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Community Livestream - Spirit Ascension Preview
Join Katherz as she gives you a sneak peek into the Spirit Ascension update! Join us on our Twitch.tv channel on Wednesday, December 11th at 4:30 PM PST (7:30 PM EST).
Katherz will be going over the Spirit Ascension update, as well as events and sales! There will also be giveaways throughout the stream. As always, there are lots of other fantastic surprises and GM antics.
Don't miss out on the fun. See you Wednesday on
Businesses aim to serve the largest portion of their customerbase, or should. It's not something I disagree with, and EU players are a small minority.
True, but it's kinda mean... :c
Well I end up missing all the streams and in game giveaways when in the same time zone.
Walmart doesn't sell size 15 men's shoes, when is Walmart going to cater to my specific niche needs and the 1~2% like me instead of the vast majority of their customers? This is the sad reality of large monolithic corporations that have to appeal to the masses or to multiple countries even, your only option to catch the stream broadcast at a time that will get the most users viewing is to stay up late since it clashes with your timezone, and my only option to buy shoes that fit is go out of my way to a specialty store, life simply isn't "fair".
But hey if you don't like feeling "late to the party" watching the NA stream vods you can always read the threads posted about new content when it hits KR or watch korean player streams about it then you'll be a year give or take early to the party
Size 15 shoes aren't for 1% of the customer base (at least not in Canada); size 14 and 15 for men represent more along the lines of 5%, which is 1/20 men. The same goes for the European playerbase; they represent something much larger than 1% of the playerbase. Maybe Australia is that 1%, but EU is likely above 20%. So instead of having streams that benefit both, I would suggest having two streams instead, like one at 16:30 PST (1:30 CET) and one at 10:30 PST (19:30 CET). Since this involves community interactions, there's potential for both streams to become pretty different and avoid repetition, while still offering coverage for both regions.
But yes what we have now with stream times is pretty good as is, and it's quite unlikely to change. Sure it's a bad time for EU because of time zones, but that's the unfortunate reality of such a difference.
Having two streams would also not work out well in multiple ways. Under those times, I could just watch the first one for all the info and what not, and I doubt having a second stream dedicated to the exact same content of the first would help. So to justify two streams dealing with the same content that'd mean you'd need to split the content into two in that case, leaving half of the content out on each which goes back to the original issue of EU people can't see X content at X time.
It'd also be more stress on them with two, and could interfere with other things such as work/schedules and the such.
So in the end it isn't great for EU but what we have right now works for most people and even people within the US could be forced to watch a video after thanks to work, school or anything else really.
<forgoes describing janitor, as hairy old guy with unlit cigar, wearing a newsboy hat, suspenders, and sleeveless undershirt with the name 'Gus' embossed on it, for comical effect.>
. . . . oops!
Well, Ferghus probably is still KOed with his last round of strawberry brandy.
Fer GUS!