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I just jumped back in today and uh... seems like a LOT has happened and changed. Does anyone have any recommendations for best/fastest ways to catch up on all the "new" content? Otherwise I'd just like to chat with people and see what's the hottest tea around here these days!
When did you stop playing? What G was the current one?
The hottest tea around [these days] is...
Welcome back to YOUR FANTASY LIFE.
Wow, I was barely in middle school when this debuted.
Just dive in and start completing all the quests and generations one by one. I recommend doing the memory book quest for starters.
A 2010 comrade!
Instead got a bunch of veterans trying to flex on each other about who's been here the longest.
And i thought i'm the weird one and need help for still playing this game since 2013 and only had like a half year hiatus in 2015...We all responded to the title and not the post duh :P .
The fastest way to catch up would be to do Blaanid's memiors to get the levels up and AP and then plan from there.
Yeah true, but i'm pretty sure OP is also confused about Renown, new raids, dungeon changes, new talents, etc. He needs to catch up A LOT.
It depends on when OP left.
Though some things are a tad bit outdated, like at one point she says she wishes she could fly in Tir & Dunbarton (we can now).
After that, the Memoir helps you gain a lot of levels (Blaanid questline) but that takes a bit to get to.
Then I'd just sit back and do all the Generations. I'd avoid the Divine Knights one for a while, it's given out waaaaaaaay too early.
This is so true..