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F2P vs P2W / Server-RAM / Archer-Set / Questions

Mabinogi Rep: 3,630
Posts: 761
in General Chat
So I expect to get «flak» on the sole basis that some of these topics or things I might seeming claim may be either so-called controversial or some people just disagree (and some are just out-right sarcastic by habit, and have a history of it, too), but as I am «abroad» (overseas) right now I have a limited amount of time to be on-line so there is the potential that I might not even post any more or reply to anything until after a month from now. And I really should have gotten a laptop with a 4.0GHz (or faster) CPU (processor) rather than being as much of a cheap-skate that I was as it seems that there is an absolutely gigantic and enormous difference in speed/performance between 3.0GHz and 4.0GHz CPUs/systems. The main computer that I use at my home-office runs on a 4.0GHz CPU (with 32GB DDR3 SD-RAM) which some people say is over-kill so this laptop that I am using right now kind of feels something like 50x slower than what I'm used to on my main desk-top (one of the reasons probably I won't be on-line too much until I return from the other continent; at the least this most-recent laptop still runs/performs a bit more efficiently than all of my previous laptops). Most (non-gaming) laptops on the market though seem to be mostly 3.0GHz for some reason (even though everybody was supposed to have owned flying cars by the time the year 2000 arrived). Not to digress too much...

F2P vs P2W : Elves are said to be the P2W race, Humans are the balanced/versatile ones, and Giants be the strongest F2P option.
I don't really know what else to say, but as I am not the type who really supports a «P2W» model I typically don't spend $$$ on much of anything that would be (too) P2W-oriented, but lots of extra bag-space is always valuable in an MMORPG like Mabinogi so pets are collected.

Server-RAM : More than one forumer has said that you cannot just throw more RAM at the servers and expect to fix the problems. Actually, I say that you can add more, and that it has resolved (some) past-issues, but I might agree that it only resolves things up to a certain extent. The Nexon team did at one point upgrade the servers in the past, and you can «blame» me for prodding them into it, and it actually did (seem to) improve things (for a while). Ultimately, the coding is the root of it all, and once that can be made stable, then the rest becomes easier to manage rather than a debugging nightmare. I also read that Adobe FlashPlayer will be phased out eventually and replaced with some other whatever-it's-called; I say that's been long over-due as Adobe Flash-Player just cannot seem to to avoid Memory Leakage (anybody who has used FlashPlayer-required pages should know what I mean as the more your Flash-Player loaded page continues to run & loop it eventually just slows down to a crawl such to the point that you have to re-load the whole entire page to avoid potential errors or other problems).

Archer-Set : For some reason, even when I have stated that I have no arguments nor objections against the «math» used to refer to «end-game elves» as having the highest DPS (potential), I somehow get people «acting like my mother» on here, because she likes to say «don't argue» or «stop arguing» when I simply asked a question (or two). What I probably need to say is the following... if you're going the P2W route, most of you would probably prefer the Elf-Race if you choose to focus on Archery, if naught more than just for the per-hit damage-potential, but, for those of us who are cheap-skates, and take the F2P route, we're probably not going to have a «fun» time being constantly out-damaged by everyone else and every other skill-set due to the slower default aim-speed that an Elf has in contrast to the Human counter-part. Yes, I know, I know, there are people who have watched YouTube videos, read damage-charts, etc., but I am talking about F2P here, which still doesn't really do that much impressive damage nor DPS even at its (F2P-version) «end-game» stages (emphasis on the F2P part of end-game-status; for there is most-certainly a HUGE DIFFERENCE between F2P end-game versus P2W end-game).

