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People's favorite aspects of the game...

Mabinogi Rep: 505
Posts: 4
edited March 2, 2020 in General Chat
I have been playing Nexon games for as long as I can remember ever since I first got DSL internet and discovered them. While I may have a love/hate relationship with Mabinogi and the other games, I cant help but feel curious with peoples thoughts over the game or any of the other ones. Which is why I have decided to get the conversation going. I want to know what people find most enjoyable about the game(s) and what drives them to keep playing.


  • SaiSai
    Mabinogi Rep: 8,785
    Posts: 675
    edited March 2, 2020
    Edit: mine is dumb.
  • HelsaHelsa
    Mabinogi Rep: 23,570
    Posts: 5,871
    Ironically, the best thing about Mabinogi is that it has no class. XD Character classes that is, so you can tailor-make precisely the character you wish you could have in other similar games that do force you into character classes.
  • HabimaruHabimaru
    Mabinogi Rep: 3,630
    Posts: 761
    Freedom. The option to do everything or even do nothing (like AFK all day until some alarm or whatever alerts me that it's time to do something).
  • TreesTrees
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,465
    Posts: 42
    Character customization :)
  • NilremNilrem
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,880
    Posts: 465
    I mean, what other game will allow me to stab things with a whip before riding my giant ultra chicken pet to the ends of the earth to find mushrooms and then punch a bear for deciding to get in the way of my quest?

    Or go on a genocidal rampage inside the spooky tomb of the dead to harvest their (souls?) to gain the ability to take on their form for no reason but silly joy, despite not earning anything else from the trip?

    Only to do the same thing again after hearing this Duke fellow has a bunch of friends from all over for me to harvest the (souls?) of, causing me to just casually wreck havoc with my stabby whip until I meet the madman himself and stand undaunted by his large friend group.

    And then after everything is said and done, take a trip home to play a silent 1 minute 300 note scroll over and over to appease the invisible bard gods.

    Mabinogi is an interesting game.
  • FluoretteFluorette
    Mabinogi Rep: 4,840
    Posts: 815
    This great, beautiful world of Erinn is the most enjoyable aspect.

    Projects, distal goals, unsolved mysteries, the big picture, and the anticipation for improvement continue to drive me to forge ever onward.
  • RheyRhey
    Mabinogi Rep: 10,175
    Posts: 1,499
    Collaborations. I like collecting rare unique one time only event goodies.

    I get filthy rich off hoarding em for sales later.
  • starkiller1286starkiller1286
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,790
    Posts: 127
    I like the free range of class you can be though I did find myself and still do gravitate to cooking moreso than
    raising skills like Gun, Eco and stuff that I really should to beat the Gen boss easier.
  • AquasolAquasol
    Mabinogi Rep: 5,565
    Posts: 443
    Member, Volunteer Forum Moderator
    The freedom of options(especially with the Eluned outfits) and ways that the game strongly encourages the player to experiment and try new fighting styles, or even just simply not fight and totally spend their time relaxing or doing things that are less combative.

    ...and the offbeat humor that game’s grown to embrace; it really can’t be overstated just how great the localization staff are!
  • GretaGreta
    Mabinogi Rep: 51,805
    Posts: 6,975
    Everything is nice, but i wish Nexon could improve character customizations and get rid of Beauty Coupons. Funny how their customization is SOOO outdated and they dare to charge us money for it while most new MMO's don't and have very detailed customization. Really discourages new players to stay in this game because of how ugly they characters look compared to others.
    Also, they need to slow down with gachas.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Life skills, hands on gathering and crafting.
  • MaiaMaia
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,195
    Posts: 903
    Life skills, hands on gathering and crafting.

    This for sure. I love the skill system in general. While I think training skills has gotten a bit too easy with skill seals/AP training, I still love life skills lol I have to admit, the game graphics (fashinogi) and community also have me coming back time and time again as well.
  • TiroTiro
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,365
    Posts: 38
    The staying power of gear, in most mmos when there is a single expansion half of your gear now out of date, if you take a 3 year hiatus almost all your stuff is worse then the stuff they give new players. In mabi 3 years ago was divine weapons.
  • AlshianAlshian
    Mabinogi Rep: 7,065
    Posts: 1,230
    I like how, no matter how low level or if you were to wear most gear, it won't lock or prevent you from using them. Unless they were something like the demonic series or exclusive enchantments.
  • KensamaofmariKensamaofmari
    Mabinogi Rep: 34,980
    Posts: 7,911
    Maia wrote: »
    Life skills, hands on gathering and crafting.

    This for sure. I love the skill system in general. While I think training skills has gotten a bit too easy with skill seals/AP training, I still love life skills lol I have to admit, the game graphics (fashinogi) and community also have me coming back time and time again as well.

    Too many games claim to have good crafting/production systems, but many of them do not have the complex system Mabi has. Materials are gathered automatically at the press of a button and production happens at the click of a button. There's no fund to that. While Mabi does have a crazy inventory system, one still has to balance their inventory in order to craft what they're trying to craft. Space is finite, whereas in other games, space seems infinite.
  • CrimsọnCrimsọn
    Mabinogi Rep: 65,355
    Posts: 9,218
    Sai wrote: »
    Edit: mine is dumb.

