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Solo-able Tech Duinn Missions

Mabinogi Rep: 1,565
Posts: 201
in Feedback and Suggestions
Okay... This has been bugging me for a while. Tech Duinn missions are designed for parties, and not designed to be done alone. I get that and support that.

However, from what I've seen, no one wants to do these unless it's with someone they know, or they need something for themselves. Getting parties that don't do them regularly is very hard because of that, because the missions seem pretty high level and require a VERY powerful team to complete.

For those of us that can't get people to help us, we need solo-able Tech Duinn missions that we can do on our own. For example, the Apostle raid with Girgishay has a solo option, so why not do the same with the Tech Duinn missions? You could still make it where group missions are worth more and give better items, but we really need some solo-able Tech Duinn missions for those of us that are trying to level our techniques or need the items to make the Geas armors. We shouldn't have to spend days trying to find people to run missions that they obviously don't want to do.

Another good example, the shadow missions "Defeat the Shadow Warrior" and "Their Method". That's another great example of soloable missions. They're not worth as much because they're designed for one person, but they're still fun and are great for people working alone.

I like that the game tried to add something new, but right now no one can solo these Tech Duinn missions (At least, I haven't seen anyone that can), and almost no one wants to do these missions. So those of us that weren't around when G22 and G23 came out missed out on everyone who was doing these missions to get the briogh crystals and stuff to make the Geas armor.

If we can't have solo-able Tech Duinn missions, then we need a way to make people do these Tech Duinn missions, because I don't know anyone that does these missions unless they absolutely have to.


  • LutetiumLutetium
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,605
    Posts: 239
    All Tech Duinn missions are soloable.
    I could say more about strategies and link to game play videos, but this isn't actually about soloing the content and rather everyone fresh outta Tir thinking they should be able to solo endgame day 1 now for some strange reason and get mad and demand babymode when they can't because they haven't progressed their characters and gear far enough and no matter how many times I explain to them "endgame content is suppose to be hard" it just seems to go in one ear and out the other.
    But hey I'll just say it again anyway, the content doesn't need to be easier you just need to put in the work to be able to complete it instead of expecting the rewards without the effort.
  • IyasenuIyasenu
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,265
    Posts: 2,887
    A Tech actually built around a party size limit of 1 would be interesting.

    It doesn't really solve the problem of the heavy interest dropoff in doing Techs, since they're basically there to get Briogh Crystals, and rare materials for the best of the best weapons that you wouldn't really be needing if you could earn them in the first place.

    Though I don't have any love for Techs, so I don't even want to do the ones that currently exist. Except maybe Kraken, but Feth is the worst, followed closely by 7 Nightmares for a different reason.
    Which I guess makes me part of the problem, while also being the kind of person who would actually be interested in the kind of Tech that's balanced around a single person.

    I just hope no more content has mechanics I hate.
    Like Feth's zombies that require you to deal at least a certain amount of damage in a single hit. That hallway on Elite isn't fair.
    And the no-pet mechanic in 7 Nightmares just sucks. I want to use my pets in everything I run, so I just don't run this one. This reason only grew with the changes to Pet rebirths and will just grow more once the Pet Handling talent comes here.
  • SqueeSquee
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,565
    Posts: 201
    Iyasenu wrote: »
    A Tech actually built around a party size limit of 1 would be interesting.

    It doesn't really solve the problem of the heavy interest dropoff in doing Techs, since they're basically there to get Briogh Crystals, and rare materials for the best of the best weapons that you wouldn't really be needing if you could earn them in the first place.

    Though I don't have any love for Techs, so I don't even want to do the ones that currently exist. Except maybe Kraken, but Feth is the worst, followed closely by 7 Nightmares for a different reason.
    Which I guess makes me part of the problem, while also being the kind of person who would actually be interested in the kind of Tech that's balanced around a single person.

