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Mabinogi 2, the game that was almost liked.
Personally, I think updating Mabi with the Mabi 2 graphics would be a far better way to keep Mabinogi alive. And this game has needed a HUGE look and gameplay update for years. It's one of the reasons I stopped playing this game for a long time. But if they redid Mabi 1 with Mabi 2 graphics and updated the engine like they've needed to do for a long time, then they could give a whole new life to Mabi.
A few ideas:
1. Clearly defined skillsets.
If every skill is like: “Gunner involves quick dealing damage, at the downside of having to regulate bullets, except when using way of gun” and “magic skills deal a lot of damage at a distance, but take a long time to cast, except when using snapcast” then Mabinogi will become something like “switch to gun set, use way of gun, switch to magic set, use snap cast with thunder, switch to sword set, use final hit.” Instead of keeping within defined skill set roles.
2. More skills, more skill customisation.
More skills and more variety is good, as long as those skills stay within defined skill set roles. I remember when there were six offensive spells. It sucked when you had to switch weapons to use a different magic skill, but it’s also nice to have a few limitations as long as those limitations come with advantages of accepting them. It would be nice if I could choose to have 10x meteor strike charge time in exchange for even more insane damage, or choose to make crisis deal very little damage in exchange for larger range. As skills rank up, you could earn perk points to spend on changing skills. If you accept quirks, you get even more perk points, or you could choose to put the perks into an entirely different skill at the disadvantage of poor exchange rate. Eg: 10 points in flame burst could be 1 or 2 points if used in final hit.
3. Skills that make sense
I’m a little biased against gunner, but a skill that gives you unlimited bullets does not make sense. Another one is grapple shot, when you shoot a bullet that magically pulls you toward whoever you shot.
3. Make every skill useful and worth ranking.
Current Mabinogi: People rank gold strike for extra luck, but never use it in actual combat. People rank Elven magic missile because every other elf transformation skill is r1. Summon golem is another example of a less useful skill. Other less useful skills are teleportation skills such as grapple shot and anchor rush. Not really usable in combat because it’s often faster to just run where you need to go, and by the time you finish loading the skill, you get attacked.
4. Reduce the amount of different enhancements possible on weapons, and make it one big system.
Erg, enchants, spirit weapon, reforged, upgrades, special upgrades and gem upgrades could be simplified.
5. Make even more things appearance customisable. This includes transformations, puppets, summoned golems, and titles. Maybe even skill appearance? I can’t think of anything else, because Mabinogi has gotten pretty good with this.
6. Reduce focus on stat boosts, and focus on other ways skills. This is related to more skill customisation. Basically, I get that stats are the main way to increase damage, but this quickly gets boring. It would be interesting if there was more of a focus on how skills could be improved in other ways.
7. Focus on expanding player roles. At the moment, there is only one real role. And that role is “who can deal the most damage the fastest?” The best healer and support player is the one with the most clouds. People don’t need support players for a few other reasons, too. Techniques, stats, and good equipment can make your character almost invincible. Also, support skills are extremely limited. Healing spells are best used for breaks in between fighting because of how not good they are at supporting fighting players from a distance. Magic shields are best used in rafting/balloon and dragon fights, because otherwise they’re just not that good. Supposed support skills like music buffs don’t take you out of the fight at all or put you in a vulnerable position in exchange for providing insane buffs to party members because it’s more like “play battle overture for two seconds and everyone gets an extra 30% attack.” That’s not a role, because any player can do that. The lack of instrument and healing wand buffs as well as skill mechanics are the main culprits in my opinion. This also applies to life skills. If you want to inspire people to put more energy into crafting, why not give life tools erg and spirit weapon capabilities, or similar buffs in a new simplified system.
8. Please bring in trust crafting, which works like trust enchanting. Also, add a trade window to offer optional payment in exchange.
9. Reduce RNG enhancements. Crafting stats, enchants, reforges, erg, special upgrade are all just RNG over RNG. Which especially makes it a disappointment if you have a 3 line r1 all 20 reforged, fully erged, final step weapon, only to get a 62 max damage weapon and have to start the process over again with no way to put the enhancements from one on the other.
10. More skill levels. I don’t think 15 levels is enough.
11. Aim to build a balanced game. Give elves a flat bonus (a bonus apart from int and dex) in something other than archery. Maybe give them more range or a 40 magic attack bonus, or something, anything. At the moment the only flat bonus outside archery that elves get is ice spear mana cost, which is arguably the worst flat bonus of the least important offensive magic spell.
they could just make Mabinogi 2 playable on both PC and Mobile like recently Honkai Impact 3
The mobile game market is where they can make quick fast money to fund operations while they try to develop their next prized PC title, which we have seen quite a number of cancellations.
Unless they are able to transfer stuff from Mabi 1 over.
It would not be compatible.
Make fewer things just a bunch of decals.
Revamp old hairstyles and equipment.
Revamp some monsters and general textures.
Don't get me wrong, it's nice to always have something to do, but there's a difference between that and having too much to do, which is kind of how I feel Mabi is atm; I suspect most end-gamers just run a few high-end missions/content and don't bother with the rest, while most people underneath them do much the same but just with different tiers of content. I don't know if there's really anybody who can afford/care to do so many different things each day/week (raids, field bosses, SMs, TMs, dungeons, Baltane, Iria, etc).
no wait i've barely started this one
1. You milletian's cumulative level/titles(exclusive ones only)/Talent ranks are transferred into the new game(assuming the leveling system works similarly to 1s) but their base talent skills are reset to rank F with a permanent exp booster based on the rank they had from Mabinogi 1. This would mean veterans would have the benefit of having more than enough AP to rank up their skills and the skill exp bonus making the grind less tedious.
2. Players would receive a permanent exp boost based on their cumulative level in mabinogi 1(10,000=10%) and so on. This would apply globally to all talent skills and combat level exp.
3. Give players a MASSIVE NX shop exclusive package filled with items to jumpstart them in Mabinogi 2. EXP boosters, rebirth pots, AP pots, and powerful gear that can carry them to end game if they wanted it to, ect. This would make starting over sting a whole lot less.
4. Create a legacy server where they can play with their Mabinogi 1 character(this legacy sever would essentially be a copy and paste of Mabinogi 1 with improved graphics, maybe not a complete overhaul but improved graphics) while letting them make a new "clone" of their mabinogi 1 character to play in Mabinogi 2. (The clone with keep their style tab gear, character creator features, ect but nothing else)
5. Let players bring their fully powered character over but participate in a special storyline that explains why they are nerfed down to F rank skills, lvl 1, ect. And provide a specials storyline that allows them to regain their ranks much faster than normal.
6. Similar to number 5's idea but instead of copying the character over, Mabinogi 1 players who unlocked crusader skills,demi-god, and divinity would be able to wield these skills in Mabinogi 2 EXCLUSIVELY. (Fresh characters would NEVER get these skills) The catch being they can not use them out of the gate and must get to a certain level or other meet some kind of condition to unlock the skills for their Mabinogi 2 character and rank them up from rank F(including subskills).
You'll notice all of these ideas don't include bringing your FULLY POWERED UP character from Mabi 1 over to Mabi 2 and this is for obvious reasons:
1. Balancing issues.
2. The skills we have in mabi 1 are most likely going to be overhauled and not the same in mabi 2.
3. If you were able to bring your OP character from mabi 1 and use all its powers out the gate, it would trivialize all early,mid game, and potentially even end game content.
One other suggestion I saw in the thread which I am all for is a remake of mabi 1 from the ground up with updated combat system,graphics, ect. This if anything is one of the best ways to breathe new life into Mabinogi.