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F2P vs P2W / Server-RAM / Archer-Set / Questions


  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    edited January 31, 2020
    Greta wrote: »
    This is why i stopped engaging and even reading Habimaru's threads. Because after reading it i realize that i just wasted like 5 minutes reading something totally pointless. It's just best to not read at all.

    Habi makes you never want to read anything again. =P
    Radiant DawnWolfsingerGretaSherri
  • HabimaruHabimaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,630
    Posts: 761
    I couldn't believe it either, sorry, I forgot to add «to my surprise» at the end. No, I don't have a screen-shot of it (him saying so; but I'll be sure to screen-shot any such future-comments from others whom I might encounter), but we duo'd until reaching a mini-succubi room, and I now have higher stats since that time (and better-upgraded equipment also since that time), and getting through to nearly the end of the first floor was not because of «stats», but because I have a patient ability to use those «obstacles» within the rooms to my advantage so that I can full-charge fusion-bolt and burst-attack each target in repeat-patterns until I've knocked them out one at a time... perhaps I will record a video of it after I get back from overseas so you can see it for yourself. I just don't «die» (get knocked out) very easily despite not being where I can just one-shot everything... most people won't be able to pull that off if they had my meager stats/equipment/etc., especially as an elf.

    I was also not using Divine-Link at that time (I didn't even have Divine-Link at that time), nor did I buff myself with anything (the use of Weapon-Power-Potions is only a recent trend that I adopted which was months after that time), and my «gear» is actually quite laughable... I literally was using a Karis Wizard-Set where the average Rank of any Enchants is like a B (maybe I have one or two pieces of equipment with Enchants above Rank A). I also still do not even have the Catering skill on my character either. I'm telling you I was using mostly what would be considered «newbie» equipment to run it with him at that time... I tell you you're going to be disappointed if you think I was one-shot-ing anything because, like I mentioned, I was simply using a «cautious strategy» so that I could land multiple hits of Full-Charged Fire-Ice Fusion-Bolt on a single target until it was down before I moved to my next target, all whilst also simultaneously moving around the rooms in a manner as to avoid getting multi-agro'd (and, remember, this was without Divine-Link, which I did not even have at the time anyway!).

    Not everything requires «stats» to be able to pull off. How-ever, ever since the Apocalypse-Generations, the development-team for some reason has decided that stats (instead of strategic-planning) should be the direction taken for whatever reason...
    MabiIn2k19 wrote: »
    You know what, I really don't believe that someone said thank you to you, for carrying in phantasm. Post a screenshot of your stats, no buffs, no divine link, no cater with preferred gear on, on the character you "carried" with. Also ice bolt works in elite if you have good magic attack, which you don't. Using so many words indicates you don't know what you're talking about, so you obfuscate it with filler. This time slightly racist filler too.
    Greta wrote: »
    This is why i stopped engaging and even reading Habimaru's threads. Because after reading it i realize that i just wasted like 5 minutes reading something totally pointless. It's just best to not read at all.
    Thou art not required to even open them... neither does thou even need to bother responding or commenting.
  • rawrnyahrawrnyah
    Mabinogi Rep: 755
    Posts: 19
    Habimaru wrote: »
    For those who say that «End-Game Elves are OP» ...what exactly makes them OP ?
    From what I remember, assuming it's the same idea in this world/time-line/etc., people said it's because of Mag-Spam.
    You also mention NA ping... exactly how does Ping have anything to do with per-hit-damage ?
    Yes, missing obviously isn't going to do any damage, but that is not an actual hit upon the target, and I am not talking about the total DPS being lowered because of misses, but actual hits that land upon the target, which brings us to next question...
    So I ask again, what, exactly, makes End-Game Elves OP ? Is Magnum-Spam the only thing that is considered «OP» ?
    IF indeed it is the Magnum-Spam that makes elves OP, yet an Elf-Magnum does not hit the hardest at End-Game, then exactly what kind of logic/rationale is being used to determine that the Elf (end-game version) does the highest end-game DPS ?
    Or is it a myth that so many people believe that end-game elf-archers deal the highest end-game DPS ?
    What exactly am I missing here...? I have already proven myself to be «stupid» so you might have to «dumb it down» for me to be able to «get» the «logic» behind what makes an Elf a stronger or higher DPS «end-game» Race than a Giant...? After all, aren't end-game giants also easily capable of doing 10K+ hits on those Zombies, rapidly at that, and can therefore still easily clear Tech-Missions even without an end-game Elf in the PT ? Or does it only apply to Koreans ?

