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Closed Should We Allow Men To Play As Female Characters?
So, after much studying and midterms, I am in a bit of a quite downtime to enjoy this Fall, so I am bored between studying. Without further ado, let me ask you a completely insane and stupid question. Should we allow male players to play as female characters?
Now, I know what you are thinking: "Bliss, you have balls, yet play as one of the most beautiful elves in all of Erinn". To that I say thank you, and shut up.
Now, back to the topic.
It is no secret that Mabinogi has a rather large population of female players, but we also know this can create an atmosphere of fear and expectations for the males playing. What if this beautiful female elf named Blissfulkill is really a guy player? Aren't they deceiving me with that beautiful elven swagger? I wouldn't have helped them or talk to them for 5 hours if they weren't female. Give me my time back!
Or, how about those who wish to court young beautiful female giants with gifts. How are we suppose to court such beautiful individuals not knowing their actual sex? "Gasp! What if this person I am giving 100 million gold to out of the blue is a goddamn guy? It's not like I can ask them!"
Or how about simply falling in love with a female elf you find, AFKING in Dunbarton, near Caravan Joe, with their Coats and Dresses and Swimsuits. Only to be completely heartbroken that the other person on the other side of the screen is...a guy! It'll be akin to that April Fool's Joke where we all dated Ferghus.
So, my question to you is this: Should we allow Men to play as Female Characters, or should we make it against the TOS and ban anyone who breaks this rule?
Talk away!
Did you just assume my gender?I've made a lot of friends through Mabinogi through the years and it's never concerned me what the sex of the player behind their character. All that mattered to me is if they were friendly or not creepy. Unfortunately, I've had a bit of creepiness back in the day, but I would just blacklist the troublemaker and move on.
Part of playing the game is interacting with others. Granted not everyone does this, but by interacting with one another, you run the risk of being deceived as you can't look this player in the eye when you meet them. Therefore, you need to police your interactions. If someone is asking for 100m gold or to borrow super expensive equipment (and you do not know them), then that's a red flag that someone is just attempting taking advantage of you. Same as real life, except in real life, perhaps your friend wants to borrow $20 or your favorite jacket and never return them. It's a sad state of affairs that you can't trust everyone, but that's life and this fact is not exclusive to male or female. If you agree to hand over the gold or item, the fault lies with you if it turns out you have been scammed.
If you're being pestered for money, instead suggest ways how the player can earn money. What's the saying? Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime. This will also give you an opportunity to see how they react. If they won't do for themselves, why should you do for them? Be sure to include varying ranges of possibilities in accordance of their capacities.
Going back to Blissfulkill's post where this is mentioned:
'What if this beautiful female elf named Blissfulkill is really a guy player? Aren't they deceiving me with that beautiful elven swagger? I wouldn't have helped them or talk to them for 5 hours if they weren't female. Give me my time back!'
If you find yourself saying this after spending time with another player (and they haven't attempted to scam you), perhaps you should look inward as to why. Why are you against spending time with other players you've been friendly with. Why wouldn't you hang out with a guy rather than a girl or vice-versa? You were ok with Player when you thought they were male/female, but not anymore, knowing they're female/male. Why?
In regard to people/players deceiving others, one can also look to dating sites for the same issue. Catfishing in stuff like Tinder is a common thing. Basically, for example someone uses their friend's picture for their profile while they message someone of interest and the person in question wants a date and find that they're not who they say they are. As Bliss uses players falling in love with others online, you run the same risk of people not being who they appear.
Deception requires intent. Intent is wherein the problem mentioned in this post lies. It lies with the intent of the player. It doesn't matter WHAT the character looks like, but rather the INTENT of the actions behind the player that are the issue.
It's the type of topic that you'd expect from any overstressed college student.
Yeah, this is genuinely a random topic. Sounds like a psyche lesson I had one time.
When was anything serious?
After all, characters in mabinogi can't reproduce so it's not like 'sex-honesty' matters in-game
There's also the roosterteeth defense. 'whose butt would you rather stare at all day? Another guy's?'
And the mmojunkie defense as well, for women playing as male characters. 'to not get harassed'
That would be a great if problematic way to begin asking for Nkeona and Daraeus's hand in marriage.
You are you.