    I just hope no more content has mechanics I hate.
    Like Feth's zombies that require you to deal at least a certain amount of damage in a single hit. That hallway on Elite isn't fair.
    And the no-pet mechanic in 7 Nightmares just sucks. I want to use my pets in everything I run, so I just don't run this one. This reason only grew with the changes to Pet rebirths and will just grow more once the Pet Handling talent comes here.

    It's okay... I understand completely about not loving the Tech Duinn missions. I hate them too, but I need briogh crystals to level up my techniques at this point (and maybe get stuff to make a Geass armor), or I wouldn't do these missions either. All my techniques are sitting at level 4 and require briogh crystals, so I can't do anything unless I get them. Personally, I think the developers could make missions tailored to one person. They did it with the shadow missions and tailored missions like Defeat the Shadow Warrior and Their Method for those that solo missions.

    But yeah, they are only there for you to get briogh crystals and I think that's all people are going to do (it's the same thing with Apostle raids. People only do those to train Crusador skills and don't care about them after that). If they did make a soloable mission to run missions by yourself, you would be able to just do them till you got what you needed and then move on. The interest dropoff is because these missions aren't fun, which could be fixed if they made missions that people could actually enjoy. These missions had the potential to basically replace the Shadow Mission spamming completely for higher level players who want something harder than the elite and Lord shadow missions... Anyway, the poor design choices for the Tech Duinn missions is a discussion for another post.
    Lutetium wrote: »
    All Tech Duinn missions are soloable.
    I could say more about strategies and link to game play videos, but this isn't actually about soloing the content and rather everyone fresh outta Tir thinking they should be able to solo endgame day 1 now for some strange reason and get mad and demand babymode when they can't because they haven't progressed their characters and gear far enough and no matter how many times I explain to them "endgame content is suppose to be hard" it just seems to go in one ear and out the other.
    But hey I'll just say it again anyway, the content doesn't need to be easier you just need to put in the work to be able to complete it instead of expecting the rewards without the effort.

    Okay... First off... The Tech Duinn missions are NOT soloable for 95% of the population of Mabi. Most people I've seen have trouble doing these missions in a party. I've talked to people who are WAY stronger than me and even they admit these missions require a party with good stats.

    Second. Maybe people don't listen to you because you don't understand what you're talking about. Seriously, read the post before you comment stuff like this. I'm not saying we need an "easier game" right now or something needs nerfed. Almost nothing you've said has anything to do with what I'm talking about. It's not about strategy, or wanting nerfs. I'm saying that we need missions we can solo for those of us that need to do these missions and have to do them alone since 90% of the population of Mabi refuses to do these Tech Duinn missions. These missions aren't designed to be solo'd. The enemies are tanks, they do ridiculous damage, and they all multiaggro. Even with divine link and a strong pet, most people solo-ing this are not gonna last long in these missions. I actually tried to solo and failed. My character can solo most Elite shadow missions by myself these days, so I am not a "fresh out of Tir" player like you seem to think. I've been in this game for like 7 years at this point and have mastered every talent in the game except for Alchemy and Archery. My CP is so high that the kitchen dungeon enemies aren't boss level anymore, but they're actually awful level.

    The developers can easily come up with missions specifically designed for one person. They did fine with missions like Defeat the Shadow Warrior and Their Method. I'm not saying it has to be easy, just something we can do alone when most people don't want to do these missions. We shouldn't be required to solo these missions that are clearly not designed to be completed alone.
  • LutetiumLutetium
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,605
    Posts: 239
    Squee wrote: »
    Okay... First off... The Tech Duinn missions are NOT soloable for 95% of the population of Mabi. Most people I've seen have trouble doing these missions in a party. I've talked to people who are WAY stronger than me and even they admit these missions require a party with good stats.