Additionally, I was one of those few people who was actively using all three races, and so I kept them at similar progressions, and if I had to choose between Human or Elf for a F2P Archer (emphasis being on F2P and thus not P2W), I would most-certainly favour the Human for it over the Elf. I should also note that I did used to have sub 5ms ping for all of this back when I used to domicile at Washington-state and that both human and elf were progressing at similar AP-accumulations and skill-ups (the Elf just takes longer to catch up to the Human in Rank-Progression because their Archer-skills require more AP per skill-up than Human Archer-skills), although AP-management has become largely irrelevant these days now that AP practically falls from the sky, and anybody who's paying attention & really wants to should easily be able to reach 10K+ levels in less than 3 months (whereas this sort of thing used to take years). How-ever, I bothered to pick up the Chain-Blade, and actually ranked its skills, and I have all of the Chain-Blade skills (other than Death-Mark which I've still yet to rank past r8) at r1 (with Master-Titles, yes, all of them, that are possible to get pre-Death-Mark-r5 anyway), and, for the life of me, unless I wanted to either waste time or switch into a P2W Milletian (with the exception of the times that I just want to burn throw arrow-use just for the sake of depleting my arrows-stock), I literally see absolutely no good reason to bother using most other skill-sets when I can just Chain-Blade everything, and I don't even need to P2W it to frequently get 10K+ per-hit attacks (even without the need for BFO-buff; I did get a good roll on a Ladeca-Eweca Amulet though with something like +10 or maybe it was up to +18 Max Chain Blade Damage so that could be helping a lot).

So there seems to be a consensus that End-Game P2W Elven-Archery has the highest per-hit DPS potential (Point-Blank, VoL, Final-Shot, Bohemian-Set, etc., all in combined conjunction of course). Lots of talk tends to go in that direction for some reason. What about F2P? What happens to «End-Game» if the character is either entirely or mostly F2P? This is just a question; I wish to know, and I am pretty sure that there are others who would like to know, too. Does Chain-Blade then become the strongest F2P End-Game Skill-Set or does that just depend on which race is using what weapon/skill-set ? Also, I am still almost always going to use my trusty Spirit-Weapon'd Dowra's Golden Guns to take on that Baltane-Mission known as Knights of the Round Table when running it on Elite-Mode, for all of the other skill-sets seem to be too slow for my Elf to be able to handle that mission other than maybe Chain-Blade (which even then I'd prefer to have a CDA set equipped if I'm Chain-Blading for that particular mission).
  1. What is thy focus...?21 votes
    1. F2P
       33% (7 votes)
    2. P2W
       14% (3 votes)
    3. Habi Detected. Anti-Habi Bias-Mode Initiated. Habi, I stab at thee! *stab*stab*stab*stab*stab*stab!*
       52% (11 votes)


  • MabiIn2k19MabiIn2k19
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,390
    Posts: 75
    edited January 23, 2020
    You're grasping at straws, and technicalities, and even flinging mud just to be like "Aha I was right all along?!" Yet you're still wrong.

    "P2W Elven-Archery has the highest per-hit DPS"

    per hit dps? Word fluff that makes you sound pretentious and doesn't make sense. It's also wrong, giants have that because NA ping limits how fast you can mag spam even if you lived in the server room.

    There's no separation between p2w and f2p gear, there's just cheap gear and expensive gear. Players who don't spend a dime can get to endgame status, although it takes a lot longer. You don't stand out as a "f2p" player, just a player that doesn't know how to make gold.

    Giants also have the most expensive gear set too, as erg50 perseus knuckles cost the same, if not more as fully gearing an elf. Please stop trying to have discussions about endgame when you're clueless about it. And yes, this topic does bother you or this wouldn't be your 2nd entirely new thread about it.
  • NilremNilrem
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,880
    Posts: 465
    MabiIn2k19 wrote: »
    There's no separation between p2w and f2p gear, there's just cheap gear and expensive gear. Players who don't spend a dime can get to endgame status, although it takes a lot longer. You don't stand out as a "f2p" player, just a player that doesn't know how to make gold.

    This. This is actual advice.

    You want to get anywhere in this game without paying? Start actually learning how to make gold. Train your skills. Focus your stats.
    When going for gear don't go for the most expensive lone option, go for the most functional. Even if it means buying pre reforged gear.

    You want fashion too? Easy, just give yourself a budget. Say you have more than 10 mil in the bank. Just plan fashion purchases to never drop below this 10 mil mark. Suddenly you never put up with being poor again unless you royally screw up.

    Now you just do this for a year and suddenly people will be confused as to how you got where you are and just start assuming you pay a lot of money when you never spent a dime. This of course begins the cycle anew, with the only people that go anywhere being those who take the step forward.
  • KitsuneanagiKitsuneanagi
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,160
    Posts: 59
    Nilrem wrote: »
    MabiIn2k19 wrote: »
    There's no separation between p2w and f2p gear, there's just cheap gear and expensive gear. Players who don't spend a dime can get to endgame status, although it takes a lot longer. You don't stand out as a "f2p" player, just a player that doesn't know how to make gold.

