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⚡{OPEN} Electrolytes Guild⚡
An Electrolytes Original Meme: i miss u Vandi
Best Guildies Awards - October Birthday Party
Closing soon! Join us today!~
I've been with this guild since it's inception, I've since been made officer. If this lessens the impact of my comment to you, then so be it.
Electrolytes is a decent sized guild, we have many players from all around the world. as such, we're active at almost all times. I will admit, times that aren't based in the US are a little bit more quiet, however we've been slowly working on setting things up for our members who are on extremely different time zones.
If you're looking for a perfect guild, this isn't it. That said, I don't believe there /is/ a perfect guild. However we try our best to serve the needs of our members where they need it.
We have multiple events, both discord based and Mabinogi based. Monthly large parties for birthdays, as well as the occasional gift exchange for birthdays. The gift thing, isn't guaranteed, but it does happen.
More in game wise, we have dedicated members who constantly run different SM's, Raids, and the occasional dungeon when needed.
We're not a 'hardcore' guild in any way. we take things at our and our members pace, and try to see what we can achieve.
Come for the camaraderie, stay for the extras that we offer. Our discord chat is almost always active with discussion, as is our in game guild chat. all are very welcoming and willing to help you out. If you'd like to try us out, please contact anyone of us that are listed here on the guild page, and we can help you out
If you just have questions, that's fine too. You can always find us in game, usually on channel 5. and especially during banquets on the same channel.
Thanks for reading.
What got me to stick around in it is that it really feels like a family, and i found a lot of people that i consider really important to me, this is the best guild i've been in, and nothing else can compare to it
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Winter Festivities and congratulations to all of our lovely winners! We hope you'll join us for more fun in 2020!!!!!
Recruitment is still open but will be closing soon! Join us while we're still publicly recruiting! ♥ I hope to see you soon!!!
Awe! Thank you so much for your comment! Recruitment will open sometime in early February, just in time for our Valentine's events!
Stay tuned to our website and this post to find out when we reopen!
Questions are always answered, help is always offered & there is no lack of conversation to be had! Perhaps not for the most hardcore of players, everyone else will find themselves right at home. Check out our guild website at https://www.electrolytesguild.info/ then send me a message & we can chat more about my experience and your questions/concerns! Find me in-game (Kaiiea) or on Discord (Doll#0001)!
Learn more about us on our website: https://electrolytesguild.info/home
Happy 3rd Anniversary, Electrolytes!
I'm so happy to say we've officially been around 3 years! After a lot of hard work and dedication my ultimate dream of creating a home for players all across Nao has come true! Thank you to all of our members and allies for joining us in creating an energetic home for everyone! ♥