    See above spoiler.
    Squee wrote: »
    Second. Maybe people don't listen to you because you don't understand what you're talking about. Seriously, read the post before you comment stuff like this. I'm not saying we need an "easier game" right now or something needs nerfed.
    Seriously, read your own posts before you comment. 90% of them are complaining the game needs nerfed and you need handed rewards, this one just the same thing behind a thin veil, you want leveling techniques to be trivialized by making "easy solo Tech Duinn missions", completely negating them being a reward for any sort of achievement of ability to complete content (or pay gold to those who can) and further throw off game balance and any sense of player accomplishment or difficulty.
    Squee wrote: »
    I actually tried to solo and failed. My character can solo most Elite shadow missions by myself these days, so I am not a "fresh out of Tir" player like you seem to think. I've been in this game for like 7 years at this point and have mastered every talent in the game except for Alchemy and Archery. My CP is so high that the kitchen dungeon enemies aren't boss level anymore, but they're actually awful level.
    Elite Shadow Missions can be solo'd under 1000 total quite easily, they are early~midgame content at best I'm not sure why you're trying to subtlebrag about it while making a thread asking for the rewards from harder content to be trivialized. Cooking dungeon combat power is also a meme, in order to reduce them to afwul only takes 1/3rd of their combat power, 2933 combat power in this case, as they have 8,800, personally they are strong to me but that's fairly meaningless since the low end of combat power to make them strong is 4400 and 6285 is required to drop them to normal. But since you feel as if you can sneak your intentions by an pretend you're stronger than you are, I calculated my combat power and looked up the closest monster, currently the Hard Mode Small Shadow Commander and took a photo to confirm it is Weak to me:
    Your comments and this screenshot present the follow: You have a minimum of 2933.3 combat power, I have a minimum of 5600.1 combat power. You are not as strong as you believe despite your high and mighty attitude towards me here as proven by simple math.

    The simple reason people won't run Tech Duinn with you is you haven't proven to them that you're a strong enough piece of the party's machine to successfully complete the mission, and despite you claims I see many players running the missions and have encountered no such problems of "no one being willing to run the missions", at least on Nao.
    I do not believe the "suggestion" of "Solo-able Tech Duinn Missions" from you in this thread is one made in good faith but rather a personal desire to cheat the system without putting in the work based on the comments you have made here and other threads. I'm not against more content being added but I am stating my opinion that I believe this is a bogus suggestion made in bad faith and that you have not personally put in the effort to give the existing Tech Duinn missions a fair chance be it socially or character development.
    As a final closing thought, I find it questionable you post this thread about "solo-able missions" but have a post agreeing that generation questline missions should return to being multiplayer it's very contradictory. If you want to post on the game's balance you should at least give legitimate chance to playing it first.
  • SqueeSquee
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,565
    Posts: 201
    edited January 27, 2020
    Lutetium wrote: »
    90% of them are complaining the game needs nerfed and you need handed rewards, this one just the same thing behind a thin veil, you want leveling techniques to be trivialized by making "easy solo Tech Duinn missions", completely negating them being a reward for any sort of achievement of ability to complete content (or pay gold to those who can) and further throw off game balance and any sense of player accomplishment or difficulty.

    This thread isn't even related to those comments, as I made this a new thread for a reason (Even though I would like to see the game rebalanced because it is unbalanced but I'm trying to avoid that discussion because that's not what this thread is about). How would a solo-able Tech Duinn mission "break the game balance"? If these missions are solo-able as you say they are, then how would giving us a solo-able mission be any different from how things are now? How does that "break the balance" when these missions mostly only exist to force the player to play these missions for stuff to level techniques?

    Honestly, you're talking about things that haven't even been brought up in this thread... Who's talking about shop items or being "handed" things? No one in this thread is talking about that. This thread is about making solo-able Tech Duinn missions (and I'm not even saying they have to be easy.) for those of us that can't get people to run these missions with us.