    This. This is actual advice.

    You want to get anywhere in this game without paying? Start actually learning how to make gold. Train your skills. Focus your stats.
    When going for gear don't go for the most expensive lone option, go for the most functional. Even if it means buying pre reforged gear.

    You want fashion too? Easy, just give yourself a budget. Say you have more than 10 mil in the bank. Just plan fashion purchases to never drop below this 10 mil mark. Suddenly you never put up with being poor again unless you royally screw up.

    Now you just do this for a year and suddenly people will be confused as to how you got where you are and just start assuming you pay a lot of money when you never spent a dime. This of course begins the cycle anew, with the only people that go anywhere being those who take the step forward.

    That the truth I main an elf already lv 35k+ I already r1 all skills and have 8k+ap left over now I still have to grandmaster some talents then dan 3. I started my elf in 2012 right before 7th annaversery even started. I got to notice market in its entireity within 6 months from when I focused on my elf. It is very hard to free to play though unless you know what skills to train, the market prices and recently I still have to erg and ego the important things we will get to that later... p2w is basically spending over 100 bucks or more on gacha too but if you know the market and know items values or what skills to focus on you can still be free to play...

    I hope this helps!
  • PolicromaPolicroma
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,730
    Posts: 564
    edited January 23, 2020
    All races "need" to reforge to get those "ultimate" stats. I have always maintained that reforges are "nice to have", not required to play the race or class of your choice. There is also a bit of skill involved in playing archery solo, as you have to learn to avoid and/or throw off aggro.

    Just getting a magnum reforge is not going to magically get you 300k magnum crits. And there is a crazy amount of things you can do to up your damage that do not involve reforges at all. The vast majority of "endgame" players get their damage by stacking buffs, and reforges are only a piece of that puzzle.

    Ignoring any cash shop items such as pets (including items they give such as bone chips), reforges, or weapon power potions, you can:

    1. Use a Bohemian set
    2. Get a Bhafel Hunter/Huntress combo and red-upgrade it.
    3. Get a combo card
    4. Use music buffs
    5. Use catering.
    6. Debuff using chain skills.
    7. Alternate magnum with archery skills that slowly work HP off enemies without aggroing them. (Crash shot for max damage, mirage missile for debuff, etc...)
    8. Use Ladeca for maximum "pew pew pew". (Also consider relentless assault or final shot.)
    9. Use enchants to nudge up music buffs, damage, etc.
    10. Echostone reforges. (Frustrating and will take a lot of AP and running over and over again, but you can get that magnum reforge that way without spending a dime.)
    11. Exploit Weakness and redoubled offensive

    You see how much buff stacking is going on up there, though?

    See, if you just take a bhafel hunter/huntress (with red upgrades, no major reforges), and you pair it with just a magnum reforge, your 24k crit is going to get nudged up to maybe a 28k crit. Which is good for most situations, but it's nothing to write home about. Buff stacking is the real key. I think my hardest hit ever was a 98k crit on an Advanced/Sorrow Song of Grief (which I did without food/catering, or any bone dragon stuff, so I was pretty darn proud of it). I don't consider myself one of the "good" elves. There's people who can pull off 200k shots, or harder.

    Now, all that said: Just buy pre-reforged gear. Let the whales do the gambling.
  • LutetiumLutetium
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,605
    Posts: 239
    Habimaru wrote: »
    4.0GHz (or faster) CPU (processor) rather than being as much of a cheap-skate that I was as it seems that there is an absolutely gigantic and enormous difference in speed/performance between 3.0GHz and 4.0GHz CPUs/systems. The main computer that I use at my home-office runs on a 4.0GHz CPU laptops on the market though seem to be mostly 3.0GHz