    Well now I want to know. :trollface:
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    There are a few things I enjoy about this game, mostly the customization and just the freedom in general to do whatever ya want.
  • PumpkinRioPumpkinRio
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,345
    Posts: 67
    I've been playing this game for years and I have to say thay I'll never truly leave mabinogi. Just hearing the main theme hits me with a feel of nostalgia, like as if I just got home. Sure the game has some toxic people in it but what game doesn't? Putting those aside I truly find myself having a good time. There are certain trials that I struggle with *cough* Dan 3 Healing Test and find myself raging but it feels so damn good when I finally beat it.

    But despite the game's brutal trials I manage to also have some great fun memories with my guildies. Next I want to get in to one of my favorite features in the game which is cooking. I have yet to play a game where I can measure my meals to create the food. I played a few where you just gather the food, press craft and boom you watch your character cook. But Mabinogi is different, I really enjoy finding the ingredients and putting them into a dish. I know the majority of the dishes don't have great stats but it's still fun to me nonetheless.

    Next I want to get into customization, I'm very picky on customization. I have played games where you can't remove shoes or gloves because it has to be one set item. I can't get into those games, I like being able to mix and match to make something creative and style the outfit. The dye system makes it to where you can dye nearly any outfit to colors you'd like. I know a lot of people dislike mabi for their reasons and thats fine but as for me, I find myself having a jolly good time.
  • SherriSherri
    Mabinogi Rep: 18,715
    Posts: 2,818
    PumpkinRio wrote: »
    I've been playing this game for years and I have to say thay I'll never truly leave mabinogi. Just hearing the main theme hits me with a feel of nostalgia, like as if I just got home. Sure the game has some toxic people in it but what game doesn't? Putting those aside I truly find myself having a good time. There are certain trials that I struggle with *cough* Dan 3 Healing Test and find myself raging but it feels so damn good when I finally beat it.

    But despite the game's brutal trials I manage to also have some great fun memories with my guildies. Next I want to get in to one of my favorite features in the game which is cooking. I have yet to play a game where I can measure my meals to create the food. I played a few where you just gather the food, press craft and boom you watch your character cook. But Mabinogi is different, I really enjoy finding the ingredients and putting them into a dish. I know the majority of the dishes don't have great stats but it's still fun to me nonetheless.

    Next I want to get into customization, I'm very picky on customization. I have played games where you can't remove shoes or gloves because it has to be one set item. I can't get into those games, I like being able to mix and match to make something creative and style the outfit. The dye system makes it to where you can dye nearly any outfit to colors you'd like. I know a lot of people dislike mabi for their reasons and thats fine but as for me, I find myself having a jolly good time.

    My only issue is that they have to put the Style Tab behind a paywall. I'm hoping they'll remove it one day like they did with Inventory Plus.
    Other than that, I agree for sure, it's one of my big reasons for loving Mabinogi :D
    I'm also trying to get into cooking myself, I've always avoided it because it seemed like too much of a hassle to make one thing but I might change my mind if I get into it? At least I hope :o
  • PumpkinRioPumpkinRio
    Mabinogi Rep: 1,345
    Posts: 67
    Sherri wrote: »
    PumpkinRio wrote: »
    I've been playing this game for years and I have to say thay I'll never truly leave mabinogi. Just hearing the main theme hits me with a feel of nostalgia, like as if I just got home. Sure the game has some toxic people in it but what game doesn't? Putting those aside I truly find myself having a good time. There are certain trials that I struggle with *cough* Dan 3 Healing Test and find myself raging but it feels so damn good when I finally beat it.

    But despite the game's brutal trials I manage to also have some great fun memories with my guildies. Next I want to get in to one of my favorite features in the game which is cooking. I have yet to play a game where I can measure my meals to create the food. I played a few where you just gather the food, press craft and boom you watch your character cook. But Mabinogi is different, I really enjoy finding the ingredients and putting them into a dish. I know the majority of the dishes don't have great stats but it's still fun to me nonetheless.

    Next I want to get into customization, I'm very picky on customization. I have played games where you can't remove shoes or gloves because it has to be one set item. I can't get into those games, I like being able to mix and match to make something creative and style the outfit. The dye system makes it to where you can dye nearly any outfit to colors you'd like. I know a lot of people dislike mabi for their reasons and thats fine but as for me, I find myself having a jolly good time.

    My only issue is that they have to put the Style Tab behind a paywall. I'm hoping they'll remove it one day like they did with Inventory Plus.
    Other than that, I agree for sure, it's one of my big reasons for loving Mabinogi :D
    I'm also trying to get into cooking myself, I've always avoided it because it seemed like too much of a hassle to make one thing but I might change my mind if I get into it? At least I hope :o

    As a person that has cooking Grand Mastered the best advice I can give you is make plenty of space dedicated just for ingredients. It becomes so easy to make dishes when you know where your stuff is to grab them and cook them. Also look up the dishes on wiki, for some reason the percentages in the game aren't accurate. Follow the wiki's percentages and you'll be nailing 4 star.