    And your comment already doesn't have any merit to it, because the Pre-G24 event boxes had chances to give you briogh crystals from the boxes you get just for logging in in the Pre G24 event. So the game is already handing out briogh crystals to a degree without even needing to do the Tech Duinn missions. And considering the techniques only go to level 10, and you can only have 5, I don't see how me asking for a solo-able mission to work for these crystals amounts to me "wanting things handed to me". I have not once said that I wanted the crystals handed to us. I have not once said I want a mission "easy" for us.
    Lutetium wrote: »
    Elite Shadow Missions can be solo'd under 1000 total quite easily, they are early~midgame content at best I'm not sure why you're trying to subtlebrag about it while making a thread asking for the rewards from harder content to be trivialized. Cooking dungeon combat power is also a meme, in order to reduce them to afwul only takes 1/3rd of their combat power, 2933 combat power in this case, as they have 8,800, personally they are strong to me but that's fairly meaningless since the low end of combat power to make them strong is 4400 and 6285 is required to drop them to normal. But since you feel as if you can sneak your intentions by an pretend you're stronger than you are, I calculated my combat power and looked up the closest monster, currently the Hard Mode Small Shadow Commander and took a photo to confirm it is Weak to me:
    Your comments and this screenshot present the follow: You have a minimum of 2933.3 combat power, I have a minimum of 5600.1 combat power. You are not as strong as you believe despite your high and mighty attitude towards me here as proven by simple math.

    Fine... You're a hell of a lot stronger than I am. Congratulations, you are overpowered.

    Is that what you want me to say? Because 90% of Mabi players are not going to have stats like that. I've sunk 7 years of time and money into the game and even I don't have stats that good. I've mastered every talent but archery and alchemy and my stats are only half that (And yes, I have mastered those talents. The only thing I haven't done is grandmaster all my talents because I'm still working on it). So maybe I am part of the problem, I don't know. Honestly, I don't know that I'm at a level that should or shouldn't be having issues in these quests now. I feel like being over twice the recommended level for G22 should have meant that I would be able to handle it, but apparently not because according to you, we shouldn't be doing these missions unless we've sunk 10 years or more of our time and money into the game (which means that they are going to have to up the recommended level for G22-G24). But yeah, that just means most of these difficulty discussions don't apply to you when you are the Mabi equivalent of Saitama from One Punch Man. So congratulations. Of course you're not going to have issues with the power balance in the game when your character is probably one-shotting everything. You proved that you're just too overpowered for this game to really understand what many of us normal people are going through with how unbalanced the game is for those of us that haven't sunk our entire last 10 years into the game to get to a level like that.
    Lutetium wrote: »
    The simple reason people won't run Tech Duinn with you is you haven't proven to them that you're a strong enough piece of the party's machine to successfully complete the mission, and despite you claims I see many players running the missions and have encountered no such problems of "no one being willing to run the missions", at least on Nao.
    I do not believe the "suggestion" of "Solo-able Tech Duinn Missions" from you in this thread is one made in good faith but rather a personal desire to cheat the system without putting in the work based on the comments you have made here and other threads. I'm not against more content being added but I am stating my opinion that I believe this is a bogus suggestion made in bad faith and that you have not personally put in the effort to give the existing Tech Duinn missions a fair chance be it socially or character development.
    As a final closing thought, I find it questionable you post this thread about "solo-able missions" but have a post agreeing that generation questline missions should return to being multiplayer it's very contradictory. If you want to post on the game's balance you should at least give legitimate chance to playing it first.

    As I said. Most people will only do these with people they know and only run these missions to get briogh crystals (and the occasional run for materials). Trying to find people willing to do these missions is rather difficult. Most people I talk to do NOT like doing these missions and refuse to do them unless they absolutely have to.