  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,865
    edited January 23, 2020
    Habimaru wrote: »
    Server-RAM : More than one forumer has said that you cannot just throw more RAM at the servers and expect to fix the problems. Actually, I say that you can add more, and that it has resolved (some) past-issues, but I might agree that it only resolves things up to a certain extent. The Nexon team did at one point upgrade the servers in the past, and you can «blame» me for prodding them into it, and it actually did (seem to) improve things (for a while). Ultimately, the coding is the root of it all, and once that can be made stable, then the rest becomes easier to manage rather than a debugging nightmare. I also read that Adobe FlashPlayer will be phased out eventually and replaced with some other whatever-it's-called; I say that's been long over-due as Adobe Flash-Player just cannot seem to to avoid Memory Leakage (anybody who has used FlashPlayer-required pages should know what I mean as the more your Flash-Player loaded page continues to run & loop it eventually just slows down to a crawl such to the point that you have to re-load the whole entire page to avoid potential errors or other problems).

    Mabinogi is a clustered database, that is, it is housed across many servers. That Alexina and Nao are labeled as servers is a misnomer. They would be better described as database partitions. The individual channels on Alexina and Nao are the actual servers. If lag is occurring, say on Nao channel 1, there are three ways to deal with it:
    1) move to another channel. If they are all laggy then Nexon can add more channels. This is technically "adding more RAM" but is probably not what you meant;
    2) make hardware/firmware/software improvements, upgrades, and enhancements to these servers, as you suggested;
    3) lower the defined population limit per channel, forcing folks to change channels and spread out more. This is likely not to be well received.
    MabiIn2k19 wrote: »
    . . . if you lived in the server room. . . .

    That notion was funny and made me laugh; well done, sir! Two thumbs up. =b d=

  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    As much as I hate P2W, and stuff but I hate abysmal RNG the most.
  • RheyRhey
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,175
    Posts: 1,499
    Chains made everything else practically obsolete. I sold off all my old p2w gears and just main that now for everything. I carry other cheaply made gears for luls and/or technicality(niche moment).
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    Rhey wrote: »
    Chains made everything else practically obsolete. I sold off all my old p2w gears and just main that now for everything. I carry other cheaply made gears for luls and/or technicality(niche moment).

    Agreed... kind of.
    An ego staff does wonders for magic.
  • HabimaruHabimaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,630
    Posts: 761
    MabiIn2k19 wrote: »
    You're grasping at straws, and technicalities, and even flinging mud just to be like "Aha I was right all along?!" Yet you're still wrong.
    Grasping at stuff...? No, not at all. I just want a more in-depth analysis. I never said that I know everything.
    I knew this thread would get a lot of attention and the responses would help me refine the questions I need to ask.
    MabiIn2k19 wrote: »
    "P2W Elven-Archery has the highest per-hit DPS"

    per hit dps? Word fluff that makes you sound pretentious and doesn't make sense. It's also wrong, giants have that because NA ping limits how fast you can mag spam even if you lived in the server room.
    This is a bit blurred, but I should probably clarify that my thoughts at the time on making that reference was in regards to Human-Archery versus Elven-Archery, although I left that out since (there are still) a lot of people seem to insist that «End-Game Elves are OP» (even on the forums) but now it's like I've been time-slipped into yet some other dimension/time-line/parallel-universe/world where there is more blurring to the point that I am forced to ask the following questions :

    For those who say that «End-Game Elves are OP» ...what exactly makes them OP ?
    From what I remember, assuming it's the same idea in this world/time-line/etc., people said it's because of Mag-Spam.
    You also mention NA ping... exactly how does Ping have anything to do with per-hit-damage ?
    Yes, missing obviously isn't going to do any damage, but that is not an actual hit upon the target, and I am not talking about the total DPS being lowered because of misses, but actual hits that land upon the target, which brings us to next question...
    So I ask again, what, exactly, makes End-Game Elves OP ? Is Magnum-Spam the only thing that is considered «OP» ?
    IF indeed it is the Magnum-Spam that makes elves OP, yet an Elf-Magnum does not hit the hardest at End-Game, then exactly what kind of logic/rationale is being used to determine that the Elf (end-game version) does the highest end-game DPS ?
    Or is it a myth that so many people believe that end-game elf-archers deal the highest end-game DPS ?
    What exactly am I missing here...? I have already proven myself to be «stupid» so you might have to «dumb it down» for me to be able to «get» the «logic» behind what makes an Elf a stronger or higher DPS «end-game» Race than a Giant...? After all, aren't end-game giants also easily capable of doing 10K+ hits on those Zombies, rapidly at that, and can therefore still easily clear Tech-Missions even without an end-game Elf in the PT ? Or does it only apply to Koreans ?

