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⚡{OPEN} Electrolytes Guild⚡


  • KitsuchanKitsuchan
    Mabinogi Rep: 525
    Posts: 3
    I love this guild because it has the best people ever! I love all the people here!
  • Apollo1269Apollo1269
    Mabinogi Rep: 820
    Posts: 9
    Good Homey feel to it but be warned we are part of the great cucumber cult if you fear the great cucumber queen ata then run owo
  • DisoliaDisolia
    Mabinogi Rep: 610
    Posts: 3
    edited September 10, 2019
    Greetings, and salutations! I am personally a member of this amazing guild, I originally joined looking for a home, and I found one in it, the people here are nice, kind, and they helped me get a good start in the game when I was super new! Especially Elven! If you want a good home full of good people, I suggest you join!
  • JakeonwindJakeonwind
    Mabinogi Rep: 610
    Post: 1
    Hi hi, I'm a part of this guild. Everyone is so nice and loving. It be a fun guild to hang out with plenty of things to do. Best guild i have ever joined. c:
  • PianoPiano
    Mabinogi Rep: 310
    Post: 1
    I'm relatively new to the guild, but everyone has been so kind and helpful whenever I've had questions or needed help! Plus, there's always a lot of activity. There truly is never a dull moment with them.
  • MikkomeowMikkomeow
    Mabinogi Rep: 920
    Posts: 5
    This guild is my home ♥ I love every member so much!! I've really grown here in this family, because I deal with social anxiety it's hard to find a good guild for me to fit in with but now I'm a proud mod and I love it! You will find people to talk to in this guild if you are willing to give it a try. We constantly work towards making fun events and socializing with everyone, we even celebrate birthdays!! Definitely the friendliest guild on Mabinogi I've ever had the pleasure of joining. I will cherish my friends and memories from this guild forever, and I look forward to the future with everyone! I hope to meet some new faces, if you need any help with the guild for whatever reason reach out to me; I'm Selky!
  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664
    edited September 19, 2019
    An Electrolytes Original Meme: i miss u Vandi

  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664
    Best Guildies Awards - October Birthday Party

    Closing soon! Join us today!~

  • VandibuitsVandibuits
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,210
    Posts: 3
    Hello and welcome to my post in this thread. I will be your Narrator, Vandibuits.
    I've been with this guild since it's inception, I've since been made officer. If this lessens the impact of my comment to you, then so be it.

    Electrolytes is a decent sized guild, we have many players from all around the world. as such, we're active at almost all times. I will admit, times that aren't based in the US are a little bit more quiet, however we've been slowly working on setting things up for our members who are on extremely different time zones.

    If you're looking for a perfect guild, this isn't it. That said, I don't believe there /is/ a perfect guild. However we try our best to serve the needs of our members where they need it.

    We have multiple events, both discord based and Mabinogi based. Monthly large parties for birthdays, as well as the occasional gift exchange for birthdays. The gift thing, isn't guaranteed, but it does happen.

    More in game wise, we have dedicated members who constantly run different SM's, Raids, and the occasional dungeon when needed.

    We're not a 'hardcore' guild in any way. we take things at our and our members pace, and try to see what we can achieve.

    Come for the camaraderie, stay for the extras that we offer. Our discord chat is almost always active with discussion, as is our in game guild chat. all are very welcoming and willing to help you out. If you'd like to try us out, please contact anyone of us that are listed here on the guild page, and we can help you out <3

    If you just have questions, that's fine too. You can always find us in game, usually on channel 5. and especially during banquets on the same channel.

    Thanks for reading.
  • ZoineZoine
    Mabinogi Rep: 320
    Post: 1
    This guild is my everything, i love every single member and i just want to see it grow more!

    What got me to stick around in it is that it really feels like a family, and i found a lot of people that i consider really important to me, this is the best guild i've been in, and nothing else can compare to it
  • FrostieezFrostieez
    Mabinogi Rep: 210
    Post: 1
    Ive only been in the guild for a couple of months but i love every bit of it! you can joke around with everyone and everyone's really friendly, and its a really nice close knit guild, and psssh dont even bring mama ata into it mama ata is best guild moms ever! she genuinely cares for the guild and everyone in it.
  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664

    Thank you to everyone who participated in our Winter Festivities and congratulations to all of our lovely winners! We hope you'll join us for more fun in 2020!!!!!

    Recruitment is still open but will be closing soon! Join us while we're still publicly recruiting! ♥ I hope to see you soon!!!
  • KotoKoto
    Mabinogi Rep: 300
    Post: 1
    This guild sounds like a lot of fun. Hopefully, I can catch recruitment next time when it opens up again!
  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664
    edited January 15, 2020
    Koto wrote: »
    This guild sounds like a lot of fun. Hopefully, I can catch recruitment next time when it opens up again!

    Awe! Thank you so much for your comment! Recruitment will open sometime in early February, just in time for our Valentine's events!

    Stay tuned to our website and this post to find out when we reopen!
  • KaiieaKaiiea
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,015
    Posts: 5
    This guild has completely changed my Mabinogi experience! We have a healthy amount of members & the guild is growing - but it seems to always maintain that close-knit, family feel that I personally was searching for. We love to have fun in & out of game. :D If you feel like your social experience is lacking then this is the guild for you as the guild Discord will quickly become your second home. :) We have new members & plenty of members alike!

    Questions are always answered, help is always offered & there is no lack of conversation to be had! Perhaps not for the most hardcore of players, everyone else will find themselves right at home. Check out our guild website at then send me a message & we can chat more about my experience and your questions/concerns! Find me in-game (Kaiiea) or on Discord (Doll#0001)!
  • PinkiesandwichPinkiesandwich
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,015
    Posts: 24
    I love this guild so much, anyone who is considering joining please do so!

  • ElyzasElyzas
    Mabinogi Rep: 410
    Post: 1
    edited February 18, 2020
    I am very wary of guilds since in other games I have had some pretty bad experiences related to guilds, and in general I'm really shy around people I don't know, but this guild for some reason piqued my interest and in the couple weeks since I joined I have grown fond of every member in it, it really feels like a big family and I don't think I could have found a better place
  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664
    edited March 19, 2020
    Electrolytes will be reopening soon!

    Learn more about us on our website:
  • AtaraxizAtaraxiz
    Mabinogi Rep: 6,910
    Posts: 664
    edited May 14, 2020
    Happy 3rd Anniversary, Electrolytes!

    I'm so happy to say we've officially been around 3 years! After a lot of hard work and dedication my ultimate dream of creating a home for players all across Nao has come true! Thank you to all of our members and allies for joining us in creating an energetic home for everyone! ♥