered names and having to choose something else entirely. But it's the easiest solution. Plus they are not going to care much when they become part of a fuller more active server. Honestly I would choose something entirely new for such an occasion anyway.

    Then most importantly...the bleeping can STOP.

    The only drawback I can see is more downtime and ironing out any bugs coming from something like this, again. But the good news is that the staff will know what to avoid and fix this time around.

    Do that but call the server Alexina! XD

    Actually I really wish they came up with a server name that doesn't already exist.

    So what should we call this new server guys?