    There is also something else that I thought about in regards to Human-Archery versus Elven-Archery, and that «something (else)» can actually be tested on more recent content, too (rather than old shadow-missions), and I plan to try it out after I get back from the Wuhan-virus-affected continent(s). Basically, I would like to see if I can clear the Baltane-Mission known as Knights of the Round Table on Elite using Human-Archery (because Arrow-Revolver seems like it might be fast enough for clearing said mission).

    For the Tech-Duinn mission mentioned from the other thread, Zombies at a certain point were mentioned to need to be hit for at least 10K lest they take zero damage, but it was actually very many years ago where I remember a human-archer during pre-reforge days rapidly firing Arrow-Revolver hits to the Spiders in the Sulfur-Spider Mission (on Elite), quickly taking them down with 7K+ damage-hits. I do know for a fact that Arrow-Revolver is able to launch more numbers of bolts/arrows in less time than elven Magnum-Spam, which leads me to my next question, and that is : Would an Elf-Archer still be considered preferable over a Human-Archer for the Tech-Duinn contents if the Human-Archer was able to consistently hit for over 10K+ damage per shot/arrow with Arrow-Revolver ?

    It's just a question. I made reference to Knights of the Round Table Elite since there are similar requirements of rapidly taking down large numbers of spawns or risk failure from time-out (and should therefore not necessarily fall into the category of «out-of-date content» for making human-versus-elf archer-comparisons). The vast majority of archers (in fact that ONLY archers I ever seem to come across these days) always seem to be elf-archers (IF I do come across any; for most humans I've come across over the last year-ish or whenever I resumed being active are usually using Final-Hit appropriate skill-sets whilst most elves I've come across are nearly all using Chain-Blades...these days anyway). I won't dispute elven-archers being a more preferable choice when it comes to dishing out the DPS on some so-called end-game boss, how-ever, I still remain skeptical that an elven-archer would be able to clear a Baltane-Mission like Knights-of-the-Round-Table on Elite as easily as a human-archer would be able to pull it off (not something I've tried yet but intend to field-test eventually).
  • MabiIn2k19MabiIn2k19
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,390
    Posts: 75
    Alright here's a challenge for you. Reply using only 150 words or less, instead of hitting with walls of text that are mostly meaningless text.

    A zombie in tech has a massive amount more prot/def and doesn't take damage from ele reforges for one, so no comparing it to KotRT isn't similar. The way you compare things is cherry picking data using your same base of KotRT shuriken auto attacks won't miss and will kill the wolves just as fast. Does this mean shuriken auto attacks are better than human archery? According to you yes. This is why your comparisons don't work. If you're comparing things IN END GAME YOU NEED TO BE USING IT IN END GAME otherwise you end up with statements like shuriken auto attacks are better than magnum spam.

    And you keep saying damage per hit then right after dps, those are entirely different things. Ping doesn't do anything for per hit damage, because it's measure a singular hit. You know, per hit? Dps or Damage per second is a measure of damage done over a period of time then averaging it you guessed it, per second. Mag spam dps is cut by ping, because kr players fire mags almost 50% faster.

    See here's the biggest issue, you don't know what is endgame at all, and come off as rather arrogant about it too. Tech isn't the "so-called" endgame it is the endgame. As I said above who cares if AR is better at killing enemies that shuriken autos will kill faster vs mag? It's easy content you can use icebolts to clear it.

    This is an mmo. The majority of archers are elves, because it's better. You're not a genius that's going to discover some secret trick to outperform everyone else, because someone else would've found it first since we're 6 months behind KR, they discover everything first.
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    Lutetium wrote: »
    Habimaru wrote: »
    4.0GHz (or faster) CPU (processor) rather than being as much of a cheap-skate that I was as it seems that there is an absolutely gigantic and enormous difference in speed/performance between 3.0GHz and 4.0GHz CPUs/systems. The main computer that I use at my home-office runs on a 4.0GHz CPU laptops on the market though seem to be mostly 3.0GHz

    This thread Hertz to watch.
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    edited January 30, 2020
    Rhey wrote: »
    Chains made everything else practically obsolete. I sold off all my old p2w gears and just main that now for everything. I carry other cheaply made gears for luls and/or technicality(niche moment).