    Again... I even gave good examples of how Mabi has handled having those options in the past in things like the solo shadow missions. It's not going to break the game to have solo-able missions if they're well designed. It's just an additional option for those of us that can't find people to do these missions. Mabi has always been about having options, and I don't think having a solo-able Tech Duinn mission would hurt anything if it's well designed. I don't think you really have any right to sit here and say my post is not made on "good faith" (I don't even think I fully understand what that is even supposed to mean) when I'm not even suggesting anything that Mabi hasn't done before. There have always been missions for both party and solo through most of Mabi's history. Look at dungeons, shadow missions, even the apostle raid for Girghishay. There are party and solo options. There are solo-able missions in almost every part of Mabi, and there's party missions in every place there's a solo-able mission. It's about options, and the lack thereof. So I don't know if you just don't understand what you're saying, or it's a mistake on me understanding you, but either way, there has been no mention of me wanting to "cheat the system". If I wanted to cheat the system, I'd complain about how the G24 pre-event boxes never once gave me briogh crystals (which were in the pool for what you could get), or demand them in the game through other means (like buying through commerce or something) or I'd ask that we be able to buy briogh crystals from the shop or I'd say other players should get them and sell them more. I'm not asking for a free handout. I'm asking for an option for us to work for these crystals on our own without having try and find a party that probably doesn't even want to do these missions.

    Think of it this way... A lot of party missions always have that one person that can't pull their weight, so they end up dragging everyone down. Solo missions require you to do all the work yourself. You're actually working far harder for what you get than you do in the party missions because you're fighting all the enemies yourself and can't rely on anyone to help you. I haven't once mentioned anything that amounts to "cheating the system". If I wanted to "cheat the system" there's plenty of other things I could have demanded. But I'm only asking for an option that would result in us actually working harder for these crystals since doing a solo mission means you can't rely on a party to do all the work for you and you have to put the effort in yourself in order to get the reward. Hell, I've seen people who specialize in just being leeches in parties and jump into missions just to let everyone else do all the work (I had that issue in Rabbie Phantasm where me and a few others had to just leech because we only had one guy that could survive in the dungeon at all and he ended up solo-ing most of the dungeon). But a solo-able mission means you can't do that. So tell me how I'm "wanting to cheat the system" again for requesting this. How is requesting something to do these missions on our own so we can earn these items through working on our own (that many people buy from player shops these days when available to even avoid doing these missions everyone hates) is "cheating". Go ahead and explain it to me.

    You're not exactly being consistent considering your major complaint is that people don't want to work for what they are getting, and you seem to think me wanting to work on my own for briogh crystals and pull my own weight in a solo mission is "cheating the system". So which is it? Should I be wanting things handed to me like a leech, or should I be wanting to do it myself and earn what I want to get rather than having to leech off a party?

    And yes, in another thread I did comment that it would be nice to have party gen quests. People do the generation quests, are more willing to help with those, and the generation quests need an option for more people given how unfair some of these missions are designed. As long as we don't run into the same problem as content like the Tech Duinn missions and the Apostle raids, where the only reason to do it is skills or techniques, and people are interested to do it, then it would probably work great. Back in the day, G1 and G3 finals were a lot of fun because you got to meet new people and see how other people play the game. And the Royal Alchemist system was a great example of having help available. If we had a system like that where people could request help from a G22-24 equivalent, it would actually alleviate that difficulty tension and people wouldn't complain so much about difficulty (That should make you happy right?)

  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    edited January 26, 2020
    Lutetium wrote: »
    All Tech Duinn missions are soloable.
    I could say more about strategies and link to game play videos, but this isn't actually about soloing the content and rather everyone fresh outta Tir thinking they should be able to solo endgame day 1 now for some strange reason and get mad and demand babymode when they can't because they haven't progressed their characters and gear far enough and no matter how many times I explain to them "endgame content is suppose to be hard" it just seems to go in one ear and out the other.
    But hey I'll just say it again anyway, the content doesn't need to be easier you just need to put in the work to be able to complete it instead of expecting the rewards without the effort.

    I think one of the issues is finding a party in the first place. I can understand, given how annoyed that I cannot enter Provocation alone or have to wait a long time just for half a party to fill.

    The issue is less the dungeon, and more that NA simply doesn't have enough players overall. It's the issue with the Soluna Sword materials.

    Honestly? Tech is like most things, a stat check. Stat checks exist to reward time and persistence, to give that jolt of dopamine to see how more easily we can complete things, if at all. However, Nexon has two prime problems with game design.

    -Stat checks. (For this issue, see why Veteran Dungeons are boring and fruitless.)