    Elves used to have the best single target DPS. Then the Perseus Tormented Knuckle became a thing and then they lost their spot to Giants. That being said, all races can use the knuckle and its not like giant's are substantially better than the others at using it. People bring up Magnum spam when talking about elves because that and movespeed are the only things elves have going for them right now. It's like how topics about humans nearly always revolve about Final Hit. If you take it away from them then there's nothing about them that makes them stand out. Archery in itself is in a weird place where it's not the strongest single target dps but it is decent and gearing for it is a hell of a lot cheaper than getting a Perseus Tormented Knuckle and Erg50ing it.
    MabiIn2k19 wrote: »
    You know what, I really don't believe that someone said thank you to you, for carrying in phantasm. Post a screenshot of your stats, no buffs, no divine link, no cater with preferred gear on, on the character you "carried" with. Also ice bolt works in elite if you have good magic attack, which you don't. Using so many words indicates you don't know what you're talking about, so you obfuscate it with filler. This time slightly racist filler too.

    I think he said it was for Phantasm Mirror?
  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    edited January 31, 2020
    Speaking of strategy, Illusion Balor should of been a solo boss instead of his annoying Salamanders (Which keeps on spawning...) causing you to focus less on Balor and more on them. I mean this boss would of been fun if its just HIM and not the annoying Salamanders that destroys the fun in guise of "challenge" but just becomes straight up obnoxious.

    Tech Geata with it's pew pews is actually fun because your attention is only on it while trying to avoid them pew pews because Mabinogi combat can not catch up with this nonsense unless maybe we getting some battle overhaul to match its gameplay rhythm in the future which I strongly doubt.

    But hey, this is "Endgame" content if you could call it that if Endgame means all the trouble of skills you used thus far are worthless because Devcat decide to say, "Oh hey guess what? We made sure your "useful" skills get restricted just to make it "challenging" enough for you. We will also throw away the meaning of Strategy out the window and just mindless brute force while we are at it."

    At least tiny bits of it requires some level of strategy but most of it is just a huge wall telling you "We lied that 5k+ is the minimal requirement to do Tech Duin, its actually like 9k+ equivalent in stats, skills, and gear, but if you took advantage of our limited time x2~x10 AP then your set!" Although out of the 3 races Elves had it a bit tough because 1# Dampen shock requirements is a lot harsher on elves, 2# most melee with elves is close to being mediocre, 3# the "meta" for elves would be Archery which is the most expensive to build for, 4# MORE GRINDING and 5# Single DPS won't matter too much when you have everything thrown into your face.

    Other races are pretty costly but more easy to obtain and can even do Tech duin fairly but barely easy since they have the highest survival rate with more easy access with Dampen shock along with better affinity with close combat, which includes having more access to two handed weaponry that benefits huge in erg upgrading while elves are missing out on that they could be using when Archery won't cut it for the time being.

    Not saying BUFF elves or NERF other races but I am saying to level the plain field so that every race would have not felt like it matters too much but more on your "gameplay skills" as well as "KNOWLEDGE!".

    Edit: Forgot about Perseus Tormented Knuckles.
  • MabiIn2k19MabiIn2k19
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,390
    Posts: 75
    edited February 1, 2020
    Post a screenshot of your stats, no buffs, no divine link, no cater with preferred gear on, on the character you "carried" with I don't care what some random person said, you intentionally avoided what I said entirely. What I'm saying is I honestly don't believe you even cleared a single room, let alone the entire first floor. Especially without link, and in welfare gear. How long were you in there? 3 years? Mage is really slow in phantasm unless you're using blaze, and I find it downright impossible that you cleared as much as you're claiming.
    Habimaru wrote: »
    and getting through to nearly the end of the first floor
    Habimaru wrote: »
    duo'd until reaching a mini-succubi room
    So which one is it? Because those 2 things are worlds apart. The second one is basically saying you cleared 2 rooms
    Habimaru wrote: »
    where the average Rank of any Enchants is like a B (maybe I have one or two pieces of equipment with Enchants above Rank A)
    You don't even understand how enchants work. Higher rank doesn't mean better.
    Habimaru wrote: »
    rooms in a manner as to avoid getting multi-agro'd
    That's not how aggro even works in phantasm, the whole room aggros you almost instantly, and without link you'd get thrashed.

