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how many moonlight coins do we get each day?
will we be able to obtain at least 1 of each item from the shop?
how many coins will we ever get before part 2 of the event?
anyone done their math yet, I did mine but I'm skeptical with the results
given how many times I made mistakes with my calculations in the past events
His notable items are a Drawstring Pouch for Birman Bags for 190 coins and a Gillach Marionette Figure for 200 coins.
So now there's two Daily Quests so now we're getting more coins a day, but now there's more things you might want to buy with those coins.
Though there's also going to be a special quest after you complete Gillach/Brielle's daily 10 times, and that might give bonus Moonlight Coins, but either way it's gonna be tight if you want a Brielle Doll Bag, and pouch for it, and a Gillach Marrionette Figure. 210 +190 +200, so 600 coins if you wanted only the event-related prizes.
And that's if you don't go for the homestead decorations or the Birman Drawstring Pouch.
I just want that Marionette figure, my precious Gillach ;w;
I have 192 coins on me right now..
So far I calculated 412, including the 40 that the event gives you.