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Closed Should We Allow Men To Play As Female Characters?
implying liberals are even the one's who get triggered the most xD
which it evidently is that conservatives are the ones who get triggered the most over things.
Yeah feminist has become a dirty word these days. Many decades ago we needed it and it did great things for women. Now it's just all bs. I don't mean to trigger anyone with a blunt statement like that. But these new wave feminist actually made it HARDER for women to land decent well paying jobs because of all their unfounded lunacy. Screw the mythical "wage gap", we can't even land the jobs we want. Now there are people (or employers) who are wary of women because she could potentially be a nut job/feminist/LGBTBBQABCXYZ/apachehelicopter/Karen - who will bring down the entire company, lol. "Feminists" have gone too far in the last decade. They did way more harm than good. I like to think that some are starting to realize this.
That is my freedom of speech statement. You are more than welcome to express yours on the matter if so inclined.
All that aside though. There still exists a normal world full of normal people who don't give a bleep about these issues. If someone gives you trouble for playing an opposite gender character, well then perhaps they are not worth your time even if you are "friends". Guys (and yes I will bleeping use that general way of addressing everyone if I want to, thanks) these things are not important. Lets just ignore them and enjoy the game. The world is needlessly complicated and full of excrement enough. We don't need it ruining something that helps us escape from that world.
Play however you damn well want to.
Cute is right, sexy is might!
There's plenty of cute or handsome male characters... And it's quite easier to achieve because male fashion is less overpriced than female ones.
Pointing out example, I've rb'd as a male a couple times because I wanted to wear the male Cherry Blossom outfit, because I still can't afford the female one, and every time I get close it vanishes from the market. Effectively, consolation prize.
Not that I stay long.....it feels weird playing a guy when my main is female XD
Also congrats Bliss on creating such utter chaos in one thread XD
Incels are the scum of the scum of the world. Perfect example of a person who is a complete failure in life.
Wish it closed already lol
Is it really that much of a surprise?
funny you should ask, no. but activity? I don't know.
I am waiting on a post about how the final boss will be Ferghus, he drawn our blood after all.
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