    Since you confirmed that your icebolt can't kill elite mobs in KotRT, your magic damage is probably really low unless you spent an hour a room in phantasm, there's no way at all.

    EDIT: Just for clarity purposes, since you seem to struggle with that

    Step 1: Push C in game, or whatever button you have bound to open you character sheet (Or if you unbound the keybind, click it)
    Step 2: Using a screenshot program, steam screenshot function (F12 or printscreen by default), or even a cell phone picture of your monitor, capture the character information window (THIS PART IS IMPORTANT!!!)
    Step 3: upload it where ever you like
    Step 4: Link it here so people can see it
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    edited February 1, 2020
    I genuinely think Habimaru has self esteem issues, or some other mental health issue that needs addressing.

    This thread feels like a scream for validation for ...something. People who talk in circles, posturing themselves to be better or more knowledgeable than they actually are, do want that type of privilege to gloat about knowing something we don't, to be ahead of the curve. It seems to be somewhat common among borderline conspiracy theorists, particularly those that feel that have done nothing worthwhile in their lives.

    Hence why such individuals talk in circles. Either they believe in their own bullcrap, or they don't want to believe in their own perceived sense of worthlessness.
    LutetiumNilremRadiant DawnSherri
  • LutetiumLutetium
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,605
    Posts: 239
    Based and Redpilled.
    I'd still take Habiposting over another 6,000,000 "merge alexina" and "nerf everything past g3 ranking skills is too hard" threads it's still better reading on the can.
  • HabimaruHabimaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,630
    Posts: 761
    MabiIn2k19 wrote: »
    Post a screenshot of your stats, no buffs, no divine link, no cater with preferred gear on, on the character you "carried" with I don't care what some random person said, you intentionally avoided what I said entirely. What I'm saying is I honestly don't believe you even cleared a single room, let alone the entire first floor. Especially without link, and in welfare gear. How long were you in there? 3 years? Mage is really slow in phantasm unless you're using blaze, and I find it downright impossible that you cleared as much as you're claiming.
    I keep telling you (and everyone else) that I am overseas and thus do not have access to my super-fast desk-top computer. Loading Mabinogi just takes too long given all of these other things I need to do with my laptop. I already told you that I'll make a video showing what I did after I get back... regarding what the guy said who joined me for the duo, you (and apparently everyone else) are obviously surprised at that, and you think I wasn't? Considering that he was the human-character, with Final-Hit, who was actually doing more sustained damage/DPS than me since I had to keep on repeat-charging my Fusion-Bolts.

    I only mentioned it because it was very surprising to me and no, we got through most of the first floor (more than half), and it didn't take three years, but more like 3 hours if I remember correctly. It can be done with «welfare» gear BUT it requires some knowledge of «agro-control» (without relying on Divine-Link), and «obstacle-blocking» which can be done by either hiding behind the Gargoyle-Statues when they're in their Statue-form and/or using the corners of the rooms as «haha, try to LoS me NOW, you spawn!» (LoS = Line of Sight), etc. Why is it such a difficult pill to swallow that this is even possible unless I literally record and show a video of how to do it ? By all measures of stats, race, gear, abilities, etc., that human should have been the one «carrying» ME, but, ultimately, I was one who only had to use maybe four or so Nao-stones (at least until we «rolled» a room with a bunch of mini-succubi; note: I am NOT talking about the boss-room on the 2nd-floor, but the fact that we had «bad luck» with what spawned before we reached the end of the first floor, which was about 3 or 4 rooms away as I recall), but as I had already used up all of my feathers on resurrecting him up to that point we eventually just gave up and exited from the dungeon.
    MabiIn2k19 wrote: »
    Habimaru wrote: »
    and getting through to nearly the end of the first floor
    Habimaru wrote: »
    duo'd until reaching a mini-succubi room
    So which one is it? Because those 2 things are worlds apart. The second one is basically saying you cleared 2 rooms
    Clarified above... they can both happen and «a mini-succubi room» shouldn't be confused for the succubus-queen room... I am aware that the Succubus-Queen has Mini-Succubi that she summons but the first floor can also have rooms with mini-succubi, too. I didn't feel the need to super-clarify it as I have to assume that you must be some sort of expert on «end-game content» are you not ?
    MabiIn2k19 wrote: »
    Habimaru wrote: »
    where the average Rank of any Enchants is like a B (maybe I have one or two pieces of equipment with Enchants above Rank A)
    You don't even understand how enchants work. Higher rank doesn't mean better.
    Habimaru wrote: »
    rooms in a manner as to avoid getting multi-agro'd
    That's not how aggro even works in phantasm, the whole room aggros you almost instantly, and without link you'd get thrashed.

