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Closed Ornament Making Contest SUBMISSIONS
Please Submit your creations here!
IGN: Katherz
Server: Alexina
IGN: Chise
Server: Nao
IGN: AIbey+Ruairi
Server: Nao
Pls don't let santa keep those gacha from me
Not sure where in my creative process I shrunk the ornament but whatever
I call this: "Praying for their souls"
IGN: izzykuroneko
Server: Alexina
I don't like it but I call it: "Magic harmony"
IGN: mkiller
Server: Nao
IGN: Gramps
Server: Nao
Server: Nao
IGN: starlunar
Server: Nao
Accidentally left my Grave of the Butterflies on, but there's only so much I want to hang around Physis waiting for snow.
IGN: Yoriden
Server: Nao
IGN: Kitsuyasha
Server: Nao
Did my best! It's been months since I've messed around in photoshop! Hope it doesn't burn any eyes! xD
Nao in her winter outfit~!
IGN: Wolf
Server: Nao
i'll take all your cookies, thanks
IGN: Millusi
Server: Nao
I'm new to the forums and I'm not sure how it works, so please correct any mistakes I might've made!!
IGN: Eliiott
Server: Nao
IGN: Synai
Server: Alexina
My mabi character helping out Santa deliver presents for the first time!
Just like the old times.
IGN: Summer544
Server: Nao
Server: Nao
Title: Celtic Winter
A christmas elf and her edgy gremlin
IGN: Elisium
Server: Alexina
Happy Holidays from the arrow twins! (Snowarrow & Pyroarrow)
~Stay cool & Stay warm!~
Story: A while back on my human I met Snowarrow who was asking for help with G1 Final. I wasn't doing anything important so I decided to help him. We became friends afterwards.
Fast forward a year or so: Here I am on my elf Pyroarrow. It was meant to be a joke, but I ended up maining Pyro and now Snowarrow runs me through end game content like Phantasm and stuff.
There's a moral in there somewhere. Just gotta find it lol.
IGN: Pyroarrow
Server: Alexina
Just a drawing of my character wearing christmas clothes I created ^^
IGN: Ranitaa
Server: Nao
Shakes violently
IGN: Imlilnikki
Server: Alexina
I call this "That one time the guild members wanted a custom ornament with their portraits for the tree and they left the member with the art skills of a 5 year old to do so while Morrighan also became a victim engraved on the top part"
Credits of the snowflake brush I used to the user ASlovesLisa on deviantart.
IGN: Alaguesia
Server: Alexina