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Hello everybody, i recently decided to come back in mabinogi, i was playing in alexina, i was around 5k, maxed something related to str, have final hit, maxed dark knight, and have around 11k ap left.
should i keep playing in alexina or should i start in Nao? and nowdays, is it better to play as human (i remember they were op) or elves have become a nice option?
Elves are good in certain DPS as are humans. Personally, I feel like giants are where it's at with all the recent updates. Giants seem more fun with skills like stampede, windguard, and final strike. They're incredibly tanky with heavy shields and have dps bonuses with melee, chains, and fighter. That said, I have a maxed out human and a maxed out giant and don't ever play the human. My highest elf is like 8k total and I would never use it for combat lol it's too squishy
Server-wise, it really doesn't matter. Your pets are probably all on Alexina, so keep your investments there unless you have friends on Nao or REALLY want to start over. Hype of the new server isn't everything.
You have four things to consider:
1) Is the current population density on Alexina intollerable to you?
2) Do you want to start again from scratch and abandon your current character?
3) Do you think a final merge will never happen or not so soon enough?
4) Have enough of your friends moved?
Why don't you make a character on Nao anyway, and spend some time <jk>slumming</jk>.
They are slumming it right now.
Cheers if it did merge and actually somehow survive with little to no issues this time else...it speaks for itself how the hyped new server Nao suddenly hit from over half to close to below 10% of its server. I do not know but my guess issues likely came with the 3 different servers into one piled up server for each server have religions as well as monopoly of their own.
It is much more very likely players have "personal" issues with being in a server too populated but for those that are...well your wish is now granted. If it is still too much I don't think online Multiplayer games is for you. lol
1: Constantly & continuously advertising to the right target-audiences
2: Make sure that the content-updates are always a combination of Fun & Interesting
3: Have a «follow-up» system that e-mails players/customers who've been gone for a long time with good incentive to log back into their account(s)
4: Continuous tweaks & improvements to the system to maximise player-satisfaction
Note for Point 1 : Whilst certain age-groups certainly are more-likely to have an interest, and certain places have a continuously new/fresh supply of certain age-groups every year (e.g.: high-schools, middle-schools, colleges, etc), sometimes certain interests may change between generations, and there's not always a guarantee that a school won't shut down for one reason or another. I believe that people who work in the «technical» fields, such as computer net-working, tech-support, computer-programmer/coder, etc., probably have a very high percentage of «gamers» in the «work-force» industry (where-as the percentage to business-owners and company managers are probably very low, although, I suppose, that might depend on the industry of the business, unless «sales-pitched» in such a manner as to get them interested in introducing it to their sons/daughters, and imagine if someone as famous as «pewdiepie» were to get on-board with «show-casing» Mabinogi, one of the reasons why «social-media» was heavily invested in by certain savvy minds back in the day, detailed in the «What killed MySpace? (It wasn't Facebook)» video).
Point for Number 2 : For a more consistent player login-population, I would probably keep these updates done in small doses and more frequently, rather than once-a-year long, periodic, huge, gigantic over-hauls, done in a manner where something new-and-interesting is available to check out every week or two.
Point for Number 3 : Many companies/corporations often only send one e-mail if any at all. It's fine to send a «follow-up» e-mail if no response for the initial sending (e.g.: «We've noticed that you still haven't logged into your account since last week's reminder e-mail...» ...sorry, I can't think of a good further follow-up dialogue at the moment, but I was thinking about mentioning how plenty of other Returned Milletians have resumed their Fantasy Life, and maybe introducing some other «Returned Milletian» incentive, possibly involving some special perks/bonuses available only to «Returned Milletians» when more than one «Returned Milletian» group together in a party...).
Regarding Point 4 : “You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time” ― John Lydgate
Re - Personal Issues : This is a time of year that many people simply go or start going on vacation, have «Finals Exams» to study for, some combination thereof, etc., and may not necessarily even be able to or have time to go on-line. This is to be expected during most «major holiday» and «near-end of semester» schedules. Whilst I do not have direct-information on the «statistics» of player login-populations, I can still take an educated guess, that peak-population is in NA summer-time.
the game will shut down soon?
Prob, not saying it WILL, I mean I had been wrong before.
The game has been ""about to shut down"" for 10 years.
As for actual advice: Play the way you enjoy the game.
If you feel comfortable on Alexina, stay there.
If you feel like a move, then you touch Nao.
Alexina "merging soon" is about as much of a myth as the original merge, so you might hear the occasional person constantly talk of it only for it to never happen until people least expect it.
Humans are pretty average, and you will always see them using final hit. Always. It doesn't matter if the situation calls for it or not, use strong skill, click thing to death. Then ponder why you got 3 shot by the unflinching boss and remember Bash exists.
Giants went through multiple revamps through the years and are now borderline unstoppable killing machines, and are by far the easiest race to get anywhere with right now. Because clearly they need buffs on top of buffs. The downside is that you might be led on to think you are stronger than you actually are and get 3 shot by that same unflinching boss. Or one shot by magic if you never invested in magic defense or protection for some reason.
Elves are a sad race with no fancy revamps or new fancy equipment. You picked elf? You got two default choices: Save up and drop hundreds of millions of gold on archery to snipe your way to glory or pick up the new whip sword craze. Either way you need Dex. Always. Forever.
At least Elves have that natural racial olympic run speed. Some people might think elves use this to run away, but more often than not its to chase things down with their non-revamp grudge. And then get 3 shot by that same unflinching boss.
Welcome back to Mabinogi.
Say hi to them for me.