    Since you confirmed that your icebolt can't kill elite mobs in KotRT, your magic damage is probably really low unless you spent an hour a room in phantasm, there's no way at all.

    EDIT: Just for clarity purposes, since you seem to struggle with that

    Step 1: Push C in game, or whatever button you have bound to open you character sheet (Or if you unbound the keybind, click it)
    Step 2: Using a screenshot program, steam screenshot function (F12 or printscreen by default), or even a cell phone picture of your monitor, capture the character information window (THIS PART IS IMPORTANT!!!)
    Step 3: upload it where ever you like
    Step 4: Link it here so people can see it
    Already mentioned when I plan to do said things (assuming that I don't end up with an extended overseas contract).
    You will just have to be patient and I will show you in due time that it can be done... even if it takes all day.
  • HabimaruHabimaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,630
    Posts: 761
    Careful with that projection... ;O
    ...especially considering how said OP's profile's quote is literally «I don't know» and self-description : «...nobody important»
    Why there would be so many hits to the point of a 700+ visitor-count to the profile page is certainly beyond me.
    I genuinely think Habimaru has self esteem issues, or some other mental health issue that needs addressing.

    This thread feels like a scream for validation for ...something. People who talk in circles, posturing themselves to be better or more knowledgeable than they actually are, do want that type of privilege to gloat about knowing something we don't, to be ahead of the curve. It seems to be somewhat common among borderline conspiracy theorists, particularly those that feel that have done nothing worthwhile in their lives.

    Hence why such individuals talk in circles. Either they believe in their own bullcrap, or they don't want to believe in their own perceived sense of worthlessness.
  • LutetiumLutetium
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,605
    Posts: 239
    Habimaru wrote: »
    I was one who only had to use maybe four or so Nao-stones
    You can't use Nao stones in the real version of Phantasm.
    Habimaru wrote: »
    even if it takes all day.
    Any Elf can solo Phantasm in an hour or so with hydra and hide+play dead, especially now that hydra gets boosted by max enchants and thus overture ontop of all the free damage from ego cylinders and not as free but quite sizable damage from erg upgrades.

    I'd wager any 7~12k Giant depending on ap events they had access to with level 10 dampen shock and blunting field can complete Phantasm literally for free too since everything will do 1 damage and you can just Windguard and bash spam to kill everything while ignoring all the mechanics. Windguard p2w would speed it up but you can just wait out being knockback spammed into a wall since everything's doing 1s between wg cd.
    Alshian wrote: »
    Speaking of strategy, Illusion Balor should of been a solo boss instead of his annoying Salamanders (Which keeps on spawning...) causing you to focus less on Balor and more on them. I mean this boss would of been fun if its just HIM and not the annoying Salamanders that destroys the fun in guise of "challenge" but just becomes straight up obnoxious.
    The Salamanders are part of the strategy though, you let them hit you for 1 dmg to make final strike hit speed cap sooner or if you're playing a human they just die as fodder kills to fh splash after you upgrade your sword like kraken jrs in abyssal lord.
    Alshian wrote: »
    Tech Geata with it's pew pews is actually fun because your attention is only on it while trying to avoid them pew pews because Mabinogi combat can not catch up with this nonsense unless maybe we getting some battle overhaul to match its gameplay rhythm in the future which I strongly doubt.
    Defensive play, Evasion in particular could use a revamp for sure. In the meantime Anchor Rush is a good option for evading the lasers.
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    Crims wrote: »
    Greta wrote: »
    This is why i stopped engaging and even reading Habimaru's threads. Because after reading it i realize that i just wasted like 5 minutes reading something totally pointless. It's just best to not read at all.

