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Hey everyone is your favorite gamer faith here!
paladin and dark knight has became irrelevant for end game players
nexon loves to introduce a new transformation system or boost system then forget all about the old ones
and just make a new one what i'm suggesting is a buff to trans and a possible reskin
this is way overdue. please give your opinions below agree or disagree and why.
But yes there should.... Dan Ranks, new appearances, double the stats... special weapons and armor for these Dan Ranks.... MASSIVE EXPLOSIONS...
Updating the transformation boosts for new content would be nice, but giving the system a fresh coat of paint wouldn't hurt.
re-skin sure why now buff meybe sure
but total overhaul ? G story locked smell...
I mean what else would it be?
The story shouldn't even be that hard at this point, but at the same time its scaled under the mindset that people actually rank their skills and care even slightly about growing their characters.
And based on all the people sitting around in Dunbarton all day, clearly this isn't the case for a fair amount of people.
I honestly wouldn't mind an upgrade to transformation being a challenge to get, considering the only reason to need such an upgrade is for content presumably harder than Phantasm/Tech/Etc.
If you're just running Shadow Missions or basic tier dungeons, you likely wouldn't need such a boost anyway. That content is already becoming laughably easy with everything that comes out.
- Allow animal tranforms to stack with Paladin and Dark Knight transforms. Then you can reactivate the old G5 and G6 quests. Giants could say be Paladin Beast while elves could be Falcon dark Knights and Humans BLANK Pd/Dk.
That ought to be a nice little stat boost.
That or transform 5/10/15/20/25 times for the repeatable memoir quest, which all three transformations mentioned above, contribute towards.
We sorta look like Birdperson.
Could this be our new evolution? Bird-elves?
Transformation Mastery is the best of the worst skills, I think. You only need rank e which gives you wild horse, which is tied for fastest transform and has all the attacks available to it. Everything after that is just fluff and trophies.
Since Doku Doku island requires the correct alignment of the planets for Nexon to run it, making the transforms that should be able to fly, actually fly might be a quick little improvement that could move things in the right direction.
I just want people to mount me.
How 'bout this guy:
he's people.
Neigh-I mean nay! No! No! NOOOOOOO!!!!
To heavy for you? What about this guy then?
I got a better candidate.
That's a cartoon so, maybe you mean something like this?
Doesn’t mean she doesn’t exist.
No giggas. XD