    Well, chairs do helps with AFKing, which is arguably the true endgame. Sitting down is a wonderful experience. Why play the game when you can sit here, watching your character sit in game?

  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
  • HabimaruHabimaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,630
    Posts: 761
    edited January 31, 2020
    MabiIn2k19 wrote: »
    Alright here's a challenge for you. Reply using only 150 words or less, instead of hitting with walls of text that are mostly meaningless text.
    No. That would require multiple replies in the form of multiple response-posts.
    MabiIn2k19 wrote: »
    A zombie in tech has a massive amount more prot/def and doesn't take damage from ele reforges for one, so no comparing it to KotRT isn't similar. The way you compare things is cherry picking data using your same base of KotRT shuriken auto attacks won't miss and will kill the wolves just as fast. Does this mean shuriken auto attacks are better than human archery? According to you yes. This is why your comparisons don't work. If you're comparing things IN END GAME YOU NEED TO BE USING IT IN END GAME otherwise you end up with statements like shuriken auto attacks are better than magnum spam.
    Here's the thing... nobody seems to be interested in running «end-game» content. For Rabbie Phantasm, I had a pass for it where I put up a PT-window for 17 hours a day for a whole week, then it expired. Why? Nobody wanted to run it! Then I later on had a Phantasm-Mirror pass, also putting it up for 17 hours a day, for a whole week, and only reluctantly managed to get ONE PT-member to join before I had to drop it prior to its expiration. Somehow he was thanking me for «carrying» him up to the point where we got to the room with all of those mini-Succubii. Then I tried to go do some Purification-Missions, putting up PT-Window for hours and hours and hours upon hours on end, and nobody even bothered to attempt to check it out.

    Granted, that was during a time that was soon after my return from a semi-extended absence (thanks or perhaps no thanks to the fact that the USSA has become a modern day Gestapo deserving of Nuremberg Trials 2.0, and, unlike those people who call themselves Americans, the Chinese at least know that they are communist, but not to digress), and I have since then gained contacts in my Friend-List who are often up for running various content that few others seem to be willing. And I am not intending to «cherry-pick» anything; I specifically stated before that I want to get in-depth (and thus comprehensive) information, which means making «comparisons» at all stages of talent-sets/content. If something is «situationally» useful then it would be good to know; from what I have gathered thus far in these threads/discussions (and being stabbed a bunch for the «fun» of it), elven-archers are considered to have faster clear-times for end-game content and single-target bosses; how-ever, I don't see why or how elven-archers would have faster clear-times for «outdated/obsolete/old» content (anything pre-end-game) over a human-archer with Arrow-Revolver capability other than the fact that elves can shoot whilst mounted on a fast-running pet. How else do you expect me to get/gather all of this information when nobody ever seems to even be interested in running «end-game» content ? (And how can we be so sure that the current «end-game» won't be made obsolete to the point where running it becomes a «joke» like they did to previous generation-content...? You know a «game» is imbalanced when even a brand-spanking new character that I decide to create can somehow within less than two weeks be able to «solo» 95% of all of the content that most people run [i.e.: shadow-missions, hard-mode advanced old-school dungeons, etc])
    MabiIn2k19 wrote: »
    And you keep saying damage per hit then right after dps, those are entirely different things. Ping doesn't do anything for per hit damage, because it's measure a singular hit. You know, per hit? Dps or Damage per second is a measure of damage done over a period of time then averaging it you guessed it, per second. Mag spam dps is cut by ping, because kr players fire mags almost 50% faster.
    I am aware that they are different and exactly what they mean... although the KR thing may deserve extra discussion.
    MabiIn2k19 wrote: »
    See here's the biggest issue, you don't know what is endgame at all, and come off as rather arrogant about it too. Tech isn't the "so-called" endgame it is the endgame. As I said above who cares if AR is better at killing enemies that shuriken autos will kill faster vs mag? It's easy content you can use icebolts to clear it.
    That's right, and, like I explained above, if people actually ran «end-game» content (instead of only clustering into Daily Shadow-Missions & occasional Dungeon-Runs), then perhaps I might have an «idea» for what to do/expect/decide for «end-game» content, for which, apparently, 99.97% of the whole entire NA population does not seem to bother to run. I apologise if anything from me comes or came across as rude or arrogant... that is never my intention. Additionally, I used to think that Ice-Bolt Chain-Cast Wands were the way to go for Knights of the Round Table Elite, but it is not (apparently it's not fast enough unless I was doing something wrong). Remember, I said the Elite version of that mission, not the Normal/Regular, for which Ice-Bolts would yes suffice in Normal/Regular, but will fail if trying to pull off that tactic in Elite. Do you really think it's so easy to do so (just use Ice-Bolts) on Elite? Have you even tried it ? I tell you that you will be disappointed with the result if you think that it works on Elite just as well as it works on Normal/Regular/Basic. I have done many runs of that mission (on Elite) and Dual-Guns or Chain-Blade with highest Attack-Speed have been hands-down the top-performers (Caveat : I usually have a Chain-Cast Fire-Wand in my other weapon-slot).
    MabiIn2k19 wrote: »
    This is an mmo. The majority of archers are elves, because it's better. You're not a genius that's going to discover some secret trick to outperform everyone else, because someone else would've found it first since we're 6 months behind KR, they discover everything first.
    Be that as it may, the majority of Elves are still Chain-Bladers, for probably the reason that someone said...: everything else = obsolete
  • NilremNilrem
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,880
    Posts: 465
    edited January 31, 2020
    Habimaru wrote: »
    Here's the thing... nobody seems to be interested in running «end-game» content. For Rabbie Phantasm, I had a pass for it where I put up a PT-window for 17 hours a day for a whole week, then it expired. Why?