    Habi makes you never want to read anything again. =P

    Reading is stupid Crims. In fact, I have no idea what I am replying to because I am not reading it.

  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    Lutetium wrote: »
    Any Elf can solo Phantasm in an hour or so with hydra and hide+play dead, especially now that hydra gets boosted by max enchants and thus overture ontop of all the free damage from ego cylinders and not as free but quite sizable damage from erg upgrades.

    On a related note, I cannot cheese arc-lich for additional exploration experience because it was buffed a few months ago to be hydra-immune.

    How am I suppose to prevent others from getting exploration experience too? ;-;
  • LutetiumLutetium
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,605
    Posts: 239
    On a related note, I cannot cheese arc-lich for additional exploration experience because it was buffed a few months ago to be hydra-immune.

    How am I suppose to prevent others from getting exploration experience too? ;-;

    Even more than griefing purposes, how are we suppose to collect it for transformation mastery aside from gachapon handing out the medal?
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    If you can log into forums and manage to post walls of text every day then i'm pretty sure you can start up your game and take a screenshot of your characters stats which most likely will take even less time than writing or reading your entire post. Your are just evasive on that and that's all.
  • Momma_SophieMomma_Sophie
    Mabinogi Rep: 2,575
    Posts: 290
    edited February 2, 2020
    I decided a long time ago to keep myself out of community affairs due to varying things not excluding this blatant mob effort on Habimaru. Reading this thread was like watching a bunch of people with daggers in their own backs making fun of the guy that just got stabbed. The sheer amount of hypocrisy and projection in this thread is not uncommon from what I typically witness in any online community (let alone Indie gaming communities) and it still sickens me with anger.

    Habi, I appreciate the fact that you continue to voice yourself despite the amounts of ridicule you receive. I've read a lot of your threads and posts and I certainly don't agree with a lot of what you say (especially about combat-related things, not excluding what you've said about "end-game").

    However, I do agree with your efforts to find non-conventional ways to explore combat. But, that's about all I agree with. It's clear that you're not familiar at all with a lot of things regarding combat, ranging from enchanting to damage to mechanics. I'm not going to personally attack you nor mock you for it. But, please: Try exploring more aspects of the game before commenting on things. It's okay to be wrong and I appreciate the courage you're showing in putting yourself out here to be contradicted and challenged. We do need more people like you in this community that are at least willing to challenge the norm.

    As for the rest of you (excluding a select couple that know who they are):
    It is entirely possible that Habimaru has done what he says he's done in regards to Phantasm.

    I don't understand the rampant elitism within this community that's caused so many of you to believe that a person absolutely requires a certain gear set or reforge set to accomplish certain things and I can see the narcissism in your posts forcing your own cynicism upon Habimaru in that you're no longer even addressing his points in favor of personally attacking his mental stability. Habimaru is allowed to disagree with you and even be wrong (if you can prove yourselves correct). But, putting KR on pedestals like this is exactly why there's little to no creativity in this game anymore (if there ever was) among the playerbase. I know very well that many of you simply head over to YouTube, watch demonstrations of KR players doing content, imitate the styles and weaponry, throw Gacha Dollars at your characters, then lord yourselves over the rest of us as if you've become the best of the best. It's not the case that KR discovers everything nor discovers the "best" of everything. You may have been being hyperbolic, but the point is that I personally can attest to the fact that there are many things a lot of you don't actually know nor understand about certain dungeons and their mechanics (having been a human player that soloed Phantasm within a reasonable amount of time before G22 even dropped and made it a meme, had less than 15k levels, use laughable gear, and didn't use Final Hit -- or any melee whatsoever -- aside from peeling the Queen) and Phantasm clearly isn't excluded from that having run content with a large majority of the stronger players in Nao/Tarlach server and observed their battling. You certainly bring the damage and gear in most cases, but you don't have a clue when it comes to understanding the broad scope of things or adapting to different circumstances. You run with your buddies and pals on the regular (all of them always agree with you on everything), coup yourselves up in your ivory towers, and then somehow get the idea that you can talk down to everyone else when you haven't familiarized nor reminded yourselves with what it's like to not be a stat-jacked, reforge-clad character. I make the same mistake, too, sometimes and I'll admit that I'm not perfect. That's why I'm here reminding all of you that you once were in Habimaru's position, looking for ways to clear content and wanting to discuss new ideas instead of following the KR dogma when most of the ideas are built upon the premise that you have KR-tier ping.

