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What will your three Egos be?
The ego update will allow you to have three egos, with a much larger field of choices. What will your three egos be?
At the moment I only have a 2H sword and all I can say at this point is that I will probably change it into something else.
Idk if this will change any time soon or not.. Probably not though.
But mostly chain blade because I want to have fun with the Impale splash using Death Mark's pull.
Cutthroat Chain Blade
Tikka Wood Healing Wand
Celtic Druid Staff
Cutthroat Chain Blade because I don't feel like getting/making/upgrading a Celtic Howling (I don't have the materials and don't feel up to working toward getting them).
Tikka Wood Healing Wand, not because it's a good choice, but because a Healing Wand was my original Ego from years ago and it'd be neat to go back now that you can have upgrades on your Ego, and the Tikka Wood one gets the -MP Usage upgrades.
And a Celtic Druid Staff because I wanna play around with a staff Ego, and I actually do have the materials for this one for a change.
I'm totally not gonna go all out on my weapons (Erg/Reforge not likely), but it will be neat to play around with some new Ego Weapons.
My current Ego has been an Earthquake Cylinder for forever, so it'll be a refreshing change.
Then either 2h axe or staff, I dunno yet.
(Lance Charge Hype!)
Omg, someone is actually using Tower Cylinders? I thought they were broken for some time.
My second will probably be chains because everyone keeps hounding me to go chains.
My third will probably be a wand or staff. Because that magic spirit weapon is op as hell.
Second, Shruriken(If that can even be made an Ego..)
Third, Staff
Hmmm, Unsure... Must be really interesting weapon! Can i stab things with it?
Before this update was announced I was thinking of changing my 2H into a Tower cylinder for the hydra damage, still, I may yet do that but my focus now is on whether I can get a cylinder that will allow for continuously maintained rain cloud, because if that's possible, for me that would trump (lower case t) Hydra damage bonus.
Shuriken is one that I'm thinking about specifically for enhancing Shadow Cloak.
Other than throwing magic bolts into combos I don't know much about magic. I've heard a few folks mention healing wands, I'm curious to know why those would be good ego's. I assume ego staves will let you throw medium level magic around like rice at a wedding?
Since I'm tall, I've thought about an ego hammer, for GFS, but that's a skill that, although I have it topped-off, I have NEVER actually used. I've heard some folks say that GFS is OP and although I should know this, I don't. Can anyone explain it.
Ego chain? Well, of course I'm thinking about that; almost everyone is.
I've heard somewhere that lance charge has the highest potential damage, if so, then a lance could be considered in the same way, for me, that a hammer could.
Atlatl? For fun I suppose, but if you can't make one with the same range as an egoed leather long bow, then what's the point?
Knuckles? It seems to me that Chain is better, and knuckles have no interesting special auxiliary skill other than maybe tumble. That's probably not enough for me.
Regular melee weapons? Nothing there excites me at the moment.
Also, looking at the thread in content from other regions, it seems Egos will still have moods.
But don't forget, the update also makes it so there's a weekly cap on EXP an ego can earn.
I guess once you hit that cap for the week, you'd just be feeding an ego to keep it from getting upset.
Keeping current Female Spirit-Bow weapon (probably) whom I had named : Aethera
(...a great name if I do say so myself as it is based on a generally-unknown-in-scientific-history word for which today's closest vocabulary for it is probably along the lines of Electro-Magnetism or Zero-Point Energy, etymologically having similar properties or definitions to the Aether, explaining the «energy» behind «Spiritual» manifestations or as a means to be able to put a more Quantum-Mechanics/Quantum-Physics vocabulary/term to what could explain the manifestation of so-called Spiritual-Phenomena)
Note : Phenomenon (Singular), Phenomena (Plural), Phenomenae (something like Clusters of Plurals).
Then I shall probably also name them all the same, and, if I cannot have three Aetheras, then I'll just use foreign languages that have the same definition/meaning.
Yes! You can Stab things with it~
I'm actually not sure what special bonuses different Ego weapons will give. Like, that Control Bar Ego/Crisis area is news to me.
But kind of like how I'd have one of my Egos be a Tikka Wood Healing Wand, it'd be neat just for the novelty.
In the case of Bars/Guns it'd be having an Ego in a weapon that's made up of two things.
Though it's a shame they didn't actually make new Spirits (like NPC Portraits) for all the new types of weapons that would be Egoable.
I was kind of hoping they'd've made a "Twin" kind of thing, but I guess those would only make sense FOR those dual-handed weapons like Dual Guns, Knuckles, and Control Bars. (And Shuriken, if you count the little Kunai you hold in the offhand)
Though I guess it wouldn't matter, since after the update, any spirit can be put in any weapon type.
Oh I never even thought of that! How do you make sense of a two-part weapon, like duel guns, knuckles, control bars, and possibly shuriken, being one ego?