    You ever think for a moment it might actually be because of other factors?
    One being that unless you specifically mark the party as a carry, people are going to expect you to be someone that is strong enough for it?
    You don't exactly strike me as someone that would be....known to have phantasm ready abilities considering you couldn't handle a succubus fiend. People are less likely to join a long dungeon run if it clearly will result in failure.

    As for finding people to run end game content, socialize dangit.
    Talk to people, be on channel 1 often. Ask the big name guilds if you need to. You actually need to go out of your way to meet people for things.
    They won't come to you, they already have reliable parties. Ask them for help. And especially mention that it is your funded pass.
    Very similar applies to Tech Duinn, only no carries. You need to actually prove yourself with damage or other things to take part in those. But you can enter them alone for free so...
    Heck, I'll drag you into Tech Duinn myself if I have to. Nao Server.

    I find it outright laughable how you insist to treat Elite Baltane as some kind of difficult content.
    Enemies in it are extremely weak compared to anything in the endgame spectrum, it isn't even a contest.
    I can literally sneeze on a Baltane Elite enemy and it dies.

    ...and do try to answer without a wall of text. Just try it. Limit your words.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    This is why i stopped engaging and even reading Habimaru's threads. Because after reading it i realize that i just wasted like 5 minutes reading something totally pointless. It's just best to not read at all.
  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    Greta wrote: »
    This is why i stopped engaging and even reading Habimaru's threads. Because after reading it i realize that i just wasted like 5 minutes reading something totally pointless. It's just best to not read at all.

    I mean, if "I" am in the means I am ready to kill some time reading right? o;
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    edited January 31, 2020
    Alshian wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    This is why i stopped engaging and even reading Habimaru's threads. Because after reading it i realize that i just wasted like 5 minutes reading something totally pointless. It's just best to not read at all.

    I mean, if "I" am in the means I am ready to kill some time reading right? o;

    Time, not brain cells.

    Even then, this is why alcohol exist.


    *Ima get smashed after this studying*
  • MabiIn2k19MabiIn2k19
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,390
    Posts: 75
    You know what, I really don't believe that someone said thank you to you, for carrying in phantasm. Post a screenshot of your stats, no buffs, no divine link, no cater with preferred gear on, on the character you "carried" with. Also ice bolt works in elite if you have good magic attack, which you don't. Using so many words indicates you don't know what you're talking about, so you obfuscate it with filler. This time slightly racist filler too.