    I'm not going to respond further than this post, so feel free to yell at me and also tell me how mentally unstable I am for even remotely defending Habimaru. I'll laugh and go back to solitude because I'm not dealing with the drama from you nor certain biased members with authority again.
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    I just threw my cent there because after actually trying to read what he said i found what he said kind of not convincing enough...
  • BlissfulkillBlissfulkill
    Mabinogi Rep: 24,425
    Posts: 2,795
    I decided a long time ago to keep myself out of community affairs due to varying things not excluding this blatant mob effort on Habimaru. Reading this thread was like watching a bunch of people with daggers in their own backs making fun of the guy that just got stabbed. The sheer amount of hypocrisy and projection in this thread is not uncommon from what I typically witness in any online community (let alone Indie gaming communities) and it still sickens me with anger.

    Habi, I appreciate the fact that you continue to voice yourself despite the amounts of ridicule you receive. I've read a lot of your threads and posts and I certainly don't agree with a lot of what you say (especially about combat-related things, not excluding what you've said about "end-game").

    However, I do agree with your efforts to find non-conventional ways to explore combat. But, that's about all I agree with. It's clear that you're not familiar at all with a lot of things regarding combat, ranging from enchanting to damage to mechanics. I'm not going to personally attack you nor mock you for it. But, please: Try exploring more aspects of the game before commenting on things. It's okay to be wrong and I appreciate the courage you're showing in putting yourself out here to be contradicted and challenged. We do need more people like you in this community that are at least willing to challenge the norm.

    As for the rest of you (excluding a select couple that know who they are):
    It is entirely possible that Habimaru has done what he says he's done in regards to Phantasm.

    I don't understand the rampant elitism within this community that's caused so many of you to believe that a person absolutely requires a certain gear set or reforge set to accomplish certain things and I can see the narcissism in your posts forcing your own cynicism upon Habimaru in that you're no longer even addressing his points in favor of personally attacking his mental stability. Habimaru is allowed to disagree with you and even be wrong (if you can prove yourselves correct). But, putting KR on pedestals like this is exactly why there's little to no creativity in this game anymore (if there ever was) among the playerbase. I know very well that many of you simply head over to YouTube, watch demonstrations of KR players doing content, imitate the styles and weaponry, throw Gacha Dollars at your characters, then lord yourselves over the rest of us as if you've become the best of the best. It's not the case that KR discovers everything nor discovers the "best" of everything. You may have been being hyperbolic, but the point is that I personally can attest to the fact that there are many things a lot of you don't actually know nor understand about certain dungeons and their mechanics (having been a human player that soloed Phantasm within a reasonable amount of time before G22 even dropped and made it a meme, had less than 15k levels, use laughable gear, and didn't use Final Hit -- or any melee whatsoever -- aside from peeling the Queen) and Phantasm clearly isn't excluded from that having run content with a large majority of the stronger players in Nao/Tarlach server and observed their battling. You certainly bring the damage and gear in most cases, but you don't have a clue when it comes to understanding the broad scope of things or adapting to different circumstances. You run with your buddies and pals on the regular (all of them always agree with you on everything), coup yourselves up in your ivory towers, and then somehow get the idea that you can talk down to everyone else when you haven't familiarized nor reminded yourselves with what it's like to not be a stat-jacked, reforge-clad character. I make the same mistake, too, sometimes and I'll admit that I'm not perfect. That's why I'm here reminding all of you that you once were in Habimaru's position, looking for ways to clear content and wanting to discuss new ideas instead of following the KR dogma when most of the ideas are built upon the premise that you have KR-tier ping.

    I'm not going to respond further than this post, so feel free to yell at me and also tell me how mentally unstable I am for even remotely defending Habimaru. I'll laugh and go back to solitude because I'm not dealing with the drama from you nor certain biased members with authority again.

    Habimaru has a history that leads to skepticism here, particularly in the off-topic section from what my memory can garner. Think tinfoil hats and Alex Jones. Perhaps bringing up someone's prior posting history is unfair, but to say that there hasn't been too noticeable a change in mannerisms does lead me to believe that nothing much has changed.