    -Mechanics that are simply "You can't use this here" (Lullaby Immune, Overrides Pet Aggro, Ignore Sand Blast, Advanced Heavy Stander, Reduces All Hits by 90%, Ignores Rain Cast, etc.)

    Forgive me, but I didn't rank Sand Blast not to use it, and this becomes an issue when it seems that Nexon is either telling us to have the stats to overpower something, or not do it at all. dead in 99% of the game. Part of this is Mabinogi is old, and a stitched up part of different visions. Using a legitimate strategy is thought as making the game "too easy", so Nexon took that away.

    That, and you are wrong in your logic here. I call this "Intern logic", or more commonly known as Catch-22. How can people join Tech Duinn parties if the requirement is to have run it in the first place? Surely, you don't think people should be able to solo a party based dungeon to run it with a party, correct? It's similar to how companies acknowledge that if they only hired people with experience, the employee pool will become dry of employees with experience.

    I don't see why not. Mabinogi in NA has a population problem, and it snowballs since no one does these missions because no one is doing them. Anytime I get off work, it's too late for me to do a Girgashiy Raid; yet, I can still participate in the solo mission to get half my points. I think that's fair. Why isn't it?

    I am not awarded as much in a Squad, but I am given a choice or whether or not I want to gamble with my time making a Squad. I don't get all the rewards, but I am rewarded some, and more importantly I get experience that is somewhat applicable to a team raid.

    Honestly, all this talk of cheating the system...I could buy Briogh Crystals and materials instead of running it. Isn't that just bypassing the system?
    IyasenuSqueeArrivedAtheist42ChaosShadowPlatinaKokiSherriPip-BoyRadiant Dawn
  • GhostUN7GhostUN7
    Mabinogi Rep: 595
    Posts: 27
    edited August 12, 2020
    I know that this is a old topic, but I'm going to bump this as it is still an issue and add onto it, even now as were already past the half way mark of 2020.

    The main issue I personally have, and some of you may also have, been seeing with the current generations of mabi, is inconsistency. The story displays these dungeons to be one thing, but entirely different from what really happens. We run Tech Duinn in the story, and apparently we can solo these mission, but if we were to run the actual missions, given that I agree that they should be done with a party, the difficulty is severely increased to the point where you will rely on Nao stones and Full restores. It is true that Tech can be done solo but you will either need to know the tells before it happens (where the enemy will attack) or be one tough character.

    As for this, well... not everyone is a walking do it all in the game... I mean LOOK at how much AP you have. and that you are also linked with a pet. This is a poor example of a average player trying to actually enjoy the content that the game has to provide.

    Back on topic though... I think it would be nice to have Soloable Tech missions and not just that but also ENTRY level dungeons for this AND for Girg (G20-G21) missions. People don't even try training their crusader abilities because its just a constant struggle to just unlock the subset. Having entry level dungeons would provide a stepping stone for people who just finished these generations, and would like to progress further with character development. But instead I'm standing here going "I CANT RUN THIS" or "NO WAY" because some 1% of the community thinks its too easy.

    This is where Final Fantasy XIV does better than Mabi, and Mabi can learn from this, theres a thing called EX raids, or nightmare raids that I would compare Tech and Girg missions too, but in conjunction for these raids, there are smaller raids or dungeons that help you get there, which some are solo-able or can be done in a party of AVERAGE players not elite do it alls. Now I know that some would be all sour and act like a child saying "well why dont you go play FFXIV if you like it so much" well I would, but I like Mabi too, and some members of the community. Its my choice to be here, but its also my choice to point out flaws in the game too. So far I feel so disconnected from the story it feels like... "why bother" as to get to that point would either take a grip load of gold, or a grip load of time that people don't have anymore. There should be solutions for the casual gamer in the community as well.
  • TerekTerek
    Mabinogi Rep: 540
    Posts: 13
    I'd love to have solo-able Tech missions. I can't clear any of them, and i've been around awhile. Could never really do any of those Memory dungeon missions either, the one's near that bard camp? I know the basic strats and stuff to survive, but man do these dungeons take a toll on me, and it's just not worth the anxiety and stress trying to survive if i can't even complete some of it. I've basically given up on leveling up Techniques because i can't complete a Tech run to even get a briogh crystal. Kinda necessary to level up higher, and i can't, so....ya. It's rather disappointing that i can't work at something because it's beyond me. In the same way i can't do Giragshy runs, even the solo-able ones for some reason wipe me out, and i know how to do those. I can remember doing that first Girasghy run during the generation it was involved in, was nearly impossible for me to complete and took me nearly two weeks before i had a lag issue that slowed the monster and allowed me to win. So in that case it was pure luck.

