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Closed Should We Allow Men To Play As Female Characters?
Mabinogi: Barbie for Men, G.I. Joe for Girls!
Half of the playerbase plays characters of the opposite gender. If you have a problem, tough titties.
"Android" 18.
I've rebirthed between different genders quite a few times, it's much fun. I also enjoy seeing people debate with each other about what my true gender is, all while I hint to different genders to get the argument to become more entertaining.
It is near impossible to enforce because many people lie about their identity on the world wide web.
I have a female and a male character that I play a lot on and I definitely agree. I say this constantly; who the heck cares?
I don't care what gender someone makes their character (I assume everyone is male anyway until said otherwise) and at the same time I don't really care for those who wanna be called some Mega Galactic Fruit Loop as their pronoun, I DON'T CARE. (pronouns are a freaking stupid idea anyway, sick of hearing people rant about not being called said Mega Galactic Fruit Loop)
The Milletian has spoken!
You do realize I am trying to rile people up for my own amusement, correct? That's why my introduction is that, as I play a female elf despite having balls.
JUST SAYING...the forums could use a bit more action, ya know what I mean?
Just play a game how you like following the rules and you be fine...something like this is just flat out plain stupid. c:
Besides...You have loads of Korean games with genderlocked classes, would it mean we have to ban players who just wanted to be a class but can't because its female? -poof-
Pft. This is internet. You say that like it matters!
I'm certainly triggered and I'm not even a liberal.
Beware the Red Witch of Appalachia.
I'll add that new nick name to my vast collection.
Oh, I knew you'd like that one.
Everyone's triggered by stupidity. Ya ain't special Crims. YA AIN'T SPECIAL.
Men can be feminists, and it would be foolish to acknowledge there isn't an issue concerning female character/female player harassment. That being said, it just comes with the territory, and as long as the moderators here enforce the rules on harassment and such, and people have thick enough skin, then that's all that can be done.
Me? I just hate incels and people who act like dogs. Misogynistic, sex obsessed losers, but so does literally everyone else with a certain amount of decency.
It isn't meant to be serious but tongue in cheek. The very nature of my arguments are purposely constructed to be poor to mock a certain pathetic mindset. People in general shouldn't think this way.
Decency is a lacking this day and age.