    Here, it seems that Habimaru being wrong isn't the issue, but the fact that they cannot accept it nor provide evidence; benefit of the doubt does not apply here considering not only a lack of knowledge about the game, but also talking circles around people in general. People dislike conceit and assholery. This is why people told individuals like Zarozian and Endymion to bug off.

    In all honesty, my assertion was not only based on what I have studied, but my own personal examination of my own petty weakness. I played Mabinogi since late Junior High, and adolescence sucks balls, let me tell you now. I gesture towards self esteem issues because that is what I am familiar with, and yes, among others, I applied this to Mabinogi and my own stats.

    Video games offer a way to be accomplished, to be productive and to be busy, or at least the illusions of any of those things. I can understand that someone would get upset over those, or perhaps any other number of things
  • MabiIn2k19MabiIn2k19
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,390
    Posts: 75
    Him being weak, or without gear, or whatever isn't the issue. He's claiming things he's either not done, or is exaggerating to an extreme there's a massive conflict with what he says constantly, then clarifies it with another wall of text that just shows how much he doesn't know.

    What he's said about phantasm isn't elitism, he's just wrong. The game doesn't work like that.

    " I know very well that many of you simply head over to YouTube, watch demonstrations of KR players doing content, imitate the styles and weaponry, throw Gacha Dollars at your characters, then lord yourselves over the rest of us as if you've become the best of the best."

    Found someone else that gets excluded all time because they think they're above all the people that watch kr youtube videos for being "creative"

    Habi is claiming a ton of things, which he won't/can't prove with the excuse of "bad internet/computer" which by itself is an issue, but he disproves himself by replying with 20 paragraphs of nonsense in which half the details conflict with each other then tries to pin it on other people as not understanding him. You're quick to point out narcissism failing to realize there's only conflict here because habi is narcissistic. He views himself as the lone warrior against an angry mob, or the one player that would stand out on top of everyone, but can't because -Insert 200 word excuse here-
  • NilremNilrem
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,880
    Posts: 465
    edited February 2, 2020
    MabiIn2k19 wrote: »
    which he won't/can't prove with the excuse of "bad internet/computer"

    Press Printscreen once with stat window open.

    Upload to imgur.

    Copy paste text for forum code to show his stats.

    Literally 2 minute process. CPU Quality irrelevant on such a basic task.
    Maybe add a few minutes if net is for some reason that bad.
    He just won't answer outright.

    Half the topic wouldn't even have issue and have a lot more discussion if he took the brief amount of time to just press one button.
    Being creative is all well and good, but the issue here is having no proof to back it up on top of not knowing what one is talking about.

    In other words, just press the screenshot button already Habi.

    Interestingly, your stats were apparently already posted before. By Habi himself. On a different thread Mabiln was also in which only increases confusion. You could have found it too, kicking Habi about it was in fact pointless. If your stats are for some reason higher now Habi, this is why you show info.

    Based on stats, the story lines up.

    Habi enters phantasm mirror alone with other nameless player.
    Generally does okay/dies a few times with nao stone revival, and then the Fiends said hello and it was over.
    Said player thanks him for his effort despite the run failure.

    So this only really leaves Habi's points regarding Tech Duinn.
    Of which can be summed up as "Tech Duinn is free to enter so test Tech info on Tech enemies."
    (And please learn to communicate in less text Habi, you have trouble getting points across.)
  • AetherMagykAetherMagyk
    Mabinogi Rep: 740
    Posts: 10
    I'm a f2p player and I also don't like p2w games.

    First of all, I agree that there are some pay to win elements.

    However, I still play Mabinogi because these things don't prevents me from enjoying the game. I don't feel like I'm forced to spend any NX to progress. Stats can come as I rank my skills, and gear can be bought/reforged/upgraded with gold. Of course, the gear that costs an obscene amount of gold might be unreachable within a reasonable of amount of time, but I don't think you really need those to do most of the content and enjoy the game.

    As for pets, I have four pets, two that I got from events, one given for free, and one from the return incentive quests. I do still run out of inventory space, but that's because I have a lot of items stored that I'm trying to sell on the auction house, otherwise inventory space wouldn't be a problem for me at all.