    Needless to say, i can empathize with the desire for a variety of dungeon runs in these special places so characters with lesser chances but who have still put in the work can actually reap some rewards. I've been playing this game for 13 years, i'm definitely not a noob. Unfortunately when i hit these walls, i sometimes set the game aside and take a break, with the hope that if i come back in a month or two, there might have been some changes. Better than getting worked up over something i can't change.
  • Pip-BoyPip-Boy
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,760
    Posts: 127
    edited August 17, 2020
    This wouldn't be an issue if the dungeons themselves were fun to do. The mechanics are all around obnoxious so people don't want to run them unless they can power through through the no-fun allowed challenges in which case the dungeons are boring AOE nuke fests. What idiot thought it was a good ideal to disable all the fun and interesting stuff like shock and sand blast while making the most boring way to clear dungeons the only option? Terrible design and I'm hoping the devs learned their lesson since the Mag Mell dungeons are literally the opposite up to the Kerune Fight.
  • GhostUN7GhostUN7
    Mabinogi Rep: 595
    Posts: 27
    tbh, the Mag Mell dungeons are a little nuts when it comes to the mob spam, especially in hard mode, the likelyhood that Nexon will learn, and apply that to the game is almost nil. Only 4 seasons right now seems more of a intro to Mag Mell and if I was a new/average player, i'd be pissed as the content is still far too difficult.
  • ookieookie
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,125
    Posts: 166
    edited December 14, 2020
    i'm doing G21, and just come up against Provocation...i'm a solo player which means now i'm stuck...i can not progress through the generation due to the requirement of a party of belief is that mainstream quests should always be solo-able with parties being an option...if Provocation can not be changed to where it has a solo option then how about changing the G21 quest itself to a different mission that's not like Provocation is integral to the storyline of G21

    i see they DID change the mission to a different one for the Booster Event which only proves that Provocation is unnecessary to the storyline of G21, and a permanent change is possible...i was late to the Booster Event...i finished G20 just a few hours before maintenance that removed the event...was so relieved i got that far in a short time that i forgot to upgrade my title to Luminous...but now i'm forever stuck unless they redo the event again next year maybe...or permanently get rid of these kind of potholes ...which they acknowledge exist by temporarily changing it for an event...please change this for us solo players so we too can progress without such unnecessary restrictions
  • NemesisNemesis
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,005
    Posts: 96
    I solo techs all the time u noobs

    I go in, kill 5 crabs, and leave.

    ez solo
  • AmarazAmaraz
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,060
    Posts: 316
    As much as I understand and empathize with the original post, I gotta say, Tech Missions are for the players who have been around for years, put so much time and effort into their builds, and sacrificed alot of money to get where they are now. End game players need content too . New players have had alot of help lately, and I was pretty happy to see something really hard for those elitists to test out their strength on something. The game wouldn't be fun if there were no challenges.
  • NemesisNemesis
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,005
    Posts: 96
    Amaraz wrote: »
    As much as I understand and empathize with the original post, I gotta say, Tech Missions are for the players who have been around for years, put so much time and effort into their builds, and sacrificed alot of money to get where they are now. End game players need content too . New players have had alot of help lately, and I was pretty happy to see something really hard for those elitists to test out their strength on something. The game wouldn't be fun if there were no challenges.

    this is true.

    why do players come into the game for about 3 months and expect to be able to solo end game content
  • TimefallTimefall
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,505
    Posts: 146
    I think more players are frustrated by the thought "I'm strong enough to run this if I have a party, but nobody will run it with me."
  • StormbeastStormbeast
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,300
    Posts: 162
    The only real solution to the party is to join an active guild that hosts Tech runs. The regular runners will be looking for mats, but the 'weaker' players can join the runs to get Briogh for their techs.
  • DottleDottle
    Mabinogi Rep: 800
    Posts: 6
    I have played this game since 2008. Coming back I notice a large portion of players who have only been playing for the past few years have this condescending attitude about the game. Take a lot of these comments before mine for instance complaining about how new players come on and want to play end-game missions. Understandably, anyone would want to beat a rewarding mission so they can get crafting materials to advance their character's stats. I find it regrettable because the point of the OP's post is that finding a party is difficult. Aiding new players is fun and if you disagree that is fine, but realize you all just made the OP's point. The reason finding a party is difficult is because people who RAID for years and years and advanced their character with all the recent BUFFS and advancements the game ONLY NOW has to offer are standoffish! The reality is you had to start somewhere, so why not help out the players who are trying to advance their character as well? I don't mind someone feeling "they can do it" because it means they want to play the game. It's players like all of you who want to condescend this mindset and thus create toxic environments for the new players and leave all of us who enjoy other aspects of the game with a smaller community of players. New players are essential to the tenure of the game just as much as older players. Instead of calling them "crybabies" how about being a better mentor for new players by advising them to guides? Back before all of these BUFFS it was completely normal for you to try missions that were above your level ON YOUR OWN and do so as a means to progress your character. I realize that has drastically changed, but it's understandable why a returning player or even a NEW player would make that assumption. Try to be more approachable and the game can be enjoyable for everyone.
  • AltlosAltlos
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,045
    Posts: 8
    Amaraz wrote: »
    As much as I understand and empathize with the original post, I gotta say, Tech Missions are for the players who have been around for years, put so much time and effort into their builds, and sacrificed alot of money to get where they are now. End game players need content too . New players have had alot of help lately, and I was pretty happy to see something really hard for those elitists to test out their strength on something. The game wouldn't be fun if there were no challenges.

    Asking for a solo-able tech is not asking for it to be easier, or that there can't be extremely difficult content. If there was a solo tech, it wouldn't hurt anyone that wants to do the hardest content as they could still do the regular techs instead of the solo. having a solo version would just allow someone that maybe can't invest as much money into just buying the best endgame gear, or that plays at a time where all the active tech running guilds are offline.
  • RomanjiRomanji
    Mabinogi Rep: 500
    Posts: 15
    Apologies for necro'ing the thread. But I too am for more tech content that can be solo'able. Im fine with the damage I take and being able to dish out millions in damage is fine. But the sheer number of enemies with multi-aggro and the style mabinogi has where even an enemy that does 1 damage can stagger you long enough to prevent a condition of success (Enemies running to a goalpost or NPC protections or just staying in a zone as you get knocked back) It feels like the # of enemies should be proportional to the # of party members. That's all. Doesn't even have to be a straight 1:1 ratio. If there were half the enemies in most hard tech missions I feel like you could solo them.

    Why; so many of us have lives, work, families, friends across the globe with different schedules and time zones. There needs to be ways to make material progress at odd hours that fit our schedule. Given your average MMO you do a raid, and rewards are aplenty. In this MMO we will grind the hardest content nonstop, putting in dozens upon dozens of runs only to get 0% closer to our crafting goal. If this is the norm, there needs to be ways to chip at this without calling upon everyone every run every time.

    Example; You did it for field raids. doing any field raid gets you currency to spend and there are solo'able field raids. And they're so common and often ground that the market is full of the materials and items that come from the raids. Do the same for other content is all i ask.

    Ooooor we could revitalize synthesis and allow us to sacrifice rare resources to make *other* rare resources? That would be nice